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Everything posted by skoodler

  1. THE ORANGE BOOGIE – August 20-22,2004 Come one, come all. Everyone is officially invited to attend the 3rd annual Orange Boogie in Skydive Orange, VA. AKA the Fabulous Annual Boogie In Orange, this event has proven to be a blast in its first 2 years, and this year we’ve got even more in the works. Something for everyone is an understatement! We’ll have 2 turbines and a chopper to get us to altitude, our regular fabulous Super Otter will be screaming into the skies as usual, joined by George and Sue’s Beech 99 to help keep down the wait, perhaps even contributing to the occasional formation load. Plus, the Alouette II returns as well! Check it out Guy Wright will be load organizing for the belly flyers! For those that came out for his previous “Wright Attitude” big way events at Skydive Orange and up at the Ranch truly know how amazing this guy really is! Andrew “Steak” Staich of Speedcurve Productions and formerly of Elsinore Sakibomb will be load organizing for the freeflyers! Andrew is a home-grown Orangian that knows the skies over Orange well and we’re excited to have him back again! Friday is a full day of jumping, so plan on taking the day off and coming out early. Friday night we’ll kick off the party after sunset load with the new…yet strangely familiar sounds of Jekyll and Hyde! Aptly named for its two very different sounding lead singers, this band has some former members of Electric Bacon. Saturday morning the chopper arrives around 10am! Load organizers will be up and running, so wake up early grab an orange slice for breakfast and put on your jumpin shoes! Saturday sunset usually means a Swoop-n-Chug, so sign up early if you’re interested cause this usually fills up fast. Registration will be running all weekend and is only $25.00. Besides all the craziness mentioned, this includes a boogie bag with boogie bands, Orange Boogie t-shirt, tattoos, inclusive Saturday dinner tickets, and other surprises. After the sunset load Saturday, Skydive Orange welcomes a local band from Charlottesville - Down ‘Til Now. Making their first appearance at the dropzone (someone explain the beer rules to ‘em), Travis and company will be jamming into the night. For more info And what would an Orange Boogie be without a theme party right?!? Arggh Matey, Its pirates and mermaids this year! Hit the party store and stock up on the hats, hooks, swords, vests, anything with a skull and crossbones on it, big pirate earrings, parrots, and all the goodies, there are TONS of funny things at these party stores. I’ve also seen the shell bikinis for the mermaids out there! We’ll meet all the “Pirates of the Cariboogie” at the Black Pearl (aka the tikibar) for the regular mayhem, ARHHHGGGG!!! We might even see the Red Bull folks and perhaps even a gear manufacturer or two make an appearance as well. Like I said, something for everyone! Hope to see you at O! ( for more info)
  2. Here we go again cave people! Max Cohn and Patrick Heaney of Generation Freefly will be back at Skydive Orange this weekend, arriving early Friday afternoon and jumping through the weekend. For the fifth year in a row, these world class instructors will be coming down and gettin' jiggy in the skies over Orange, helping freeflyers of all skill levels with one-on-one coaching and load organizing throughout the weekend. Registration is only $25, and includes Saturday dinner at the dropzone. Friday is always a great time to get out there, not only are jumps $16 but its usually not as crowded so you can get more individualized instructions from these guys. Saturday and Sunday they'll start early and work with one-on-one's in the morning, up to small ways in the afternoon, and the bigger ways later in the day! After registration, you only cover your the more you're around, the more jumps you'll to make with these guys! Everyone, registered or not, should plan on hangin around Saturday night for another famous Skydive Orange theme party. Back by popular demand this year, the Caveman party! Bring your clubs and bones, uhggg uhggg!!! As usual we will have props available for the first donations to the beer fund, and furry fabric and safety pins for quick costumes. Last time this was a total blast, hope to seeya there! uhggg uhggg!!! Call or email Shane with any questions - or 804-540-3850. Seeya at O!!!!!! Uhggg uhggg!!!
  3. So we're starting a month early, we're too excited about the warm weather. Wednesday $15 super otter jumps to 13500ft! And for low passes to 7500ft its only $12! This normally doesn't start each year until May, but this year we're starting early and adding even cheaper low passes. If you haven't been to Orange this year, come check out our newly painted super fabulous otter and get your Wednesday jump on! JUMP THE HUMP! Seeya at O!
  4. for those that haven't heard, we'll have THREE super otters for the big way attempts at skydive orange in central virginia this weekend, and we've dropped jump prices to $15 for all three days (for people not participating in the big way jumps, for them its still discounted but its $18 per jump). also its not too late to join in on the formation flying if thats what you're into, guy wright is an amazing organizer and will be putting together some quality sequential dives. and there will be plenty of freeflying goin on too. if you're a packer, i'm sure we'll keep you busy as well. we're also trying to still secure permission to do higher altitude jumps. we have the o2 system, we just need to make sure we have permission from atc. if we can get permission before the weekend, we'll do 18,000 for $23! all starts THIS friday morning, hope to see everyone at orange! email if you have any questions.
  5. max and patrick are making their way back down to skydive orange in central virginia october 17-19 for another awesome weekend of freefly coaching and load organizing. this is max's sixth return to the skies over orange, if you haven't had a chance to fly with him yet, this is the perfect opportunity. super otter jumps friday are only $16, so call in sick or leave early if you can. the hangar is 540-672-5054 or email for more information. seeya at O!!!
  6. when i first started jumping, i got a dolphin cause it was inexpensive, as did a few others that started in the sport around the same time. just like any rig, you've gotta keep your eyes open and repair any deficiencies. i watched other dolphins have prematures from over stretched BOC spandex, and i watched other dolphins have tangled mains cause steering lines came out in freefall because the velcro was worn out on the riser cover. i personally never had problems because i maintained my rig, getting parts replaced as needed. after i got my A, i started freeflying. people warned me about the dolphin, but i simply took good care of it, and wound up putting about 700 worry-free jumps on it before i chose my colors and went to a custom voodoo. i don't see ANY problem with dolphins, as long as (like any rig) you take care of it. the reason they're inexpensive is cause they're simple, and premade in preset sizes. this way they can mass produce without custom fitting them. i loved mine.
  7. we've got a few events scheduled for this month, so this'll come in really handy... our wonderful plane owner has allowed us to drop friday jump prices for the 3rd, 10th, and 17th of october down to $16! thanks george and sue! October 10th-12th, second edition of the "Wright Attitude" big way camp in preparation for the 100-way event later in the fall. if you're plannin on coming in november, or if you just like big belly events, you should definitely plan on making this. two turbines! also October 10th-15th is nischalke's first annual "Clockwork Orange" event, the big-S countdown for you base jumpers out there. the monday thru wednesday after the weekend jumps are $15! good place to swing thru on the way to the bridge. then on October 17th-19th, max and patrick from generation freefly are coming back to orange again! all the usual craziness applies, food, party, freefly coaching and load organizing. these guys are great, if you haven't met 'em now's the time! all great reasons to head out to orange early, start the weekend off right with $16 friday jumps. hangar is 540-672-5054. seeya at O!