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Everything posted by freeflyguy

  1. My mom always said not to start talking with "well" Well Watch this years Blade Raid Video, you will see that it don't matter who's canopy you fly, if the wind does what it does, you are a down in a heap of flesh and nylon. Yes, scary as hell. But if you make the choice to fly in gusty wheather, It could be you. Remember, it is a bunch of flimsy nylon over your head. It depends on life the way the designer designed it. We live in this world, it does what It wants. Sometimes, it aint what you want. Then you die. If you don't like that, learn to play checkers.
  2. I would need to see what is in your mind to understand what it is you mean, but, If your carve is too slow, no, you can't build up as much speed as a better executed more aggressive carve. On the other hand, if you snap the front riser, one, around, you will not get as much speed as a nicely executed riser carve. The other thing you may not know is the cross braced canopies are simply a different animal. I jumped a Stilleto 135 today. Oh gosh, it felt slow. That is a pretty rad canopy, but to say that all that a small crossbrace canopy pilot has to say about canopy flight applies to your canopy, it aint the same. Sort of, but, truthful, they do things different
  3. Thanks for the great replies. I aint a pro, just playing, so I will look into the lower cost options for now. Allready downloaded One of them, the vegas video deal. It is cool, for a demo. I have allready dinked with Movie shaker, and will see what ulead has. Thanks again. j
  4. Hi all. I don't post here usually, so, forgive me if you have covered this a million times. I have a new VAIO notebook, and just firewired some video to it yesterday. Of course the files are huge. Which editing software should I get/use to be able to manipulate it and manage it? I would like to make a running clip movie of skydives. So it would be nice to be able to to keep adding to what i have, without ending up with a mega gig monster. Thanks. J.
  5. Cool. I agree with you too. My point is the toggles are intended to change shape and camber. When you pull rears, or fronts, it does change the shape, some, because of the step, but that is only a by product, not the intent. If someone where to pull just an inch or too, the canopy's flight would alter dramatically, but the top of the canopy would change very little, or not at all. In that situation, you are not really altering the wing to make it increase it's lift, you would be mostly changeing AOI and AOA. Splittin hairs, but a nice thread.
  6. Funny. All along I thought the heat generated from my parachute going faster is what caused the extra lift. Learn something new every day. :) Bill, I have to diagree, Toggles do change the shape. Rear risers only change the angle of incidence, they don't change the shape of the wing. Angle of incidence cant be changed on a fixed wing aircraft, unless you are willing to get out the air chisel, but we don't fly a fixed wing. You are right in saying that the rears do cause an increase in drag, because of the increase of A of A, but not near as dramatically as the toggles do.
  7. Another point, He would be instantly banned from a USPA dropzone, if he did it on purpose. Because what he would be doing wouldn't be "Skydiving", per USPA, the same as BASE is not skydiving, per USPA.
  8. I don't have much else to say, except, don't toggle hook. It aint worth, it, too much margin for error. But, you all said that, so I will carry on...
  9. I heard the building was something like 120 feet tall. Experienced BASE jumpers don't do 120 feet. 200 is hardcore. So he is lucky to be alive, but not the brightest bulb on the rack.
  10. Tough. I think some of those guy claim they can get near 0 mph of descent, when pulling out of a dive. That would be about like flairing. But.. if they could actuallu do it, that moment of 0 mph decent is an awful small window. Problem is, it would have to be perfectly timed, slide in on your belly, that and if you are just a little late on pulling up, You will be forever Late, as in the "Late Mr. former wingsuit fly guy" j
  11. Stay tuned for that one, Chuck. It is either Andy or Kerri Farrington's new rig that has some new ring system that Kelly is trying out. That is something very cool about Kelly Farrington (owner of Velocity Sports) He is never stagnant. He is always trying to figure out how to make his container better. Beyond that Infinity's rock anway, I love mine
  12. I watched Andy Farrington and Luke Aikens try something like this last summer. Luke was flying a XAOS 69, Andy on a birdman. Luke was wearing smoke, so we could see him do a 360 every couple seconds to get down to Andy. They could kinda fly on the same level, but docking was way out. These guys seem to have it dialed. Sounds like he has a couple inches of riser pulled in. cool stuff.
  13. It is all sad. You guys need a little study in SS, to get out of AFC land so you can hang with the HB's and get those first numbers up to at least equal the numbers the girls are putting up. I am a RAFC buy the way, but the force is strong, and I try hard to avoid the dark side. Which is actually a weakness. Must be strong... Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  14. he he. That's funny. Welcome to our world. You might want to hang on to your hat.
