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Everything posted by annieoakley
I recently jumped for the first time, too. It was supposed to be for my 26th birthday, but the weather was too bad in January to go. I definitely recommend photos and video, especially video. I've watched mine probably 20 times since I got it. Even with my mouth shut, I still felt like I couldn't breathe at first. Just relax, and remember that you actually CAN breathe, it just feels a little different. Enjoy your first jump, it is an awesome experience that you will want to do over and over again.
My best cop story happened a couple of years ago. Some friends and I were hungry at 1 am and decided to hit the drive through. We got pulled over doing 50 in a 35, and the cop asked where we were headed and why we were speeding. My friend who was driving said we were headed for Taco Bell. The cop ended up letting us off with a warning, stating, "I know what its like to need to run for the border!" "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
Howdy! I had my first tandem on Memorial Day and it sure is addictive. My husband, friends and I are already plotting our next tandems. Welcome!!! "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
- Left the plunger in the toilet Ouch! hee hee "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
Why was Helen Keller a bad driver? Because she was a woman. Why did the girl fall off the swing? Because she didn't have any arms. "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
I'm glad you're better!!
They are really great there. Maybe we'll see you there this summer!
the cheese is old and moldy. where is the bathroom? weas the juice, buddy. watched encino man bought it at target for nine bucks. love pauly shore. "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
We were at Skydive Oregon in Molalla.
Hell yes I'm gonna jump again..... I had myself so psyched out that I was terrified until actually out of the plane....I have to go again, so I can enjoy the full experience! "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
I'm into shooting sports (paper and reactive targets) and I apparently have a natural ability to hit what I aim at.
Do it! Vacation never hurt anyone, especially if there is a possibility of sex! "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
Thanks. I have a friend who also has similar issues with her ears (tiny hole in one), and I wouldn't laugh anyway.
Heh heh, thanks! I'd love to get certified and make it a hobby, but I don't know where the $$ is going to come from.
Oh, so half my co-workers... The best was my big, sporty, super-lawyer boss saying, "Jeez....I don't think I could ever do that. Weren't you scared?" Nah, not me. "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
OK, can I ask a seriously newbie question? What's a whuffo? (Don't laugh!!) "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain
I just skydived (skydove?) for the first time on Monday (Memorial Day). I was very scared on the way up, but it was such an awesome experience, I will definitely do it again. My friends and I jumped at Skydive Oregon. Everyone there is great, really nice and supportive. Props to Ryan and JJ (my tandem instructor and cameraflyer) for an awesome jump and pictures (I haven't seen the video yet, but I'm sure that is spectacular as well). I hope to jump again soon, and maybe even make it a hobby (if my inner ear doesn't make trouble for me). "Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education" - Mark Twain