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Everything posted by BlueEyedMonster

  1. Ha ha ha Me? Like Coed showers? Funny. At least you are comfortable around girls. I'm not comfortable around either.... And I swear my retinas are burned from all the boobies I was subjected to that weekend. But the skydiving rocked!
  2. OK, They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.... This is criticizing NON-LETHAL weapons research. Saying investigating relatives of lethal weapons is a bad idea??? Um yeah. Codine is a relative of a Lethal/Illegal drug. So is that bad? These people need to get a life.
  3. Lots of C-206 jumps and King Air jumps, but no C-182.
  4. Hmmm Lots of things with computers, creative crap.... and boys
  5. ROTFLMAO... Is that a dig on you California types?
  6. What are reading into this that is not there???? Please tell me how this basic statement is incorrect: "Both women and cows are given a larger dose of a hormone that is naturally occuring in their bodies to achieve a desired result." It may not be healthy, but it IS sometimes the results that are sought. Why do you think all those athletes use steroids???? They take a larger dose of a naturally occuring hormone to achieve a desired result. Think image of Cold War Eastern European women. Yup, that was women on Testosterone. Neither is taking the pill is it? It can really screw up your reproductive system. That can't be healthy can it?
  7. Ha ha ha Smile... I am not FROM Minnesota. I have only lived hear 3 years. the 2.5 years before that I lived int Portland, OREGON. Yeah that place out west with all the trees and mountains Before that, I grew up on a farm. Spend days and days and days playing and hunting in a forrest. I know what a forrest is, what its like to be in one, or try to find something in one. The point is, trees are natural. Each one is different. I'll drop a canopy in a 200 acre corn field... a field with nothing but rows and rows of genetically identical stalks planted in perfect rows... solid leaves from 12 inches to 8 feet. You can drop one in the woods... We can see who finds it first... or who gets lost first. --->???? ok, what are these? ...//... I thought those were only ID's Do a yahoo search for GPS PET TRACKER. You should be able to find one small enough. PS: why the hell are we arguing about this??? Cause its fun, and I should be in bed.
  8. No option for I never downloaded any to begin with? The only MP3's or Real Player files I have are all ones I recorded off of and maintain the original CD. They are stored on my home network that is secure behind the proxy and firewall. I think the RIAA should buy me a new rig for being a good boy.
  9. Read what you just said. I do not think that is a very good example. I did... It is a very good example of the hypocricy of the ANTI-BGH sentiment. Cows are given more of the BGH (a hormone they naturally produce) so they produce more milk (milk production being the desired result) Women on the other hand, take that little pill every day... a dose of a hormone their body's naturally produce. This in turn clears acne, tames PMS, and prevents pregnancy... all three of which are desired results. So If you can do it to people.... whats the problem with doing it to cows?
  10. You have the time. There are landmarks even in a densely filled forrest. Thats what your eyes are for. This cheesy little radio transmitter is not going to give you an exact location either. This isn't Kansas either... in Minnesota we have Corn fields from hell. 8-9ft tall a few rows in, the canopy/freebag will usually fall between the rows and under the leaves. I did not see it, but someone helped out a jumper at our DZ with a helicopter, rope and hook to get one out of a treetop. I think one of those little pet trackers would be more practical. Just put that on a riser and freebag. Then if its lost, call it in and get the GPS coordinates. That'll get ya to w/in 10 feet.
  11. You know what I mean you sh*t . The fruits put up the front... along with everyone else.
  12. Now, I noticed this when I was at Couch Freaks, but I thought skydivers were supposed to stick together. Where I jump, someone usually follows the Main down if the jumper under reserve can't. If he or she can or there are other people in the vicinity, someone else follows the freebag. I've done this. Just watch were it lands, pick 4 points that intersect where it is, find a safe place to land, then walk over to where your 4 points intersect and pick it up. When I was at Couch, I watched several cutaways. There were plenty of people in the air, lots of open space, and never once did I see someone help out the other jumper and follow his/her stuff down. And, A tracking device won't help you in a tree top or a building. As long as someone saw where it went... its gonna take a key, ladder, or helicopter to get it back. And how often are mains lost lost? Is it really worth the expense.. 1/3 or 1/4 the replacement cost?
  13. But I wanted to EAT the dead horse! Easy to explain: Better detection methods, spot more sooner. The big one, diabetes is from too many carbos/sugars --yeah that plant stuff. Don't forget evolution's roll. Now that kids live with diseases, they can pass them on to their kids. Viruses, Bacteria, and carriers (such as mosquetos and ticks) have much shorter lives and evolve much faster than we do. So of course the evil critters are gaining ground.
  14. ha ha ha JT. You got it backwards. More than half my Ex's were military/Ex-military Whereas, My best bet with getting a BF at the DZ is to find a Hottie Whuffo and convert him to a Hottie FF Boy. The Military Homophobe thing is usually an act... so they don't get busted.
  15. There is a big difference between not getting nutrients and getting anti-biotic residue. Your first post argued that you did not get the nutrients... and after I contradicted that your second post stated: OOPS The nutrients are there now huh? Your first post stated the meat contained extra "chemicals." Notice, I never disagreed with that. But, you have less to worry about with those chemicals than you do about driving your car or drinking alcohol. Therefore, I still disagree. Meat IS of better quality today than it ever was. And BTW In the US beef cattle raised for meat are still grazed in pastures. The cows that are kept contained are the ones that are milking. Fact of the matter is, if it was not for modern farming methods, there would be a lot more starving people.
  16. You already did inster the "Old-man emoticon" ... Your Avatar!
  17. Lock? What lock? I don't see no stinking lock?
  18. Nope... Its not just you. Sounds like an average year for me. Hence the signature line.
  19. Boy have you got that backwards. Today's Hybrids and genetically modified feed grains are not only modified/bred to be pest resistant, but also to be more nutritious. They have more vitamins and nutrients. Healthier cows, make more meat and produce more milk. Hormones? The hormone BGH and the others used are already naturally occurring hormones, just more is given to produce a desired result. Its no different than birth control in women. Why don't I see PETA protesting the pill. In general, because of the better crops, and healthier animals the food we eat is much more nutritious. If you don't believe me, Go to an Amish farm and take a look at the animals. There's a big difference. So actually, 50 years ago, what you got was much LESS than what you get today. Research before you post.
  20. I thought about getting killed, but didn't worry about it. Afterall, if I'm dead I don't care. But, after I crunched that vertebra, I realized there was the whole "vegetable in a wheelchair for 60 years until I die a long drawn out painful death" possibility. That's what makes me think twice now and then--but only for a millisecond, because skydiving rocks.
  21. You are gonna go to hell... The bible says pork is a no no
  22. Yikes...way to many words to actually read.
  23. weLL I have a sleek black Swingline stapler that everyone wants.... I let them use it when they are nice to me.
  24. I had a meal plan in college. I ate really well all the time. But that was just a year. NOW, I live on Little Debbie Swiss Snack Cakes, M&M's, Applebee's and Subway.