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Everything posted by BlueEyedMonster

  1. Skydiving is how I relax. I'm not in it for the rush or thrill... just to relax and have a little fun.
  2. It isn't going to happen. Lithium batteries maintain maximum voltage to the very end. So until Altimeters(and modern hardware) can accurately predict the future, there is no way to read when the battery is going to die based on its output. The battery indicator in your altimeter is the same as on a cypress... nothing more than a voltage meter. It showed full battery because your battery was running at full power on the ground Let me guess, you never contacted Alti-2 or a Field Service Rep about the cracks? They didn't. You misread the website. The site said "Do not use the current release Neptune Control Panel" The Neptune Control Panel is utility that is only available to Field Support Reps. The Updater software available to the public is fully functional.
  3. That's what armor is for. If your Neptune is on your wrist, get it. Its cheap and its extra cushion that is removable in case you want to use it as an audible again.
  4. That's an unacceptable work-around that they need to fix. It is an easy software fix, and I don't know why they don't just do it. Unacceptable in your opinion. Awesome in mine. I love the fact that you can't shut it off. That means that its always on when I need it. I drive 60 miles back and forth to the DZ every weekend. I've never had it log a jump while driving on my trips. I am capable of operating a screwdriver if I need to get the battery out. So taking one out for a flight, along with all my other gear prep will not be a problem.
  5. That is a nice discount and a fair compromise. Good company
  6. No they shouldn't. Well, they can if they want. Above and beyond is an option. Why should they have to eat the cost because some skydiver ignores the obvious danger of strapping a $290 device on the outside of a helmet? The mounting bracket is not covered by their warranty. I would guess it breaks free for a reason.. Maybe they should make them stronger... I'm sure Darwin would love watching a riser snag one, cause a spinning malfunction, a broken neck or a jumper to get hanged by his/her helmet strap. You took a risk putting it on the outside of the helmet. You pay for a reserve repack, you pay for a replacement cypress cutter. Pay for a new audible... and a new helmet with an inside pocket. Don't abuse nice companies.
  7. Yes I have seen it... 2 reasons. 1.) Logging of jumps is an option. Is it disabled? 2.) OLD software. If you do not have the most recent version, you will want to get the software updates.
  8. Rig1: FireLite 170 Rig2: PDR 160 Rig1: Javelin J3 Rig2: Mirage G4.1 Rig1: 1.09 Rig2: 1.16 Rig1: Great! -One belly sliding downwind landing -One nice tiptoe landing Rig2: Haven't cut away yet Rig1: Not really sure, was a newby, and I didn't look. But it sure wasn't opening. Second was a Pilot in tow caused by a rig mod. Ended up with 2 out-cut away main.
  9. Actually you should be able to pick one up for $15-20. I wouldn't pay more than $20. Do a search on any shopping website (yahoo or ebay or whatever) for "usb to irda"
  10. I third this... I demo'd both a pilot and a sabre2. Same issue with the sabre2. Right at the end... like a butterfly caught in a semi's turbulence. I don't have the issue with my New Pilot or my old (original) Sabre with the slider mod. They both open slow, steady and on heading whether I am on my belly or in a full track--with no special packing tricks --no extra concentration on body position at deployment.
  11. Thats just my point. I don't always understand my cypress. numbers numbers numbers? I just want to know if my battery is OK. Or should I ever have to set a DZ offset, that I can do it without having to remember special button push sequences that I last read 2 years before.
  12. Funny, this hasn't happened yet. I'm still loving my vigil. I used both rigs this weekend, cypres 1 told me a bunch of numbers and crap. My vigil speaks english--I'm honestly much more comfortable using the vigil and jumping it than the cypres. I think I need to ditch the cypres for another vigil
  13. Not trolling, and don't appreciate the accusation that I am. Personal attacks are not appropriate. I'm just very happy with my vigil and quite honestly cannot understand the hostility toward from someone that doesn't even jump one... Or people that expect it to do things it was not designed to. If I am ever rendered unconscious or physically unable to pull, I will depend on my AAD to save my life. That's why I bought it, and would be the only time it is used. My work load has just skyrocketed and I'm tired of dealing with the spin going on here. Blue skies Ron and Blueshrew.... I'll debate this with you another day.
  14. Failing to fire when it is expected to pretty much means someone dies. Firing when it should not only introduces the posibility if it happens at the wrong time/place. So yes, there is a difference, But not the way you are thinking. Expressing your opinion is great. However, libeling a product you have no personal experience with is not cool.
  15. Yep, and the soultion to do nothing about it was stupid. However, it was not a risk. That's a brilliant statement. It could be on... could be off.. No one knows??? Its a HUGE risk if you are rendered unconscious on exit or in freefall. Yes, but thay admitted a problem and fixed it as fast as they could. Vigil tryed to not admit a problem. APPARENTLY YOU MISSED THE RECALL??? and my previous response stating that I was happy with how the issues was handled. As soon as the static issue was discovered, ALL units were recalled. I received a replacement in a month. Great you don't want to be a test dummy. Then sit back and watch what happens to those of us who do. Ask us questions, we will answer them for you. If you don't have the personal experience with the product that someone like I has--you have no place trashing it. Any evidence YOU have to offer is nothing more than hearsay.
