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Everything posted by BlueEyedMonster

  1. Sounds a lot like it makes you a college student, if you ask me... I wish I was that young.... Actually I'm a 3rd shift techie ho accross the street from Applebee's.
  2. hmmm I had cheese sticks and a steak salad for dinner. Whats that make me?
  3. I have lots on my website... Clicky below, then go to sightings. I was a cute little toehead.
  4. Yeah they are on my webpage... but damn I'm sexy with blue hair! shirt Porn Star Pose
  5. Ha ha ha I have a simple solution for you. Are you cute?
  6. That is the "temporary SuperHero SuperCommand Post." Thats what I meant by "Fancy hardware inside." Notice the spin the wheel mens-womens on the outside?
  7. Dammit JT... Set up some E3 with a hot Dude. Don't your fellow PW's come first? Where's MY hot wrestler?
  8. That's one of the reasons I hated Portland. The Port Authority makes it so expensive to fly out of there. (SW doesn't fly to Minneapolis) When I lived there It was always cheaper to take Amtrak to Seattle and fly out of SeaTac. Yeah it takes more time, but including cab fare, I usually saved myself about $100.
  9. Hey all. I'm gonna be in Denver the 20-21. So I HAVE to jump one of those days. Anyone want to play? I posted some Couch Freaks pics on my web page. Just follow the sightings link. They are at the bottom.
  10. I love to eat meat. Steak is yummy The bigger the better.
  11. See if your 401(k) plan offers loans, many do. You will borrow money from yourself (your 401k) and repay to yourself (through payroll deductions) with interest (that ends up in your 401k). I did this earlier this year to pay a doctor bill, No loss, I pay interest to myself, and in the end, the money is all still in my 401K account.
  12. Ya'll act like Sharon and the hardliners are innocent? If Arafat goes, so should Sharon. I think a good clearing out of BOTH sides is in order.
  13. Its only got a 1000 yard range. Thats pretty useless. If you can spot where it went w/in 1000 yards, a group of people can find it for ya. I'd say it might be more helpful on a freebag, but It costs more than a freebag.
  14. Hey guys... I currently work at Target Corp. HQ as a contractor (techie slave) but, I believe this information to be incorrect. Especially when I have personally witnessed the Salvation Army bell ringer in the rotunda of the 2 story target store between the Corp buildings in downtown Minneapolis. Just because you contact Corp HQ, does not mean anything. There are thousands of people in many high-rise buildings here. I have not the foggiest clue who you should ask. If you have a name, PM me, I'll get his/her contact info for you. An LOD is not necessarily a store manager. An LOD is a Lead On Duty. He/she could be a logistics manager, an HR manager or any other exec. Not necessarily the Store manager. He/She may not know who to ask or where to find who you should ask about your charity. As for someone getting fired over a basball team selling apples. That is the biggest bunch of BS I have ever heard. I've seen them screw up a lot worse with no measurable results. Target Corp pushes it charities and fundraising very seriously. Accusing this company of being anti-community and anti-charity is just absolutely wrong. I have my beef's with Target, but I recognize this as mis-information and people trying to help and just having a hard time finding the right people to contact.
  15. I'm a corrupted adult that acts 13 (my shoe size.) So I saw the couple first, but saw the dolphins right away once it was explained that they were there.
  16. I'll bet red hair would look cool in a mullet... one of the ones with the perm in the back. I'll bet you too could look like a bank robber!
  17. Jeeze haven't you seen The Matrix? Ya just dodge the bullets. Or, doesn't red hair give you superpowers like my blue hair does?
  18. But Viking.... you missed all the fun! You could have had one of those "No Shit..... There I was..." Stories.
  19. He just has a chip on his shoulder.... I've seen nekked pics of him (real ones) He has a small pee pee.
  20. Can't sleep, clowns will eat me. Don't worry. Your favorite superhero will be up until at least 7am. I'll protect you from nasty clown.
  21. Hmmm didn't notice. How did that happen?
  22. I would just like to meet one PW. I went all the way to couch freaks and didn't see anyone