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Everything posted by BlueEyedMonster

  1. I'm not a rigger, but I sew. I see that the binding tape is flat on the edges, but the fabric is wrinkled. It looks to me like the flaps were sewn with the fabric stretched.... or the binding tape shrank later. --Jason
  2. Yeah, watch out for them male nurses!!
  3. Wow, where'd that attack come from? First of all the gentleman in the video did an excellent job with the tools that he had. He walked away from a fatal situation. Ya just can't do any better than that. I should seriously hope that any skydiver in a similar situation...with a hook knife, would be able to recognize horizontal lines between risers where there shouldn't be any lines at all. As for analyzing the situation and posting my opinion. Thats what this forum is all about. Its all about the arm-chair.
  4. Always been here... SuperHeros can be invisible you know.
  5. In this situation it should not have been too difficult to find the right line to cut. From the video it appears to be the one line thats zig-zagged between the risers and lines... Real nice and easy to cut/reach. I LOVE long grass... Its the best to crash land into.
  6. Dude, That's not as bad as waking up on my sister's couch to her Quaker Parrot moaning louder and louder... "Ohh yeaaah... Ooooo Yeahhh ... OOOOHHH YEAHHHHH" as he was having his big O humping his stuffed toy.
  7. Bill, looks cool, but since it has a motor, it becomes a motorized vehicle. Doesn't that require licensing and forbid you from riding it on sidewalks? I'd check with the DMV on this if I were you.
  8. Had to go through this once when I busted someone stealing my resume off of my website. A copyright violation is not a crime actually. So no, you cannot report it. No law enforcement agency can actually do anything about it. The best the copyright holder can do is to or have a lawyer send a cease and desist letter. If the letter is ignored, the violator can be sued for actual damages. Lawyer fees and additional penalties can only be sued for if the image/selection is registered with the Library of Congress.
  9. Don't know that it would have been a mistake.... It is this way on their map for many REAL DZs. "reservations" Think about it. You send a note to a DZ, and it bounces because the "reservations" account does not exist on their domain. What's gonna happen? Click the next guy on the map... That actually links to a web site where you can see pictures...and it says SKYRIDE in big letters. The Skyride guys aren't stupid... just scum.
  10. Because they don't want to associate the DZ with the scam. --just my thought.
  11. Read it again. You missed: 1) Copyright infringement mentioned in the thread. 2) Telling people the certificates are accepted at DZ's they are not. 3) Trademark infringement. Example here is Skydive Chicago 4) FRAUD. Setting up web sites for DZ's that do not exist for the purpose of selling the certificates that may or may not be redemable. Many Many examples listed.
  12. Facts: Networksolutions-whois lookup Registrant Contact: CASC Inc. ( 555-555-5555 PO Box 440383 Kennesaw, GA 30160 US As of now, this map on indicates DZ #108 in southern Minnesota is called Adventure Skydiving It states "This map is in United States Parachute Association Regions" MINNESOTASKYDIVING.COM Networksolutions-whois lookup Registrant Contact: Cary Quattrocchi ( 5555555555 1732 Pamela Circle Marietta, GA 30060 US The ONLY dropzone south of Skydive Hutchinson in Minnesota is Minnesota Skydivers Club, and this is confrmed on the USPA's web site. The Rates page of shows an image of a King Air. There is only one DZ in Minnesota that has a King Air. And its further North. Several weeks ago, I sent an email to Minnesota Skydiver's Club notifying them of this redirection of their business. and the following was the reply I received My Question: Why is everyone just rolling over and letting this happen? Are palms being greased with a little cash? This type of blatant misdirection of business, and fiction (see below) shouldn't be permitted. Fiction: But at least our Georgian friends have given us a little something to laugh at. Skydivers cannot breath in clouds and rain WHAT YOU CAN DO TO STOP THIS If you have been defrauded. If you have not but wish to make a tip. Affected DZ's... TAKE AWAY THEIR DOMAIN NAMES! I would suggest involving lawyers in this. But these guys are misusing some premium domain names. Take them back. According to ICANN Domain Name disputes can be lodged for the following: - domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the complainant has rights; and - no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and - domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith. In this case, the domain name is possibly similar, but they definitely have no Minnesota DZ's and the name was registered in bad faith by the ICANNs standards. (iv) by using the domain name, you have intentionally attempted to attract, for commercial gain, Internet users to your web site or other on-line location, by creating a likelihood of confusion with the complainant's mark as to the source, sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your web site or location or of a product or service on your web site or location
  13. I demo'd both a Pilot 150 and a Sabre2 150. The Pilot opened much softer and on heading more often. Plus it doesn't need any special packing techniques. (such as rolling the nose or anything) The Sabre2 openings were almost violent. I purchased the Pilot... I can say I am very VERY happy with it. And, I very happy that I had a choice other than the Sabre2. Thank you Aerodyne.