  16. **The newer wrist mounts do not use backplates. **Average Speeds..Depends on mounting location and how each person has their Neptune setup to log speeds (you can store up to 4 different settings) But it is accurate. I have done a comparison with the Max speed logged on my vigil. They are within a few mph of eachother. **If you can't hear an alarm, I'll bet you use an open face helmet. Sometimes the wind noise just drowns the alarm out. But the alarm cannot be made louder because it will cause hearing damage. more: **Batteries cost $2.50 at wal-mart or you can get them for under $2 online. Buy a 10 pack and keep them in your bag. Personally I am happy that they used a cheap off-the-shelf battery. I would rather replace it after a few months than pay $20 to replace a specially built battery every year. **Updates Updates Updates. If you do not have the newest software, please get it. Its free, and your local Field Rep can update your neptune if you don't want to or don't know how. **You know those bruises you get on your jumps, but you don't remember hitting anything. I think thats exactly how the cracked screens might happen. If you are wearing your Neptune on your wrist, check with your dealer. Screen protectors and armor should seriously be considered.
  17. .......Cypres 2 is only promised to be water proof to a maximum depth of 15 feet, for a maximum of 15 minutes. Every other maker of every other AAD says that wet AADs should be removed from service, dried and inspected before returning to service. NO AAD is waterProof! Airtec's website states the following of a Cypress2: Its in a frame, Click the models link on the right. The thought that certain AAD's are water proof is a misconception. It is the responsibility of a jumper to know the limitations of his/her equipment. When it says water resistant, you don't leave it in a water logged rig after going for a swim. You thank your lucky stars its water resistant, pull it out, and dry it out. If you don't the consequences are your responsibility and no one elses.
  18. 1st Make sure the speaker is pointing toward your ear. 2nd. The alarms are just as loud as the other audibles. They cannot be any louder without causing ear damage. I have had the same experience you had with my EVO/Neptune/Dytter sit flying. The helmut is just that loud. If I'm standing or sitting, I can hear neither the Neptune or the Dytter. I'm back to my full face.
  19. But the Vigil claims to be water resistant like the Cypres II, correct? Marketing lingo ladies and gentleman.. Water RESISTANT is not Water PROOF. The difference between the two is huge. Considering the gentleman in the swooping contest more than likely submerged his rig and then never took out the vigil to dry out.... That would require a water PROOF AAD. Neither Cypress or Vigil is water proof. I've been jumping my Vigil since April. No issues. I love it.
  20. I'll be there but probably without the blue hair this time
  21. Yeah, right. "Altimaster Field Support participants are discouraged from selling Altimaster products, this program is intended to support our existing dealers." If you would like to read up on their field support program, please do so. That's OK.... I'll help you take your foot out of your mouth.
  22. Yeah, L&B has that too..... they are called "dealers" HA ha, no a "dealer" is a is a sales person, and often has many responsibilities. A Field Rep does nothing but service and support. BIG DIFFERENCE Honest opinions and service from people that back a product because it is the best... and they want to help are a far cry from people that back a product because they make money selling them to you.
  23. WHY A NEPTUNE IS BETTER FIELD SUPPORT Neptune has it at many dropzones. They have the people to help you out, and have spare parts on hand. UPDATEABLE I like new tech. Especially DEPENDABLE new tech. If you can't or don't want to update. Field support reps will rescue you. $2 batteries than can be found anywhere. Alti has been around for years and years and years. Neptunes are MUCH easier to use than protracs are. The directions a good reference, but the menu system is so intuitive. No time limits in freefall. Alti carefully listens to customer feedback, and takes good recommendations seriously.
  24. I'm still not sure what "it" (the thing being dropped) is. I was assuming it's a "deadweight" type cargo (i.e. no power for propulsion or human for control), so if you wanted to drop it miles away from the target, what ensures that the wing takes to the proper heading on (or after) deployment? Is there some kind of remote control? It's been a while since I've been to their site, but IIRC atair has developed a guidance system for bombs or cargo that will steer a canopy to a designated location, then spiral down to decend quickly (avoiding detection and becoming a target) then deploy a round at the last second to make for a somewhat soft landing. Something like this could be used to get supplies to a very specific spot without endangering the cargo planes dropping them. Bad guys got a unit pinned down? They're running out of ammo? Drop a few crates from 30 miles away and land it right on top of them. Sounds like a good idea to me. You sould check out out their site. Its pretty cool.
  25. Lucky for you I just happened to have an unpacked Sabre 170 with the slider mod laying on my livingroom floor. I love the slider mod. It makes for nice slow openings. And I like my Sabre--Its a good canopy. **The white around the edges are the pockets. They inflate and hold the slider up longer.**