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Everything posted by tattoojeff

  1. tattoojeff

    Triple totem!

    doesnt sound too hard. the top flyer would probably have real mushy air though.
  2. i couldnt agree more. the 2 scariest mals to me are almost always due to complacency and poor gear maitenence. therefor im very dilligent about my closing loop and p/c / bridle packing. oooo and knowing exactly what i would do in either case on the ground helps alot.
  3. as everyone has said its most likley body posistion. you got good advice regarding take a moment before you reach back to pull..... breathe......ahhhhh..... look at the horizon camly deploy. continue to watch the horizon. not immediatly watching the canopy deply helps some people have more consistant on heading openings. a few other things to consider is packing. different size and type rubber bands will easily cause line twists. also uneven lengh line stows can do the same. the most significant packing culprit causing line twists is not leaving enough exess unstowed line in the container under the bag. i like at least 2 feet personaly and if you dont mind me boasting a little i have mostly on heading openings. hope i helped.
  4. to tell you the truth ive never even seen a non collapsable p/c. in the almost 3 years in the sport. there must be a reason for that.
  5. youll learn to fly your body more efficiently as you progress. unless you planning on doing alot of solo belly jumps youll need to slow it down. youll learn fallrate adjustment before you get your A lisc. in the mean time your a student and should be exiting last with the other students and tandems. so dont worry too much about this. you have enough to concentrate on being a student.
  6. ive been proffesionaly tattooing for 9+ years, im also the owner of a tattoo studio and art gallery here in portland oregon. were a total custom studio with every design drawn individualy for each client and never duplicated. so ive done a good amount of art work on my fellow jumpers here and in eloy. my studios web site is feel free to look and if you have any questions id be glad to stear you in a good direction.
  7. i just bought a brand new pc105 for $758.00 from Frys!!! its also an updated version than my freinds 105 he bought 2 years ago.
  8. just out of curiosity why are you taking a step back from x-braced to looking into non x-braced. is it a currency thing?
  9. bonehead was the most rude company ive ever dealt with in my life. that lady whom was incharge of orders and dealers was a flat out BITCH!!! and i hope she reads this. ive heard she was fired last year but im threw supporting a company that would ever even hire a person like that. i called bonehead to ask about an uncomfortable fit even after i baked the shell. this lady whom was rude the entire phone call had the nerve to say to me " if your having problem understaning our instructions ask your girlfreind to read them to you" i was floored!!! never ever again would i support bonehead. on the contrary kerry from infinity was awsome. i love my new rig
  10. ive gotten alot og negative feedback in regards to pulling via/bridle and have to agree. it could cause a horshoe entaglement. however ive reached back and touched my main closing flap just to see what it would be like to reach that far back. it didnt take a whole lot of time. plus i love arguing with you lug!!!!!
  11. good for you!! have fun
  12. its not really a q's of wingloading as it is flight characteristics. the saber 2 has much faster forward speed than a 215 f1-11 beatup student canopy.ive watched many saber 2's land in light and variable winds and they are fast. they have alot of forward speed, this is what gives them such a responsive flare. speed = more lift. but in her case she doesnt need more sped she needs more expierience. it sounds like she has more speed than she can handle under the 215, hence the good landing with strong headwinds. maybee a good compromise would be borrowing a less exhausted 215 or larger 7 cell for a few jumps. i know from expierence student canopys have little to no flare.
  13. i re read her post and see she did get 2 different answers but you cant say she got the wrong answers cuz they both said 2 different things. so on has to be correct by the law of chance. the reason is both answers have the potential to be corrct or incorrect, but the only way she going to fin out is to jump it. if shes wrong she may get very hurt so ill stand by my advice as to play it safe until shes more capable under canoipy. a proficiant canopy pilot should be able to land in any winds under different w/l. i dont know why you on the defensive about my post. ill repeat the most important part, can she land off in a tight situation down wind succefully under a new faster canopy. yes or no. maybee dont cut it. your not thinking of these factors. it doesnt sound like she could walk away fromthat type of situation. im looking out for her saftey not her desire to jump a new canopy. so if SHE feels my advice is bogus then ignore it. but she asked so dont get bent out of shape when people answer with cautious advice. im trying to help her.
