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Everything posted by gulaz

  1. A diluter demand regulator dilutes they oxygen supplied to the mask with air from the cabin. This air enters the regulator through the inlet air valve and passes around the air-metering valve. At low altitude, the air inlet passage is open and the passage to the oxygen demand valve is restricted so the user gets mostly air from the cabin. As the aircraft goes up in altitude, the barometric control bellows expands and opens the oxygen passage while closing off the air passage. At an altitude of around 34 000 feet, the air passage is completely closed off, and every time the user inhales, pure oxygen is metered to the mask. Straight out of A&P Technician Airframe textbook. It should clear up what a diluter demand o2 source is.
  2. Edit: Sorry, I need to remember to have morning pot of coffee before posting things...
  3. The best way to get feedback on your landings, is to get an experienced canopy pilot to watch a couple of your landings, and give feedback. Unless somebody on the forums has seen you land, its really difficult to provide feedback.
  4. Age: 20 Sex: Male Before smoke: .209 After smoke: .194 See, .005 faster after having a smoke. It is good for you!
  5. Thank you Rob. I haven't been able to get ahold of Aidan, but I just thought I would try to get an answer here. Thanks
  6. I just bought a used Javelin (J-4 DOM Apr 93) and it came with a freebag/pilot chute. I dont have a square reserve to put in it right now, and was just going to get it packed with a round. Does a new reserve bridle to attach the apex to the pilot chute need to be purchased? Or can a rigger make one. The bridle is of course currently part of the freebag.
  7. gulaz


    Yup, same acoustic... he drug it on a bit too long, halfway through just started tapping his guitar for a beat, and held the microphone out for eveyrone to sing, and he did that for like a full minute... that was too much. But it was good
  8. gulaz


    Yup... all of the above. It was amazing
  9. gulaz


    Just got home from Audioslave... it was AMAZING!!!. Seether was one of their opening bands, and they put on a good show, along with Audioslave playing their stuff, mixed in with a little Soundgarden and Rage Against the Machine. Amazing show... just needed to tell the world.
  10. gulaz


    You can just get it sewn shut, as has been recommended, works quite well. If it cant be done right away, just start putting it in as normal. You will probably be fighting with the new canopy a bit, and the velcro will come undone, but dont worry about it at this point, just get the canopy to the bottom of the bag. Then you can either do up the velcro, or do the first locking stow or 2. That will stop the canopy from popping out when you do up the velcro. They arent too bad if you just forget about the velcro until the first couple stows are done. Ask an experienced packer at your dz for help with it, or just get it sewn. If its a tight fit, it can actually help a bit with the velcro. Just check with your rigger.
  11. I dont know much about other aircraft types, but on most boeing products, you would have a hell of a time opening the door... it pops inwards a few inches first (the door edges are angled so that the door is bigger than the opening when closed). Then it swings outwards towards the front of the plane. Your best bet for getting out of a 737, would be to climb down into the aft cargo pit through the floor, and then try to open that door on the right hand side of the aircraft (it swings upwards and inwards)... havent ever closed the door inside of it, so im not sure whats on the other side of the door, but im sure you can open it in case someone locks you in there. But the main doors in the passenger area wouldnt open too easily in flight.
  12. Agreed. I have been quiet on this thread, but... If someone has the ability to exceed 78mph vertically under canopy, and does it intentionally, the situations that an AAD is designed for is the least likely thing to hurt them. I dont think having a "no-pull", "low-pull" etc is something they are really worried about, considering they are getting really close to freefall speed with a parachute above their head...
  13. A big factor on what a canopy looks/feels like depends a great deal on how it is taken care of, and where it is jumped. A canopy that is packed indoors, and jumped in an area without environmental factors (sand, etc) will stay feeling "new" for longer than one that sees lots of sunlight, and sand, and salt water, etc. People from around here with fairly new canopies (a couple hundred or so jumps) bring them down to arizona, and after 30 or 40 jumps there, it is noticeable due to the dust in the air.
  14. There are several other little quirks in google, and they are created not by google itself, but by other people. Google, and most other search engines, work by "crawling" the internet, and following every link they find, and adding it to their database. A website's position on the search results is based on how many hits it receives, and how many times the page is referenced. To create this one, for example, there are lots of websites pointed at the whitehouse page, with 'failure' written as part of the link text. Go to google, and type into the search box link: and it will show you all the webpages that link to that page. For another little trick on google, type in "french military victories" and click "Im feeling lucky".
  15. Heaping tablespoon of cinnamon is another good one. As long as they havent had anything to drink right before... the mouth hasta be a bit dry, and its funny to watch as it burns up their nose, etc
  16. Thank you for the PM. I am not planning on jumping the flag, I am just trying to set up something to help a couple of more experienced jumpers do it. Thank you
  17. I am trying to come up with the best way to deploy a flag in freefall (10'x5' or larger). I was thinking about sewing together a small bag that will fit it, with a handle attached to the outside, and one corner of the flag attached to the inside. The other bottom corner of the flag will have another handle, and a bag closing type device (2 or 3 closing loops with a piece of line through them). This way, one jumper can safely exit the aircraft with the flag contained, and the other jumper just needs to fly up, and grab the other handle, and they fly away from each other... voila a deployed flag. Any safety issues anybody can think of? Suggestions? Am i barking up the completely wrong tree? Thanks
  18. someone at my dropzone had their curved pin on a throw out stab through a dacron bridle causing a baglock on a hop and pop. She had a pincheck before exiting the aircraft. We are assuming that it just looped around it, and the force of the pilot chute in the relative wind pulled it over the pin, causing a reserve ride. It was definetly strange to see.
  19. gulaz

    Tail Numbers

    As some of you know, canadian jump plane registration is a "C-" followed by 4 letters... Our Cessna 206 is C-FALL. I will look for a picture
  20. gulaz

    Light bulb jokes

    How many skydivers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? -At least 2, one to hold the bulb, and the rest to drink enough to make the room spin.
  21. gulaz

    Quebec Dropzones

    I will be living in St Jean Quebec from the start of May-mid August next summer, and am trying to find out about the dropzones in the area. Im looking for something fairly close, but with a good atmosphere where you can actually jump with people. Any opinions are greatly appreciated
  22. I started jumping a 160 when I had ~ 65 jumps (WL @ 1.1). That was after I had done around 10 jumps on a sabre 170, and 25-30 under a PD190. I always was careful, and consulted with instructors, and waited until I was comfortable with it. I do CRW sometimes now, and when I do that (at 110 jumps) I jump a lightning 143 (WL @ 1.1-1.2). I feel comfortable jumping those canopies, but I wouldnt dream of jumping anything smaller, or elliptical at this point.
  23. Wow, its that popular... Im having fun finding the manual :-p
  24. I just stumbled across a free industrial sewing machine. I am currently working on my rigger rating, and since I will be needing a machine eventually, I grabbed this one. The placard on the front says OMEGA, and theres a smaller one on the front stamped "596" which I believe is the model number. If you tip the head backwards, theres another one with "178-047311" - the serial number? On the bottom is stamped the date, which puts it mid 1985 or 86. Now it says on it "Made in Japan" and the closest thing I can find to a company called Omega is "Omega Sewmac Inc" located in Quebec. Has anybody ever heard of this machine/company? I am trying to track down a users manual. I cant post any pictures, as I dont have a digital camera anymore Thanks