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Everything posted by halorus

  1. I write this with sorrow in my heart....This is by far one of the worst days in my life......We not only lost a great friend but I lost a brother.....Paul was my inspiration for skydiving, he was the guy that got me into skydiving and instructing....he was always there for not only me but everyone.....I was crushed when I heard about the accident last sunday morning....... I like everyone else have been on pins and needles with every email and phone call about our friend...today when I heard that the suffering was over It was bitter sweet...I cried for Alexa but was in peace knowing that Raff wasnt suffering anymore. I was refraining from putting anything on here but tonite I had to......I took a ride out to Raeford DZ to look at his pictures up on the walls at Aviators Grill of Paul....funny part was there were others there doing the same thing....Paul was happiest there.....only one thing made him happier than being at that drop zone......you got it guys and girls...ALEXA....that girl was his world and it didnt surprise me when I read from Kim that the first thing out of his mouth as he came out of the fire was to take care of her.....That girl meant the world to him! Raff is going to be missed......He was a true friend , and will continue being an inspiration for all of us whos heart he touched... I can say I loved that man like a brother......OK no funny comments guys you all out there know what I mean....you meet Paul for the first time you couldnt help but love the guy...I'm not too sure our community will be the same without him and his positive attitude and big smile .....Bill , I know youre going thru alot right now but if you need anything....you know how to get me....I know Raff is up there looking down on us and will always be there in spirit with us when we jump.......Raff, I never got a chance to thank you for all that you did , but you will always be with me when I jump.....I love ya man! Blue Skies!!!!!!!! ps I quit drinking 3 months ago....but tonite I raised a glass in Pauls honor....youll be missed!