  14. im wondering why you felt the need to ask this q's. your aff instuctors told you there opinion wich is much better than ours because they have seen you land as well as helped train you. they would know much better than people who dont know you and have never seen you fly your canopy. it sounds like your possibly looking for another answer which is understandable when you have a buetiful new saber 2 waiting to be jumped!!! ;) but be patient with that being said heres my 2 cents.... i can see jumping your new canopy going either way. i had shitty landings as a newbie under a triatholon. when i bought a saber my landings actualy improved because it had more lift/ flare. this may be true in your case, however it may not be. the flip side is your saber 2 in low winds will be extremy faster than anything youve ever jumped, and definitly fast enough to break your legs if you dont perform correctly!!!! it sounds like to me you need more expierience with landings. the fact that you only have stood up landings with a strong headwind say alot. you need to plan for worst case scenarios like what if you had to land this new canopy off the dz due to a bad spot in a tight area downwind. if you cant do that you shouldnt jump it. we need to plan for worst case scenario not best case. the saber 2 is a very responsive modern semi eliptical canopy that can hurt you bad in that situation. i think you should listen to your instructors and make much more jumps in close succesion to address your landing problems, its the only way to improve. be patient and trust those now whom you trusted then to get threw the student program.. good luck, jeff
  15. huh i never thought of that. ill be making my 666th hopefully next week. we've had shit weather all weekend. let me know what you did . get pics.
  16. ive learned the max ammount of calling in sick on sunny days before you get fired is 13 per year.
  17. oops wrong thread .. theres too many post your tydye threads going on...
  18. cool good read i wish all pilots would be more aware of drop zones. we have alot of planes flying over our airsapce right at opening altitude every day. it gets aggrivatingg to say the least.
  19. i thoght this was post your INFINITY pics. you jav, mirage, voodo guys cant play in our reindeer games. ;)
  20. im curious about how you were able to do the math so to speak on the fatality averages at sd chicago. wouldnt you need to know how many jumpers and how many loads they flew those years? if you colud run the numbers for Kapowsin air sports in WA. the faa is up there ass due to i belive 7 fatalities over 10 years. but what the faa isnt looking at is how many loads and jumps they do a year there. Kapow is a very modern safe DZ and it botheres me when people only see how many dead and not the other fac=tors. jeff
  21. ive had multiple sabers and heres what i got for ya. i highly recomend having a rigger sew a "pocket" on your slider. i had one put on my saber 150 and from that point on had nothing but baby soft openings without a long ass snivle. it opened in approx 700-800 feet. theres many ways to pack a saber so it will open softly but if your packjobs are alittle awkward or sloppy due to lack of expierence the slider modification will be more forgiving and predictible. also thye main culprit in the saber slam saga was mostly on the saber 150's. my 135 never slammed me even without the slider pocket and some less than graceful packjobs. if youd like more info on the slider pocket let me know. i even still have that slider laying around here somewhere. blues jeff
  22. thanks for the info. that all makes good sense. i love the fact were a self governing sport. the scary thing is jumpers with very low jump numbers buying sub hundred x-braced canopys and jumping them. im happy to see the uspa is adressing this problem with more than just "recomendations". however its up to our community to be very careful about making new rules and regulations so we dont find ourselves taking the freedom we all love out of this wonderful life we have. its a fine balancing act keeping the faa and other "badges" out of our sport. maybe i should have made another thread sorry if im hijaking. ill shut up now.
  23. your camera man did a great job. you definitly made him work. keep on trying youll get it.
  24. the amount of skydiving deaths at sd chicago is proportioned to the amount of jumps they do there. in other words yes alot of jumpers have died but the do a hell of a lot of jumping there. missy nelson is an awsome dzo and extremly saftey oriented skydiver. so relax have a ball and just like any other large dz have your head on a swivle under canopy contantly looking for traffic.
  25. i wear mine under my right mud flapp got it on my new infinity, thanks kelly you rock!! im wanting to add another one on my left leg strap just in case i fumble the first ore have a broken arm, or just cant get to one. my opinoin is ill probably never need a hook knife, and if i do need one i probably wont physicaly be able to use it effectivley but how stupid would i feel to go in cuz i didnt have a 20 dollar knife.