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Everything posted by DBorDanCooperFan

  1. Gryder probably already realized months ago the parachute isn't DBC's. This parachute is his youtube cash cow, he's clearly sleazy enough to never admit defeat and to keep using the "deep govt" angle he's peddling which probably will still attract the "fringe" crowd I posted on reddit yesterday that Gryder claims the rig in his possession (if there was a possibility of it really being DBC's, it would be in the FBI's possession) is "one in a billion" due to it being modified. Yet, I posted a source that stated in the 50s and 60s modifying military surplus rigs were "extremely common". Let's go with the near impossible hypothetical that DBC gets positively identified as McCoy, he probably owned multiple parachute rigs, no guarantee he used the rig Gryder is shoving down our throats More interesting, a tabloid dailynews article from a few days ago came out where Gryder claims the kids claims their DNA was a partial match to the DNA on the tie. This is likely untrue for multiple reasons but the main one being this story was true it would be all over the media as the first suspect DNA link ever in the DBC case
  2. My first post! I've always wondered with the currency: 1) In the comic, did the comic character ask for US or American currency? 2) Did the highjacker mirror any comic character quotes/dialect/phrases? 3) Did the highjacker mirror any comic character actions besides taking a ransom and jumping from a plane? I read he did ask for a knapsack like the comic. Finally, I can't seem to find any info to if the previous suspects had any accents, had the temperament to remain cool and calm, were polite, etc. Things like accents can be faked but not the ability to remain cool and calm when your adrenaline is surging. A while back I was working in Va Beach and would occasionally hit the bars with some Navy Seals including the night or two before they would deploy/leave for an assignment. They were all extremely "amped" up, couldn't sit still; none of ones I met would be able to remain cool and calm while in a bar. It's very uncommon for someone with their adrenaline surging to remain calm while interacting with someone.