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Everything posted by freeflyguy

  1. That is part of what makes it such a blast, Jerking on the toggles then rears to try to spin on him, then float. It was wild. won't be succesful too many times, before you're not... ---------------------------- bzzzz
  2. Yeah, not a kite, it is the real thing, and he has jumped it, just not landed it. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  3. The most dangerous thing I have ever done skydiving is a full blown 1 on 1 dogfight from 13k. Closing speeds of over 100mph, straining to see and get the advantage, about getting my pilot chute torn off. I was so tired by 4k, I didn't know if I had the strength to flair. So... Definately sport death. You would need a bite switch to fire or something, you need both hands to fly. But, at Kapow, you never know. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  4. sounded like he said BASE canopy. Yeah, base canopy in an accuracy rig. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  5. Found this on Yahoo. Funny, kinda. Sorta work safe.,,2-2003310256,00.html?yhnws ---------------------------- bzzzz
  6. Cool video. It was a good chop as far as I am concerned. He lived. What else do you want? Hah. I used to have that happen quite a bit, until I got rid of my velcroless toggles. I always fixed it without much thinking about it by flying with the opposite rear riser, until I figured out what was going on. It may be to immediatly release the brakes is the better thing to do, but my hands are always at the rears on opening anyway, to steer clear of other canopies immediately, or whatever. Anyway, that's me usual gig. If anybody can tell me why they think that is wrong, go for it. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  7. There is also a product you can buy from an autobody shop. I think it is called bulldog. It is a paint/primer stuff that prepares plastic car parts to accept paint. Spray that stuff on first, then paint it with whatever you like. It makes paint stick very well to plastic, and helps keep it flexible. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  8. It is a bit more dangerous. Two years ago, i think on the blade raid a couple canopies went away. The video is scary. One canopy was totally fine, then gone, dumped him right in the snow. Scary looking, but walked away, sore. Problem is, the wind gets whipped around with all the trees and such. That can be bad. That aside, Crystal Mt. in WA lets these guys do it sometimes. For some reason, they don't have a big problem with it. And yeah, any canopy would prob work. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  9. I know it was a cloudy miserable mess last weekend. So just to cheer you all up, and thank you for making the effort to come out, in spite of the weather, I thought I would post a couple of video frame grabs that showed what it looked like on Tuesday. I hope this makes you feel better ---------------------------- bzzzz
  10. Yeah, fun weekend, in spite of the weather. I just made it home this morning. heh heh. Dindn't intend to stay the night, but the Sloshball game put an end to the thought of driving. And yes, we did get to altitude yesterday, twice. Finally. So those and the fun subterminal low crossbrace openings were all the jumping. Nice to meet more of you dropzone folks. Andrea, thanks for letting me win at scrabble. I could see your letters ---------------------------- bzzzz
  11. freeflyguy

    Dont hit me!

    Me, I don't necessarily like it better, all the time. A good RW jump can be fun too. But. Maybe I could say freefly is more "free". There is something really wild about being upside down, and flying up to somebody else in a sit. Trippy, and very unnatural. So It makes it a very different experience. I will do it scuba diving sometimes too. The world upside down is just something you don't see everyday. There is also the thing about if you have some master plan RW dive, and somebody messes it up, you just sit there watching it funnel. Then everybody gets on the ground and blames everybody else. Freefly doesn't get that as much. A successful jump is everybody landing safe. Plus, it is just bizarre, more like though controlled flight. To exactly say how I can do a 180 then stop while in head down, I don't know. It is all so sublte. the whole flying your body thing takes on a different meaning. Plus the suits are cooler ---------------------------- bzzzz
  12. freeflyguy

    Dont hit me!

