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Everything posted by tattoojeff

  1. our sport had a very sad day on sat. as we all know. i find myself compelled to say a few words. i never got the chance to meet Mr. Nelson but that didnt stop him from touching my life. i certainly knew who he was and why he was so important to our sport. he not only inspired myself but many accomplished skydivers and swoopers in his many years in skydiving. some may not even had made it threw aff without him such as mariann kramer whos inspirational tale can be read in skydiving mag. rogers articles written for parachutist said alot about him as a father, and a mentor. my heart goes out to missy, rook and family. lets not argue about how high he fell, or if cpr was appropriate at this time, lets share how roger nelson touched us all directly or indirectly....
  2. your freind must be leaving something out of his story. my girlfreind bought a new saber2. its openings were consitantly slamers so she called pd. they asked her to try a few recomemdations if the problem still occured to send it back. within 2weeks they test jumped her saber2 and found the same problem. not only did they lend her a demo while she waited she had her canopy relined and returned in less than 2 weeks. thats customer service
  3. any thoughts on my theory that a stilletto 135 would be safer than my saber 135. reason being faster recovery arch, and ability to plane out faster if i find myself low. i down sized 60 jumps ago from a saber 150 to a saber 135 with a loading of 1:4. my 180's have been safe on my new canopy. am i ready for eliptical?
  4. GENIE keep in mind no matter what you set your audible at do not become "dependant" on your audible. ive seen alot of close calls because freinds forgot there audible in there other helmet or forgot to turn it on. heres a good idea given to me, set your first 2 tones 200-300 feet below desired altitudes. doing this forces you to be aware of your altitude by utilizing your visual senses and timing. if the audible goes off, your late, its good to "beat" your audible through awarness. they're great back up tools but shouldnt be relied on just like your aad. think about it,a freeflyer head down who is use to waiting for his audible to tell him when to pull forgets his audible in his camera helmet, gets out 3000ft lower than usual due to clouds. his inner clock is telling him he should hear his break off alarm soon but actualy he's just passed 1000 feet doing 160 mph.... hopefuly he has an aad, hopefuly his reserve doesnt explode... ive seen this scenerio 1st hand. i welcome others thoughts on this idea.
  5. thats why ive been single since jump 21. i couldnt handle pretending to be having fun at the zoo with my now ex girlfreind while wishing i was at the dz jumping. ive been single for 2 years and never regreted it. HOOK YOUR DREAMS ON THAT JUMP PLANE BEFORE SOMEONE HOOKS HER DREAMS ON YOU.
  6. any one know of websites with unusual skydiving pics or video ie; malfunctions, thanks
  7. at about 15 feet a dustdevil collapsed and spun up my canopy. all i could do was put my feet and knees together arms in and brace for the impact. let me tell you that desert is rock hard. i landed on my left side same time as the balled up mess i call a saber. i bounced off the ground into a thorny bush. i feel very lucky, it could have been much worse. god bless hard helmets. just got some bruises cuts and spraines
  8. not all horseshoes are as simple as the pilot chute being in the boc. if the bridle has snagged on any part of you or your gear clearing it will be much harder or maybe impossible. why is this so dangerous you ask? good luck getting your reserve out without entanglement, its going to launch directly into the horseshoed bridle. this is about as scary as a malfunction gets!!
  9. most students are so pegged out there awareness probably isnt capable to register altitude visualy. not to mention if they never have an altimeter with them how are they suppose to know what 3000 feet looks like, they"ll never know when there at 3000 feet. this training method sounds dangerous for students but a good idea once there off student staus and alittle more relaxed and aware
  10. thanks im very anxious to take your advice be grounded sucks
  11. im one week away from getting back in the air after a scary dust devil accident and injury while visiting SD arizona. the worst part of the whole inccident has happened in the3 weeks of recovery, the "fear" has had time to fester. i love this sport way too much to ever let it ground me. any words of wisdom from my brothers and sisters would be greatly appreciated blue skys tattoojeff
  12. 2 years ago, after my first skydive my palms sweat for 2 days and i couldnt sleep. hell yea this sports changes lives!