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Everything posted by BlueEyedMonster

  1. And thats exactly why this election is such a good thing, they are electing the people that will write their own constitution the way they want it.... and even if the Sunis are shut out of the election because of violence and protest, Statements have been made that they will still have a major roll in the constitution--so that all the groups have their say. Trust the people involved in this(UN, Iraqis, and US & Alies). They actually know what they are doing.
  2. I'm a good little boy. I have never ever done it. But I steal keys and play chauffeur to the tipsy.
  3. Fat gayboy exercising to music. Holy Crap! Richard Simmons has a son!!! How did that happen?
  4. JohnRich, I usually agree with you, but you slipped up here. They are not prisoners of war, they are either enemy combatants or unlawful combatants. In order to be considered prisoners of war, they would have to be uniformed soldiers. There are no rules for these types. In previous wars, they were fair game for whatever.
  5. LOL OK if you if you segregate what/who gets rights by intelligence, well, I know some people that need their rights stripped. And an animal or two that needs to be given them because they are smarter than the forementioned people.
  6. not that simple... They have a DB of all the serials they sold.... so the now pirated... and possibly even the "generated" original serials may not work.
  7. You don't draw a line. Anything that can be of medical or scientific use should not be limited. The example they used to show why it shouldn't be allowed actually is a good reason it should be. Invetro using mice as doners for parents that cannot have their own children is oddly an excellent idea. No custody battles! Kid would be better off. And two people that want a family could have one.
  8. Yes, I can just as easily downshift and use my park break if necessary... Kind of like if my main fails and I have to use my reserve.
  9. Maybe, but the Bush doctrine is not in play here. At the request of the US, the UN set up the plan and the process that is taking place for the move to Democracy. And quite honestly, I think the plan is an excellent one. The Iraqis want it to work, and they will make it work.
  10. OK does anyone else see the humor in the double meaning of the ladies talking about PMS? edit to add: and the title about the clock ticking?
  11. Years of conflict? Gulf War 1, the bombings inbetween, Gulf War 2.. Of Course Saddam didn't surrender... he ran away. Of course you cannot compare success stories. That would spoil the drama. Japan especially because they supported their government and leader (the divine Emperor Hirohito) far more than Iraqi's supported Saddam. Their constitution was handed to them by the occupying power (US), and their first election was held within 7 months of invasion. Occupation lasted from 1945-1952. 7 Years! The Iraqi's get to make their own constitution and they get more time to vote. The general population is more educated. Its been done before, It will be done again. We have a lot of men and women in Iraq to get them to the point where Japan was after WWII. Support them and give the Iraqi's the benefit of the doubt, they deserve it. --Jason
  12. Well many conservative christians believe that animals do not have souls, so it doesn't matter. But you need to add a catagory for me. I'm pro choice and pets and their owners should be snipped. There are way too many children who don't have good homes and responsible parents. Its a problem that I thing needs a serious solution.
  13. Yeah ladies.... reply. I would, but I'm taken
  14. LOL... Funny I noticed that in the shower too. I hypothisized that it has something to do with the additional water molecules in the air.
  15. Yup, Democracy failed so miserably in Japan after WWII. I think it totally flopped in West Germany too. There's a big difference between cutting and running and pulling the troops quickly to appease all the impatient people at home... and staying, footing the bill, and getting a good democracy established firmly before you leave. Keep watching Afghanistan. 15 years from now, as long as the next US President doesn't cut and run.... It might actually be a nice place to live. Iraq will be just a few years behind.
  16. Thats OK, I just wanna hear about the next time you walk your dog in a hurricane.
  17. It only happens if you get the CHEAP stuff. The Prestone stuff works great. It worked on my car when it was -22.
  18. I'll be there Feb 13-19.... You better have some nice weather for me.
  19. For those you that don't like MSN messenger, the best way is to use Add/Remove programs then Add/Remove windows components. And remove that pesky little messenger program.
  20. Wow, newsgroups still exist? I haven't logged on to one of those since my first computer -- 11 years ago.
  21. I think ya missed the point. Order of precedence works great in a formula. But the anomaly exists because the events in the story problem occur contrary to the order of precedence.
  22. Hotel manager still has it
  23. I have lots of skydiving dreams.... Always land off. Usually in a field. Canopies never open. Usually because we never pull and choose to land in soft something or other. Always a little sore, but get up and walk away. I still have the image in my head of one dream that stuck with me. I was in a field, there were corn stalk stacks (haystacks made with left over corn stalks ) I was standing on the ground watching 3 of the jumpers at our DZ hit them things in a full track... do a bouncing roll out and stand up. I love my dreams
  24. Funny thing, I dream this ALL THE TIME. I love it. Imagine the ground rush of never pulling! Skydiving is less dangerous than driving out of downtown Minneapolis to get to the DZ. I jump to relax...and fly free. edit:typo
  25. This isn't micro-managing. She is gathering, and documenting evidence. She is making you aware of the issue in writing....She has already gone to the lenghts of changing your schedule to help you out. Yup, you better be scared as hell of being 1 minute late again because she now has all the ammo she needs to terminate you and deny unemployment benefits. I suspect after "having it out with her on a few occasions over the last few months", she has made the decision to get rid of you. You better go find a new job before you are late again.... or make a complete 180--show up 20 minutes early every day and kiss ass. And to who-ever said the 15 minute break thing... Depends on the state, but the ones I have worked in and federal law, only require 30 minute lunch per 8 hours for non-exempt employees. --Jason