    Your funny. Do remember the time somebody asked you. 'Why do you want to skydive? From what I can see, you just jump out of a plane and fall. It seems like pretty much a solo act even when you do it together and you all just hang there looking at each other till pull time. Whats the appeal? I understand that its not easy so obviously there is the challenge factor, but after you have it down, whats left?' What they think of You, You think of a freeflyer. So to describe it to them, you can't do, you just gotta do it. And yeah, the faster fall rate and experience is awesome, think Ferrari, instead of Camaro ---------------------------- bzzzz
  13. No, not a shameless bump to get this to the top... Evening Mag liked what they got so much the last trip out, they will be out again this Sunday (22nd). They are going to, or allready have sold it to National Geographic, so I hear. So if you are in the area, are good enough to not embarass yourself, and everybody else, or just wanna watch, Kapow a week from tomorrow. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  14. heh heh sorry. I love the laser. Mine is a tiny one on the bottom of my mount. I open the screen, fire the laser, see that it is in the center of the screen. It is locked down, so it won't move. Then when it is on my head, a quick push of the laser button tells me where the camera is looking. So yeah, it has to stay lined up with the camera, but the way I mount it, it does. I am fairly new to video, but it is cool. It takes any worry out of me as to if I am sited in. There is plenty else to think about. Oh, buy the Sony. The're all good. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  15. Me too. If you head WA way, come to Kapow. I aint world class, but good enough. I think maybe 2 2 way's a day with video and debrief will give your noggin plenty to think about for one day. Then jump, have fun and work on it. No need to spend a fortune, except on jump tic's. Heck for that price, I'll give you canopy vid and coaching too. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  16. There is a product called Bulldog, I think. You can get it at an autobody shop. It is used to make the paint bond to plastic car parts. It will make paint stick to anything, and much more permanent like. Good stuff. Rattle can polyurethane works well for a topcoat too. I used car paint, texture paint and some glow paint, then rattle canned a topcoat on it of poly. It has held up very well, shiny too. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  17. I'm in too. might as well make a weekend of it. Hey Randy, is scott jumping that 150 now? wHAT are his and Andy's impression of it, opening,fliying etc? ---------------------------- bzzzz
  18. I had a thought. If you start your turn at 700 feet, which you would + or - to swoop a pond. The earliest you could gain the speed to fire it, if it actually DID happen, would be around 300 feet. If it fired then, it would be another second to get the reserve out of the container, then out of the bag, then begin to inflante. This is all low speed, for a reserve deployment. So in all. I really doubt it would have time to inlfate enough to case a major catastrophy anway. A downplane takes a little bit to develope. So. Make up your own mind, but I don't think twice about a Cypress in my swoop rig, accept I am glad it is there. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  19. I have a 98 21 and have jumped a little larger 27. I think if you want the "same" wingloading, maybe a 5% smaller 27 would be it, but that is splitting hairs. One thing I notice. Andy and Luke, on 27's turn lower than me, enough to scare me. Ack! I have heard them say 'he will turn higher than us' (refering to a good swooper on a 21 cell). Andy has a bit higher wing loading, 2.2 or 2.3 or so compared to my 2. They are always first down, or on the pond, so that is why I know where they turn. It sort of seems that the 21 dives more. Based on what I said above. I don't know about riser pressure and stuff, who cares, it is all manageable. I do know the 21's open like butter. Probably a touch better than the 27, but again, splitting hairs. My next canopy will likely be a 93 Xaos27. They smoke. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  20. eek, I agree with Quade again Yeah, accuracy. That is key to being a great swooper. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  21. This is kinda cool. I can't say if it is true, but... On another note, there was this wimpy little man (who just passed away) > > on > > PBS, gentle and quite. Mr. Rogers is another of those you would least > > suspect of being anything but what he now portrays to our youth. But Mr. > > Rogers was a U.S. Navy Seal, combat proven inVietnam with over > > twenty-five > > confirmed kills to his name. He wore a long sleeve sweater to cover the > > many > > tattoos on his forearm and biceps. A master in small arms and > > hand-to-hand > > combat, his was able to disarm or kill in a heartbeat. He hid that away > > and > > won our hearts with his quiet wit and charm. > > > > America's real heroes don't flaunt what they did, they quietly go about > > their day to day lives, doing what they do best. They earned our respect > > and > > the freedom's that we all enjoy. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  22. Probably copyrighted, and not great quality, but here is the whole spot. fyi 3.6meg, ---------------------------- bzzzz
  23. oh yeah, For everybody that has ever heard about it, Andy's famous rear riser stall in Flordia, where his shoe almost hit the camera man, is on this too. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  24. That was pretty cool Layne, forget his last name, is the one doing the barrel rolls out of the cessna. I had a couple shots. One was dragging the water up to the cameraman, and draping him with my canopy. Couple other clips too. One of the clips from a helmet cam swooping the pond. Cool... Fun day too. If I can convince my VCR to cooperate, I will upload it to DV then the web. Might as well get my 2 seconds up to four. ---------------------------- bzzzz
  25. So, if you're thinking about certain people you know would be good on a record attempt, you have to get them to do a post first. Ok, 30 way it is. ---------------------------- bzzzz