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  • Main Canopy Size
  • Main Canopy Other
    Safire 139
  • Reserve Canopy Size
  • Reserve Canopy Other
    raven I
  • AAD

Jump Profile

  • Home DZ
    Skydive Monroe
  • License
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  • Years in Sport
  • First Choice Discipline
    Formation Skydiving
  • First Choice Discipline Jump Total
  • Second Choice Discipline
    Freefall Photography
  • Second Choice Discipline Jump Total

Ratings and Rigging

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  • Tandem
    Instructor Examiner
  • USPA Coach
  • Pro Rating
  • Rigging Back
    Senior Rigger
  1. Removing the seal works great...But make sure you inform the DZO as well as the pilot so they can keep an eye out. Some DZ's get so busy and may not catch it. How many times have you been asked for a pin check and found the seal broken and or missing. I'm Just pointing out it isn't too hard to sneak a rig onboard. As a rigger and Pilot, I really don't want to be put under watch If you are going to be dumb. You better be tough!
  2. I don't really understand? Are you worried about wind shear above 500 ft, Or just on landings say 200ft. As for me above 500ft screw it and let it fly. You should have more than enought time to regain control. below 200 ft you have to play it as it comes. I recommend not doing "s" turns. Sink and surg will help give you the speed to over come most wind changes. Most of the time. But then I only have 3000 jumps and only 1400+ are tandems If you are going to be dumb. You better be tough!
  3. I will and have taken 16year olds. Although my DZ will not allow under 18. Side note I did take my 13 year old on her B-day at a non USPA DZ. Now she is pissed because she has to wait until she turns 18. 1 year to go. If you are going to be dumb. You better be tough!
  4. There is this little thing called a TSO. In the U.S it has to be certified with a TSO in order to be used as a reserve. Why would you want to take a chance with your life. And use some thing not intended for that use. The design and line specs are very much different between the two. I work for a company that makes linesets and relines both mains and reserves.So I say don't do it, Sounds like a bad idea to me. I have a question for you...... Have you ever had to fire your reserve to live. If not wait until you do. Then think about packing a main in its place. OUZTS63 senior rigger D22127 If you are going to be dumb. You better be tough!