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Everything posted by jumprunner

  1. jumprunner


    OW! Quit poking me! Jeez Rebecca!!! Oh yea, you were talking about eyes...
  2. jumprunner


    true, however since you are not one of them i laugh in your face. your ability to state the obvious MUST be the reason you've been allowed to stay. at least i entertain and enlighten. what do you bring to the table? The difference between you and Rebecca is that people actually like hearing from Rebecca. As far as bringing anything to the table, the only thing you seem to be bringing are more of your ridiculous troll posts. At least she doesnt have something to hide ...ie your profile???
  3. Aw, you guys are sweet. I've never gotten a pleeeeeeaaaseee before! My rig is in pieces and I'm still paying off bills from my European jaunt, so there's no fun for me yet. I'm hoping to be back in the sky in a month or so. Y'all have fun now, you hear? Youre just not thinking about this logically. Perfect time to go skydiving....when the winds pick up you might get lucky and win a free one way trip to the Bahamas
  4. jumprunner


    Well in that case...watch out for flying tofu burgers...
  5. jumprunner


    You're right. I've been a moderator for almost 3 years now, I've heard it all. Heck, last month someone wanted to smash a veggie burger in my face! When people gets like this, they just remind me of my whiny teenage daughter who doesn't like rules either. Maybe jOnes is a vegetarian....watch out for flying veggie burgers
  6. jumprunner


    Well, now that someone else has admitted it, I guess Ill admit it....he's entertaining. In a very sad and demented way, but, nevertheless, entertaining. Actually, I think she feels kinda sorry for him. Not because he says he's leaving....but for obvious reasons.
  7. jumprunner


    wellllll......... let's see how this poll turns out. Don't post here anymore. 77 / 45% Stay, you rock. 12 / 7% I don't give a damn. 82 / 48% Dude, can you take a hint???? Assuming the 12 votes werent yours, you can assume the ones who did vote you to stay like being entertained by stupid postings. From the way your 'poll' turned out, Id say its been pretty much decided. If you plan on living up to your promise to stop posting in the forums, then the next step is to make it official....enter a post on this thread requesting one of the moderators to ban your ip from this website, thereby honoring the conditions of your statement with your guarentee that there will be no furthur posts from you (under any username). The poll is pretty conclusive, now if you can honor your statements in this thread by doing what I suggest, then I think you may redeem yourself somewhat from the position you managed to get yourself in to. If you choose to continue to post on dz.com then I think you will only make matters worse.
  8. jumprunner


    I'm this many -- holds up 3 fingers. Well, Ill just have you know that I dont have enough fingers to display the number of jumps I have (this may be the only chance Ill ever have to be a snob about it.....so dont gimme no shit!!!!) Oh yea, the "GoodBye" poll ...Auf Weidersehen! I guess if we get lucky enough we'll see you piss off Rebecca to the point she cusses you out in German, followed by a good ol' fashioned dz.com banning, bought to you exclusively by Skymamma.
  9. I am director of security for an oil co - good job 59 YEARS - growth hormone OVERWEIGHT - work out BALDIND - cool laser ,X-GRUNT LAST MIL. JUMP VIET-NAM(QUAN-TRI) - a "real" war...sorry about them calling that training excersise in Iraq a war, it pisses me off too
  10. Whatever day it is at least you got the right idea
  11. they know me. they just don't know they know me. So why the anonymity? That tends to bring out words like 'troll' a lot, and severely reduces your credibility. Ahhh, it really turns me on when youre abusive. Show him your cat-o-nine tails and the footprint he will be worshipping... she spanks me. she just don't know she spanks me.
  12. Just two words....soy milk. Problem solved. Whats interesting is that I used to drink whole milk up to the 1990s when I started having problems digesting it (lack of enzymes?) then had to start taking lactase. Somehow I dont think it was me that changed.
  13. I think it belongs to Radar
  14. Anyone know where any cutaway videos are ? I used to have one really good one and lost it and the website that hosted it went offline.
  15. typical jar-head bluster. they brainwash you guys into thinking you're the best, when really you catch bullets and absorb shrapnel just as well as anyone else. and you get less college money too. You could always get a job as a bomb catcher
  16. Can no longer afford to work there.....hmmm...sounds familiar. Somebody in this frickin' country had better figure out that there is a middle-working class, seems like everyting out there is for those relatively few multi-millionoires in the world. If you want I can give you a real good suggestion on a very nice apt in Scottsdale, AZ, fit for a king and only 700/mo for a 1 bdrm, outstanding area, and youll be about 50 mi from Eloy.
  17. Shit! You had to have had some major headspins from that. I noticed you were still spinning after the board came off just from the momentum. Thats great that you have the talent to react that quickly under that much stress. Ofcourse Id hate to think what would have happened if you wouldnt have. Good luck with skysurfing dude. looks like youre doing great.
  18. So which of the following does it take to be a moderator? 1. Stop trolling 2. Start skydiving 3. More jumps 4. More posts 5. Quit getting banned all the time 6. Make a big donation and stop freeloading 7. Dont argue with kramer 8. Other....
  19. And she reaches for her cat-o-nine tails.... Owwww! Hey, there isnt supposed to be blood....
  20. I'm deeply offended that you'd insult the pure innocence and integrity of everyone by suggesting that someone might lie in their profile. I think it is funny that a non-skydiver with a fictitious picture would point that out to begin with. Now Bill, he's been around long enough and has had enough different user names to accurately make that observation. You 1600 jump tourist. I'm ashamed that I ever met you. I feel dirty. I'm going to go throw my grill away now. And 5 bannings thereby setting the DZ.com record. Give me some credit. 700000 - Duuude....
  21. I don't have to call myself a skydiver. Other people that have skydived with me do. When you've met someone while skydiving, you'll know what I mean. Isnt it amazing, we can troll this thread all by ourselves now? Well kramer, guess your services are no longer needed As for me, I never called myself a skydiver...just a non-whuffo.
  22. And they say two wrongs dont make a right Thats pretty f*ing interesting, gonna save this one!
  23. [reply}I think it is funny that a non-skydiver with a fictitious picture would point that out to begin with. I think its funny that somwone claiming an average of 160 jumps per year would call themselves a skydiver And, um, yours is real. Nice cutback.
  24. I'm deeply offended that you'd insult the pure innocence and integrity of everyone by suggesting that someone might lie in their profile. I didnt suggest, I said it was possible.