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Everything posted by BlueEyedMonster

  1. what Boob? I was watching/waiting/hoping for Justin's pants to fall down.
  2. He he he... Sound like a fun game of tag! Only if your the pilot of the f-16...... otherwise you only get to play once You forget I am a SuperHero! Let's see 'em try and get me neener neener neener. They'll never catch me!
  3. Hmmm ...Its annoying to porn surfers? Oh wait.... I love QT. Its never annoying!
  4. Cool I agree with the Christians! Ok, you don't have to feed them to the lions.
  5. I hate QuickTime too. It took me too long to figure out how to get that stupid blue Q out of my system tray. (Icons by the clock)
  6. Well you will need it to play the .mov files that some crazy skydivers use. But, you can reinstall it... just read the install options carefully. If you uncheck the right boxes, it won't try to be the default player.
  7. Good man. Buddy gave ya some good advice. Did you get it fixed. The instructions I gave ya above are how to get media payer to be the default player.
  8. Umm Who cares? My personal life is MY personal life... and none of societies business. I believe the core of it is a bunch of whiney people that want to feel special, want to bitch, and feel the need to confront. Are you so insecure that you need societal approval of your gayness? Personally, I don't give a shit what society thinks... and I'm perfectly happy with things the way they are.
  9. Easier way... Open media player... Pull down TOOLS... then click OPTIONS. Then click the FILE TYPES tab. You can select them all there. BTW... Did you get a new computer yet?
  10. Zähe Scheiße! Sprechen sie Deutsch nicht? Well you can figure it out... and demanding that someone else speak English in their own non-English speaking country is like a French person visiting the US demanding you speak to them in French. With that analogy, Ivan, I believe you are completely out of line demanding that a Swiss company maintain an English website. Besides they were probably tracking the hitcount on the English page and found it was not worth the $$$ to maintain it.
  11. OK I'll take pic number 5 in a nice crisp clear 8x10 please. I think hotties are allowed to wear all the spandex they want!
  12. What? Is that a bad thing?
  13. Chat Au Vin - (Cat Braised in Wine) Ingredients (6 servings) 2 ½ lb cat, cut-up 6 bacon slices diced ½ lb whole mushrooms 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 C sliced green onions chopped parsley 1 tsp salt 1 C cat drippings, strained 8 sm new potatoes, scrubbed ¼ tsp pepper 8 sm white onions, peeled ½ tsp dried thyme leaves 1 C Burgundy wine Instructions Skin and declaw large house cat, preferably a long-haired one because they are particularly annoying. Bone cat, dice meat and boil skeleton for drippings. In large skillet, sauté diced bacon and green onions until bacon is crisp. Remove and drain on paper towel. Add cat pieces to skillet and brown well on all sides. Remove the cat when it has browned and set aside. Put peeled onions, mushrooms, potatoes and garlic in crock-pot. Add browned cat pieces, bacon and green onions, salt, pepper, thyme, potatoes and cat drippings. Cover and cook on low 6 to 8 hours. During last hour, add Burgundy and cook on high. Garnish with chopped parsley and catnip-stuffed mouse.
  14. LOL Like on my flight back from Denver Today, when I am sitting in my window-exit row seat... and I had my rig out of the bag showing the lady next to me how the reserve and cypress worked. Her son wants to jump... I thought I'd make mom feel a little better about it. I had that seat both ways... I was hoping for the tail to fall off or something so could jump. But the worse thing that happened was a bad pilot (on the way out) not flaring real well... and the plane BOunCEd hard. OOps! If ya crash on landing its too late to jump.
  15. 3:3:0 My weekend was the best! And it didn't end until Monday afternoon! Ok so Denver might be cool a little bit. Mile-Hi Rocked! I got to meet, ryoder and jump with riddler and CanuckInUSA. I had so much fun on those jumps I forgot to look at the damn mountains! Arrrgg! Oh well. I still have a jump on my account at Mile-Hi. Guess I'll have to go back and visit. Cause you guys rock! ...and well, maybe another reason.
  16. Stingers are heat seaking missiles... I doubt anything that small would have a large enough heat signature. But I am sure they would be shooting at it with their pistols and rifles as it came it.
  17. Hmm never saw a pic of you next to people... are you sure you are not too short to be a hottie?
  18. Did I win? Did I win? huh? huh? huh? I want a Little Debbie Swiss Snack Cake instead of a Twinky. Can I exchange?
  19. Hmmm.... not a lot of risk on the 3th, methinks. Ahhh but yee be wrong... Bad things happen in 3's. Or didn't ya ever hear that? That's why my lucky (unlucky) Number is 3.
  20. That, and I hear that the pilot just loves it.