  15. My opinion is this. I have heard the tube stows won't break. That is bad if you are in a situation where you want them to break. I also don't mix the kind of rubber bands too much. I will use blue and normal, but I don't like black. They don't break very well either. As far as packing it. If you leave, say, less than a foot of loose line, when the lines take up and start pulling the first stow loose, it will likely still be deeply in your burble. That can cause it to spin, due to the lack of stabilizing air. If the lines are a little longer, when it takes up tension on your first stow, it allready has some stabilizing air, to keep it from spinning. So, is it ALL about body position? Try giving yourself 3 inches of free line before your first stow, Then toss that puppy out, perfect body postion or not. You will probably be going for a spinning ride. As far as packing it. I don't roll, push or anything. I just flake it out, seperate and check my lines, leave the cells hanging and wrap it up. Pro-pack. Great openings everytime, well, I have never (yet) been spanked.
  16. I had a couple small fractures in the Fib from hitting the lip sliding into the peas. X-rayed, and decided to not go with the cast. If you had suregery it is a different deal. But when you get your cast off, start using it. Pain is only a pain, you need to use it. As far as jumping, I agree with the above advice, when you can run, you can jump. You will have pain for a while, but that doesn't mean a lot, if it healed correctly, and you have given it a sufficient time to heal. If the doc took the cast, off, they are wimps about getting sued, so they don't take them off early, Then use it. I did mine 2 months ago, started jumping after 6 weeks, and just road an XR 400 70 miles throught the dessert on a narly poker run.
  17. I love the openings. I have about 100 jumps on them. I have spun them up about 5 times though. I did it like three or 4 times,when I first jumped them. All subterminal. Than the other day, I did it again. Subterminal. That may not help you, but it is my experience. It always flew straight when spun, and came it quick, if not immediately. Chris, what is your take on double stowing? I have had one bag lock. That was triple stowed on one of the locking stows. Since then I set my bag up so I don't even have to double stow. But do you think it is a big deal? thx. j
  18. freeflyguy


    Gosh forgive me for not mentioning how much of a hottie Shaylan is, but... He and Andy were jumping XAOS 27 93's Tim Gramley VX 99 Kerri Farrington Velocity 96 Luke Aikens Velocity 100 And of course the were all suspended in Infinity rigs.
  19. Andy F. Said that the tide or something had reduced the landing area dramatically. That it somehow messed up everybodies set up. Something like that. They all had a blast though. I jump an Infinity too, Does that mean I would have made it into the top ten also? Practice practice...
  20. As long as one of the Cessna's is a 208, I'm there We have had a couple of "Cessna" weekends. But that meant Caravan. ahhh. That said. I love stepping out on the strut, and step of a 182, It is so slow, and so simple, it almost brings back the essence of what is going on. Just make sure he turns on the gas. j
  21. Yah, I guess what I can say, is you appear to have a brain in your head. That is important. From my experience, flying a XAOS 21, I have no issues with it. I have close to 100 jumps on them. I like it, and think it is a safe canopy. One time, in gusty weather, I pulled a riser to start my turn, and it instantly went to my chest. I have had that happen on other canopies too. But it is never fun, and makes you think. We fly balls of fabric that depend on the wind doing what the desighners think it should. That is usually good. But sometimes, bad. As far as the Blade raid. Yah. I watched Andy's video of his mishap. Not a happy event. But keep in mind that was the XAOS 27, it hasn't been released to the public. They are still tweaking it. I don't think Andy has even taken it to terminal. Although it did kick ass in Venezuala. Another thing about that blaid raid. It is spooky. They exited at about 13K, swooped at near 10k. That day the winds were at 60mph at 16k, or something. So there were some wicked gusts, tree factor included. It wasn't just the Precision canopies that had issues. Watch the video. There were a number of canopies, I watched a Velocity go wacko, then come back. Scary stuff, but all of the canopies did it, in that wind. That is why they called the competition. Scary stuff. One thing all the Manu's must have got from all that is mass amount of R & D. Anyway. That said. yah, it was a scary video
  22. Hah, Since you know the term, you probably have been to this site, but, if you haven't... Pretty funny
  23. Bonk. If his elevator wasn't working right, that would suck. But, I watch the student pilots form this airport I fly out of. They come from some flight college thing there. They ALL land flat and fast. My CFI is always trying to get me to full nose up and stall, to keep that nose off the ground as long as possible. So it doesn't abuse that front gear. I know there are variables. Yesterday, It was a lot of wacko air and crosswind, so I was less flaps and a little faster, but I still try to keep the nose up. I am such an authority, all of 35 hours in a c-172 and all :) Anyway, glad he is ok. Things happen fast.
  24. And Craig is one of those guys that can get any shot, wherever his subject may be. Sky surferers tend to be "wherever" . Fast but just as important, they know to jump Infinity