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  1. Hi,

    I'm the chief rigger and AFFI at Skydive Oregon and I'm looking for a canopy for a recently graduated student of mine.

    I saw your ad with the Safire 169 for sale and think this would be a good starter canopy for them. I'd like to inspect the canopy before paying for it, but realize that you probably won't want to send it off to someone you don't know without payment. I am happy to pay for shipping ahead of time if you prefer. If it doesn't work out I'll pay for return shipping as well and just consider it the cost of doing business. I do this for many of the students here at Skydive Oregon and have for many years. I've been jumping for 42+ years and have over 12000 jumps, and I have a good reputation to maintain. You are welcome to call Skydive Oregon and ask for a reference. You can get the phone number off the website ( I encourage you to contact them to verify that I'm trustworthy. I can also provide many other high-profile, well-known references if you like. My phone number is 360-609-7574 and my email is


    Ted Farnsworth


    Master rigger

    Camera flyer
