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Everything posted by radiodave

  1. one more thing - will this mean you'll lay off the posting.? Jesus H. Christ ! 25K in 5 years? Really? No wonder it took you so long to find a woman...
  2. John = Congratulations. Stop by South Beach this week, we'll whip up a bachelor party for you. You know, the British kind, where the boys dress like girls and stuff...but seriously, where's the honeymooon? Radiodave
  3. yeah, what happened to Kaz Sheekey in the standings..? Thought she would be in the top slots...
  4. Rum - here's a subject i can comment years down there gives the title of expert, i think. Barcelo...good edestrian rum. Watched a guy drink a case of it by himself one night. then a case of the heienken. true story. he lived. we had to give him oxygen the next day when he awoke, but he lived. (he drove us to our island every day.) (small bottles. appx. 16 oz?)the heinies were the small 10 oz french style. The grenadians make a nice one by the name of westerhall. fuck the french. The best is Anniversario from Venezuela. $9/ country. $30 in the states, if you can find it. aged twenty five years in oak casks. don't pay more for "better rum". 25 is enough. try calderwoods from tortola for a different style. cruzan sucks all 'round. Bacardi is piss water, in any flavor. There are many, but those are my tips. Barcelo is a nice pedestrian rum - cheap and o.k. for regular consumption. try the anniversario for a real treat. neat please. Dave
  5. Bill - You're an engineer. You'll like this. $8500 is the retail. The vid clip is cool too...
  6. I spent seven years in the Caribbean. stopped counting @ 2500+ dives. Been everywhere theer - every wreck ( I think) and island for the most part. Freediving is a process of developing your body to reach it's limits of anaerobic fitness. The abscence of O2. It took me about five months to train to sixty feet for 2 minutes. that's with no weights and no wetsuit. just fins and a mask. It is dangerous and should be done with a buddy who knows revival techniques. If you believe that people are regualrly doing seven minutes, you are watching the big blue too much. Pepin was a freak. The top females can do 120 feet at about 2.5 minutes. maybe 3. now, weighted dives (unlimited) is a different story. I don't think you should spear, but that's my own moral code. too many idiots doing it. it is finite resource, right? That said, the fish ( like with rebreathers) will let you get closer than with all those bubbles. This all stems from the mammalian dive response. It flows from the lower levels (reptilian part) of the human brain stem. You can trigger it by splashing water on your face prior to getting in any's a weird thing left over from the old days. We did some cool things as SCUBA instructors (think 150+ people per day on their first dives. in the ocean. off a beach. eight people in your group for a 30 minute dive. four times per DAY. iT WAS VERY DIFFICULT AND FUN. The busiest in the world (that sadly is no more.)We would, for fun, swim out a quarter mile, no fins (well, one set for eight of us) and take turns racing to the 60' bottom. just pass the fins and mask around and see who was quickest. Aahhh.good times. Be careful. have fun. No spearing, just looking, IMO...RD
  7. Had him on my old radio show a few years back. got him some ribs at a nearby restaurant 'cause the handler got him to the studio early..he did not fart in my presence. .great guy. ADD to the max. was not taking his medicine that day, but it worked for the interview...i had 20+ Q's for the hour interview and got thru about 3 of 'em...we were laughing the whole time. His real passion is raising some top shelf quarter horses...really nice guy. A football legend.
  8. why...? Sometimes nice kitty's wander in and purr all night long...put only when you pet their belly.
  9. here ya go....sorry, forgot 'bout the attachy thingy...wait is that thumping from the auditorium? are the jungle drums beating? Yawser, time for drinky in the SDC aud.... thanks for the kind words, Bo.
  10. Here's an adventure for ya... My name is Dave. I'm a regular at Skydive Chicago. I'll be driving my bus to Florida. Leaving sometime next week. I'm going to take about six days to do the trip. No hurry for me.... Anyone interested in a roadtrip? Ass,Gas or Cash as the saying goes..LOL I've attached a pic of the vehicle. I'll be leaving from SDC. You could leave your car here. No house to house pick-ups. Going thru Alabama 'cause I never have... My screening rules apply. If you got the time, this will be fun.
  11. them. These go for...what $150K each new? So much fun to drive, knowing you can go ANYWHERE! They are originally Swedish, BTW.
  12. Yes...they are nice....if anyone's interested - I have two of these for sale ( 12K/offer each. extra parts/treads no prob. Cool, amphib vehicles. Fun to drive. Better than the pitz? in some cases.
  13. I was interviewing Ed Asner on my radio show once...We were talking of f the air during the commercial break...I expressed my longing to "know" Renee Zellwegger....he said"....yeah, every time she walks in the room, i wanna take a big bite out of her...". Damn near couldn't continue. There is one little lady at my DZ who I think is off the charts attractive, but I don't have the balls to start anything. Launch a six way off a tailgate over the ocean at nite?. Sure ! Ask her out? Not yet. Story of my life. That said, I've dated women from every continent. I love ALL women. The better sex to be sure.....we men are just following your lead...
  14. my word, have almost 8K posts in two years? The amount of free time you have is astounding...if you were paid by the click you'd have a million (select currency). It really is bordering on OCD...LOL. Since this is my first visit to this little corner of the univers, let me say this: overall (with some exceptions) the US is a force for good. PERIOD! Bitch about the methods, but we are the shining light in the world...kinds like a really cute girl with severe acne. With a little work, she'll be a knock out...but her personality is so good, everyone wants to hang with her..the alternative to allowing these nutjob islamists to continue to influence/intimidate countires/individuals is unacceptable. Are we bullies? yes, but we just want others to have freedom and play well with others. If they don't play well, we will whip out the big stick and show them the light...times are different from 1940, '70' or '00...too easy for these nutbags to get their hands on things that go boom.
  15. hhmmm....another open tunnel...not able to be used in inclement weather, which is regualr in NC...and difficult to do four way in....there are MANY improvements that need to be made to the Skyventure tunnels. Believe me. But this one will not be used for training in any significant way. Tourist will not know the difference and will use it. I'm curious what it cost? Anyone know. It DOES have an awesome view...
  16. This is my first public comment on this subject...most likely my last. Bo is correct, so is DiverDriver....the comments made by Jim Rome are on their way to the next Galaxy...let them go. (BTW, WLS & Garry Meier handled the subject briefly and, in MHO, relatively well. Still repeated the lies, but they could have been more rough and tumble) You can't change what most people believe already. We're crazy....etc...If you want to reply to his e-mail, do so, but PLEASE be civil and professional. His staff will read them and maybe they'll make the air. most likely not. WWRD? ....offer Jim a Tandem. Give him a great video to show on his little TV Show and smile as he headed down the road. Rome doesn't have the balls, so it's a moot point. This sport has a long way to go in the minds of the will take every one of us and our efforts to change it one person at a time. I had the distinct pleasure of having Roger on my radio talk show for 2 and a half hours back in '98. talkin' record attempts, the sport, life, etc. Pissed off my bosses no end. The listeners loved it. So did Roger. (BTW Bo...I ALWAYS crushed Rome in the numbers.LOL). This loss has many people walkin' into walls. An unimaginable loss for the SDC family. But, life will go on. Rook and Missy need time to grieve and consider the future. The rest of us? If you knew Roger consider yourself lucky to have known him. If you've only heard of him, talk to somebody who knew him and have them tell ya' a story or two. If you can, come to the service next Monday. Better yet, come jump with us and enjoy the greatest Memorial to Roger's life...Skydive Chicago. My best to you all, my fellow skydivers, Worldwide. RadioDave