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  1. Hi Michele, I don't expect anyone to agree, but if my reply forces Lenny to have a second look at his situation it will achieve something positive, I hope. I appreciate your gentle methods of trying to reinforce the post etiquette, but I think that you should also read the two posts and consider this from the side of people who can not defend or put their side of the story across. I guess that I see people at my DZ with the same attitude: spend the whole weekend at the DZ and then complain about their wuffo partners and friends who can't understand the need to jump and the need to socialize with like minded friends. Let me make a few things a bit clearer: a. This is really my fist (now second post). I have no idea what the other two are about? I have been lurking on the list for some time, but I waited to at least experience my first jump before I joined. b. I take your point about being positive and supportive. I agree and generally I am. One side of the story does not constitute a true picture and just because we participate in the same sport we don't really need to agree or sympathise all the time. c. Threatening ?? No I would not be interested in threatening anybody. I simply printout that this is a public forum. I would be very upset to discover via a second source that my VERY private life is discussed on the WWW without my involvement or permission. My problem is a distance from being solved. My better half (and I mean this) is a sensible lady who is genuinely concerned for me and my well being. When she did find out that I had my first jump, she was very emotional and at the time used language that I never heard her use before; such was the intensity of her feelings toward this sport. I didn't do very much except that I agreed with her, gently pointed out where she was wrong and simply hugged her at every opportunity and kept asking for a bit of space and tolerance. As she is a friend as well as my wife she silently agreed to put up with me and skydiving. She will NEVER agree with me, she will always HATE the sport and she will NEVER go to the DZ, but SHE WILL ALWAYS support me. On my part I always think about her when I am at the DZ because I know that she is unhappy and hoping that I am safe. I guess that when I signed up, we agreed that death will be what parts us. There it is. My apologies if I offended anyone. Slow “True identity concealed to protect the guilty”
  2. Let me be provocative. I think that your should divorce and release your wife to get on with her life. Have you thought about why she is so against you jumping? Let me give you a possibility: maybe she is so concerned about you and your safety that she can not bare to witness your demise (Ok people lets not argue the safety angle). I have the same problem, but we agreed to disagree and comfort each other with love and affection whenever possible. Your very thinly veiled assertion that she is boring and menopausal is just offensive. Have you thought that you may be boring one and have nothing to offer other that a hump or two. No matter how good you are, she may not be interested in yells like “alti, reach, pull” while she is "servicing' you. She can probably do better by her self. Read your own the post again. I expect this kind of thing from an emotional 18 year old whining about his gf.. At least you can do is “cc” this to your wife and let her join the discussion. Hey why not!.. the rest of the world is now privy to your private life!! At least we can hear her side of the story. What will you do when she actually finds out about this post? Your profile provides us with all the info needed for someone to let her know. What about Sarah, what will she think about this? I think that you are tying to ditch her and need some support from this community to do so. Do you really want too be cool? Go home, stop talking about skydiving and get a life. Separate you life into skydive and home life"compartments" and enjoy each, but never try to combine the two as they are not compatible. I have leaned this from a very cool 20 year old. As for the skydivers being cool people. Debatable. I am new to the sport (AFF student) and what I see is a collection of interesting people. At the moment I am enthusiastic, but I can also see how I can get very bored with the small, incestuous community with very limited interests and conversation topics (forgive me people, but I think that this is very true). Slow “True identity concealed to protect the guilty”