  14. The battery meter is not a "life" indicator. Its a voltage indicator. BIG DIFFERENCE
  15. I was on a plane once where someone did EXACTLY the same thing to test out the left turn in a tempo. The rigger was experienced with static line, but not too current on it. The jumper was an experienced ex-military jumper with many static line jumps... but not to current with them. So, I had a day of firsts. It was my first time: ...watching an attempted static line deployment ...watching a premature deployment ...watching a canopy go over a tail.. and a jumper hit it ...I ever did an emergency bailout In the end the pilot managed to land with a bent tail, the jumper landed with a banged up arm, and with hindsight, we decided we did a pretty stupid thing. With this experience behind me, I do not recommend this be done by everyone except jumpers and riggers that are experienced AND current with static line equipment. If you don't trust your reserve, buy a different one.
  16. The Pilot is a different type of ZP, and actually the ribs on mine are F-111. For some real fun try packing a brand new Sabre2. A Pilot is far easier to pack than most other new canopies. Just take your time with it, and push the air out slower... It'll go right in the bag. Mine has gone in the bag the first try all but one time.
  17. You are right, It takes many more hours of hard work to make your own even if you know what you are doing. But I make my own because I can get a better fit and EXAXTLY what I want built to a standard far higher than even the best purchased suits. Oh and the other fabric you want is SPANDURA. Its kinda hard to find, but its what you need to use for any type of spandex. Its doesn't snag--Its actually a Coudura/lycra fabric.
  18. Its where I got the Nylon and the Cordura to make my last jump suit. They have many types and weights to choose from. You can also get nice cheap Heavy Duty Nylon thread at (I know cheesy web site, but I've always been very happy with them.)
  19. I have a Garmin etrex-vista. It uses a barametric altimeter and is waas enabled. It can be set to log long/lat/altitude/time up to once every second.
  20. I see that too, I have a neptune on my wrist and in my helmet. Both do it. The spike is easy to explain. Watch someone in a wingsuit or tracking pull. As the pilot is pitched and parachute begins to snivel, their forward and directional velocity slow as they transition to a more downward direction. For the first few seconds of this transition, you are actually going down faster than you were with your suit or in a track. Then as your directional velocity continues to decrease, your vertical velocity stops increasing and begins decreasing as your parachute opens, and you have the spike on your graph. To the rest of you that are doubting my numbers. (And I am so sorry I didn't mean to hijack this thread) I regurlarly track in the mid to low 80's and have reached the 78-79 mark for sustained periods of time on a couple of jumps. This is done completely with lift generated from forward speed. My jump suit is a skin tight ZP RW suit.--no wings, no loose fabric, nothing inflating. The only thing it has is booties and grippers This lift doesn't happen without a tremendous amount of forward speed. I was weathered out this weekend, but I am going to get a jump GPS logged, neptune logged, and air/ground speed info from the pilot for PhreeZone. If anyone else questions or wants to see. PM me so I can stay out of this thread, I'll get the data to you when the weatherman gets rid of the snow/clouds/wind. I have attached my very last track jump. Lump at the beginning is turning a wide 90 back to the DZ clear of the Tandem jumpers. Spike at the end is me deploying because I actually bellied out this jump--I wasn't going to pitch my crappiest pack job ever in a track--I only pitch good pack jobs in a track.
  21. Kim. I love the candidness and the fact that you and 4XTTTOM are involved in this thread and providing the facts to those that are unwilling to follow the proper channels to get the answers for themselves. I love my vigil... and can't wait to replace the cypress in my second rig with another vigil.
  22. Its not too cold to jump in Minnesota... until the thermometer reads 0 degres Ferheneit. Well unless you are a student.... Then I think its something like 32 (please correct me if I am wrong on that)
  23. Nope, It's correct... and I still pull in a track... and that's what this thread is about.
  24. The majority of my jumps are track jumps in my RW suit. I regurlarly pitch in a full track. My horizontal ground speed has been logged as high as 180mph by GPS. I assume horizontal airspeed to be well over 100 mph. My slowest verticle speed has been 78 mph I ususally average around 89. When I pitch, I bring both hands to my side with body and legs still extended, then bring them back out to about 30 deg and release the pilot chute. (I said all that just to let you know that when I pitch in a track... I am pitching in a FULL TRACK) I have a older sabre1 170 with a slider mod and a brand new Pilot 150. I chose the pilot specifically because it opened just like my sabre. I have not experienced any hard openings due to pitching in a track. The only difference is, the openings snivel longer and I start my snivel looking at the sky--not the horizon.