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Everything posted by hubguy

  1. Here goes the weird one. My girlfriend who doesn't jump tells me that I have a weird breath after a jump sometimes it lasts until the evening. Have any of you had a similar situation and if so do you have any idea what may cause this?
  2. It happenned to me on what would have been my second AFF jump we were 2 AFF students with the rest of the load being tandems. We are all getting ready to exit the plane all equipment has been checked I just put my goggles on, green light just came on, I get ready to take position with my instructors right after a solo got out of the door then my instructor held me back and told me to go sit down and buckle up because the winds at ground level were too high for our canopies. So me and Kim(the other student) rode the plane down with one instructor while the other three just enjoyed their free jump. Mind you I still had a great time because the pilot is a thrill seeker he made the plane dive so much that we ended up getting 3-4 seconds of weightlessness. I came out of that plane smiling almost as much as if I had jumped.
  3. yep it might have took me twice the amount of jumps to get there but then I got twice the fun; I just wish weather would cooperate a bit more I still need to do a hop and pop and a camera jump but weather always disturbs my plans. it took me 3 different week ends of waiting around to do the last 9 jumps. Anyhow I will stop complaining and just let you know I am happy to be a part of this big family.
  4. Hello I would like to know how many jumps did it take you to pass through AFF. I seem to be a slow learner as i am still with 2 instructors after 6 jumps. (note: I live in Canada and here if you learn well you can go through AFF in 10 jumps which is what makes me wonder how it might vary from person to person.) Blue Skies