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Everything posted by gulaz

  1. Hmm... I might hafta contact Jump Shack about that
  2. Not a bumper sticker, but I was at the DZ this weekend, went into town and the waitress at the restaurant told us the best joke... "What did 1 saggy boob say to the other saggy boob?" "If we dont get some support soon, someone will think we're nuts!" Hahaha... yeah
  3. Are you talking about the diagram they have for using a regular bodkin, but routing the pullup cord around it?
  4. For some of us, jumping out of anything other than a cessna is a treat
  5. That is the biggest thing you will find when you give gear checks to people. Remember gear checks guys!!! I see people all the time going to the plane without getting one, just because they see more experienced jumpers doing that (which is no excuse). Ive caught people with misrouted chest straps, either during a gear check, or just with them walking around, or in the plane.
  6. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH........ Dont watch this if you get grossed out easily
  7. I was refering to the quote about an 82 year old lady that went tandem.. sorry for not writing clearly
  8. Geez, theres little links all over the place that I never see. has everything Ya, updating/rebuilding that would be great, everything in one place. Thanks
  9. I was thinking the other day, how handy it would be for there to be one website, that has packing manuals, bulletins, etc from all the different manufacturers, in one place. Just wondering if the riggers here think that would be something useful, that they would use? And to the representatives from various manufacturers that are on, would your company be willing to put their manuals on another website?
  10. I saw a tandem passenger that had marks from the small 2 rings of a 3 ring release. There was a high speed mal, and the 3 rings after releasing managed to slap her Looked really funny
  11. Here in Canada, CSPA doesnt require TSO's. My rig doesnt have one. As long as a rigger (either FAA or CSPA) says its good to go, and the reserve is in date, then its fine here.
  12. Ya, I kinda do that, when im pro packing, I just tug on the steering lines when I first put it over my shoulder, just to check that. Same as when I flat pack, just to make sure. I did it once, but noticed it when I was putting the bag in the container, and it came undone.
  13. Wow, 6 posts, and not ONE joke about killing kittens... Well that surprises me.
  14. Mines invisible, and it doesnt beep
  15. Something else that will quite often slow an opening, in addition to rolling the nose, try rolling the tail tighter (do one or the other on different jumps, to see). I put about 15 jumps on a sabre 170 that took awhile to figure out how to pack it, and it ended up being the tail that tamed it. Might take a bit of tweaking, but just play around with it.
  16. gulaz

    Vigil Letter

    I think its just a cry for help basically. The author (if what is said is true) is out a lot of money, and is just trying to get the word out, basically badmouthing the company, in hopes that they will return their part of the deal (again, here, I am assuming that what was said is true). Doesnt really affect me at all, I will wait a few more years before I even consider the vigil.
  17. When you get to the slider, just stuff it through, so it doesnt all come undone
  18. gulaz


    Follow-up - People who ordered shoes like these, how have they lasted? Just wondering
  19. as was previously said, its a racer knock off, made by Al Macdonald. I jump one, its not bad. The harness is actually the same as a bullet (predecessor to the excalibur - the excalibur is the step in between the bullet, and the sidewinder). If you get one, it has a side adjustment, that brings the rig tight against your back, and they slip all the time, just figure out where you want them, and get a rigger to tack them in. If you have any questions, just ask
  20. gulaz


    clouds can be a ton of fun below that too... as long as there are holes so you can get through them. Next time you see big puffy clouds, get out above them, and do a hop and pop. Flying around clouds is great.
  21. gulaz


    I was at the dropzone this last weekend, and saw some really funky clouds, and had to take some pictures. The sun, and clouds only stayed like this for 20 minutes or so, I really wish there had been canopies in the air.
  22. Hes on here (according to your initial email on CSPA Chat) - swoosh (from the email address you posted). He jumps at Beiseker, in southern alberta.