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Everything posted by gulaz

  1. I know exactly how. I used to work at an outdoor pool, and even on windy days, you have to go around smelling the smoke all the time. Cigarette smoking is something that most smokers find non-offensive, but to a non-smoker, even being near someone who has had a smoke recently smells really bad. The city that I live in has recently banned smoking in any place that allows children under the age of 18. Soon to come, is a ban in all public places, coming into effect next summer. It is, in my opinion, the best thing they could do.
  2. At my DZ, we recently started PRO Packing the tandems (SET 400 and other 425's). There has been less malfunctions, and according to the TM's, softer openings since we stopped flat packing. I think one of the reasons we have had success with the PRO pack, is when you pack from a hook, you can walk all around, see in the sides, and just get a really nice pack. Seems to be working pretty good.
  3. Been done. It was decided that using the cigarette lighter to run the cameras cant draw enough current to affect the airplane.
  4. We are trying to piece together the pieces for the camera system in the 206 we just got at the dropzone. There is a video recorder, an external video camera, an internal video camera, and a digital still camera. We want to run all of it off of the 12v cigarette lighter in the plane. The video stuff all runs on 9vdc, and the still camera runs on 7.5v. 9v needs probably max of 2-3 amps (havent measured it yet) and
  5. Ive grabbed more than one electric fence intended for horses. Its just a buzz, not enough to really hurt. It will scare the fuck out of a dog though. Should do the trick (but I would be really surprised if it hurt the dog more than scaring it a bit).
  6. gulaz


    I have put about 30 jumps on a sabre 170. I got slammed once, and it knocked the wind out of me. I was in a hurry packing that time though, and didnt fold the nose very carefully, and I believe that was the reason for it. One piece of advice I have, is before you automatically get a bigger slider put on it, jump it a few times first. I bought a different canopy (F-111 160 ) and went on the recommendation of someone else that jumped it once, and put a bigger slider on it. Jumped it twice, and had 1500' snivels both times, and I ended up putting the original slider back on it.
  7. If packed carefully enough, you can usually seat the PC low enough in the pack that it doesnt stick out very far, and can be quite hidden (same with partially exposed - javelin, etc). The loops do loosen a bit over time, due to stretching, or the pack moving a bit, and by the end of a pack cycle can be quite exposed. Any rigger can fix that in a couple of minutes in the field however.
  8. gulaz

    Need Upbeat Music

    Ya, sorta kids... 13-17 I think. The reason I am asking the skydiving community, is because a lot of the kind of music I am looking for is on skydive videos
  9. gulaz

    Need Upbeat Music

    I am running out of ideas... I am a minor official for a 4 day waterpolo tournament. They want to play 20 mins of music inbetween each game, and I have been elected to pick the music. I did the math, and I need around 10 hours of good, upbeat music. I only have about 2. Any help is appreciated, if anyone has just one or two songs that they can either post the name of, or can upload, it would be greatly appreciated. You can upload here -> ftp://dz:com@ Thanks again.
  10. Well, new to me. Heres the problem. Its one of those 18ft long dealies (about 8-10 feet wide). The axles/wheels are no good. Its 250km away from the dropzone. Does anybody have any ideas of who I can hire/what I can do to get it where it needs to be? Should I talk to a house moving company? someone with a great big semi? Any help is appreciated...
  11. The same tabs hafta get pulled out when you deploy your main, and that happens everytime... Like others said, the freebag will get extracted by the PC, and if the PC doesnt pull the risers out of the tabs, the inflating reserve will.
  12. I guess so, that doesnt seem like an economical solution though . I knew that FXC'c could be used on mains. How long ago was Perris doing that? I dont know what the USPA BSR's are regarding students and AAD's, but wouldnt you need a reserve mounted AAD these days?
  13. I am not an instructor, or a rigger (I am currently working on a rating). Take the following with a whole pound of salt. A Cypres is not made to be used as a main parachute opening device, and can only be used with a reserve. Not a big deal, it doesnt say anywhere that it wasn't his reserve. In response to someones comment: I dont see how that can be the case. A S/L will deploy a main parachute, if used properly. So will a ripcord, or tossing a pilot chute in freefall. The reason students (this is CSPA regulations) require a "functional reserve-mounted Automatic Activation Device"(from CSPA BSR's) is in case this doesnt work. A student cypres is designed to deploy the reserve if the jumper has no main parachute out, OR a partial mal (i.e. still descending at a speed unsafe to land). S/L main deployment is considered a normal deployment, a cypres is strictly a backup device. What if the S/L wasnt hooked up properly, or their is a problem with the main deployment? The definition of "AAD" could define a S/L but the common use, and reason for having an AAD, is as a backup device, to deploy a reserve in case of an emergency.
  14. Hey, I fixed shit too! I was doing it at the dropzone though. Heres what I learned this weekend: -All building projects are easier with more "safety" beer -Shoveling snow off the turnabout where the plane is parked sucks -you sometimes do need instructions to build ikea-like furniture -Shoveling snow off the turnabout where the plane is parked sucks -Any tool can be the right tool -Shoveling snow off the turnabout where the plane is parked sucks -Sometimes, complicated isnt good. There is always an easier (and more obvious) way to do something, than the way you are trying -Did I mention that shoveling snow sucks? The weekend was still good though, we got to do our pre-second loads of the year (Nov. 30/03 was the last time anybody jumped there)
  15. Haha, when you said "total" and "not a streamer" I thought you were talking about the deployment...
  16. The only problem I can see, is some of the electronics are wired using the frame as ground, and depending on how its all wired together, and the position of the electronics, you could potentially get a spark jumping from somewhere to somewhere else you dont want... I dunno, im tired, maybe im not thinking straight.
  17. I believe it used to be. Skysurfing at least. Edit: Clicky!
  18. gulaz


    I think there is a darwin award that started out like this...
  19. I agree!! I am currently working to get it, and it is way more work than I had expected... Note to everybody: People on here are getting all uptight about people writing something in their profile that is untrue. Im sure that ratings are not the only thing untrue in profiles on here. The internet is full of "improved" information. You just hafta use your judgement. Nobody will get their reserve repacked because they saw someone on DZ had a rigger rating. They will probably check it out a little bit more. Just my .02cents.
  20. One more point, that nobody has mentioned yet. This site only lists two different ratings that you can choose for rigger... Senior Parachute Rigger, and Master Parachute Rigger. What if someone has a CSPA or other organization rating? For example, a CSPA Rigger A is basically a senior rigger, and a rigger B is a master rigger (there are small differences, but they are basically the same). If someone has a CSPA Rigger A ticket, they will list on here as a senior rigger, because that is the closest. A search on the FAA website, however, will not come up with their name if you do a search. Just another point.
  21. Yup, you are on there :-) Name : ANDERS, STEVEN VERNE Pilot's Address : RR 1 STEVENSVILLE, MT, 59870-9801 FAA Region : Northwest/Mountain Pilot Certificates : Senior Parachute Rigger Chest pack
  22. Hey, we have a heat wave here too!!! -10C... Us canucks walk around in shorts and t-shirts. Oh, and the swimming thing... thats why your times you had posted before looked so good