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Everything posted by badlock
Someone told me via PM, that there wasn't a misfire. From what I heard, the jumper said, that the Cypres fired during low pull, but the container didn't opened. After impact, the reserve PC popped out. Jumper is OK. The container was a Mirage G4. Please stay away from any rumors!! I don't know if the jumper told bullshit, or a sloppy reserve packjob was the reason. Don't be a Lutz!
Sorry, but this is completely wrong. In Germany you need a special reserve packer license and the repack cycle is 1 year. Don't be a Lutz!
Stupid things I've done: No1.: During examination, pulled totally unstable after hop'n pop exit. Glad the big fat F111 canopy was so nice to me and opend good . No2: I did a solo skydive on a cloudy day. The plan was to pull at 3200 ft. At arround 400 ft I felt into a cloud and wanted to pull, after I were out of the cloud. A really stupid plan. I left the cloud at ca. 2500 ft and pulled immediatally. No3: Did a RW jump with instructor. The plan was to dock him, track away and dock once again. I docked him, tracked, got a brainlock and tracked back straight to the instructor . Glad he was smarter than me and managed the situation. Really stupid things - but I've learned my lesson and hope to be smarter in the future. Don't be a Lutz!
I've understood the post as following: The jumper pulled low, Cypres fired during canopy inflation, but the container didn't open. Finally, the reserve pc popped out after the jumper had landed. I'am right? Don't be a Lutz!
How would you feel if your rigger smoked dope?
badlock replied to Perche61's topic in Gear and Rigging
*ROFLMAO* the coolest poll I've ever seen *BG*. But if you want to hear my opinion: If my rigger smoked a bit, I wouldn't be worried about that. Smoking is the one thing, rigging the other. If the rigger is conscientiously, he will make his job good, not depending on smoking dope or not. Don't be a Lutz! -
No problem: http://www.prueferverband.de/Service/Packanweisungen/Tear%20Drop.pdf Blue Skies, badlock
My rigger told me, that the speed is one of the most proven reserves available. He said, he would only trust in two products: The PD reserve and the ParateC Speed 2000. So, I ordered a 170 Speed for my rig. The reserve packs amazing small (my rig looks like a 120-gear), but offers a really hughe stability, compared to many other products because of the modern materials and the intelligent construction. The european freefly champions uses also Speed 2000 reserves. But I have to agree, that the resale value on a PD is higher in countries, where nobody uses Speed Reserves. Don't be a Lutz!
wing loadings for jumpers with 50-100 jumps
badlock replied to teason's topic in Safety and Training
Where is the problem with higher loadings? I started AFF 1 with WL 1:1 and switched after 30 Jumps to 1.35:1. No problem, no big change, but better landings. In my humble opinion, the right behavior under canopy is so much more important than any load factor. Don't be a Lutz! -
I don't think, that this is a good idea: An Expert Cypres fires in a zone between 750 and 130 feet AGL, so you have a activation zone which is 620 ft "thick". So, if you use the Cypres height adjustment to change the mode in a Tandem mode, you'll have a problem: Let's say, you "tell" the Cypres, that the landig area is 750 ft higher, so that Cypres will fire at 1500 ft. In this case, Cypres will "think", that 620 ft deeper ends the activation zone - in fact, you have a death zone below 880 ft - the Cypres will nothing do . That's not a good idea in case you have a deep cutaway... Don't forget, that you have to reach the activation speed after a low speed mal / cutaway, may a cutaway height above 1000 ft couldn't be enough... Don't be a Lutz!
Just a couple of my amateur swoops- video
badlock replied to ccowden's topic in Swooping and Canopy Control
Very nice swoops!! Don't be a Lutz! -
OK, the problem was fixed by rigger. It seems, that the problem which scared me was the result of a little spin in the reserve cable caused by the wrong attached pad (little packing error). Don't be a Lutz!
It's a cusom made Paratec Next. Im really happy with it, and the reserve pillow is the only negative thing I can talk about. Don't be a Lutz!
Hello forum, hello riggers. I've a little problem with my new gear: On the last 3 jumps, the soft reserve pad rolled under the harness. I allways checked the position of both handles on exit, but after the opening, the result was the same . What can I do to prevent this? Don't be a Lutz!
That's not true. The smalles is *imho* the german Blade 58. Make it Clicky =>http://www.hipercanopies.de/ Also the german Demon 60 is smaller => http://www.myskyshop.com/catalog/index.php/language/en Don't be a Lutz!
Can't believe this. In Europe, ParateC has an exteme good reputation. The most riggers in germany say, there were very impressed by the workmanship and the quality of their products. Also the Speed has a very good reputation. My rigger told me, that the speed were the hardest tested reserve ever and it would fly like a good main canopy. So I ordered a ParateC Next with Speed 170. The Next container is extreme well built: If you compare a Javelin with a Next, the Next degrades the Javelin to trash - I-M-H-O. From the technical and the optical point of view (imho). ParateC's slogan is "better built, harder tested". I think, I'ts true. Maybe one reason, why the european freefly champions are fully equipped with ParateC equipmend... Don't be a Lutz!
Yesterday, I've jumped from 13.500 ft with a rental gear (Javelin/spandex pouch). When I was on pull height @ 3500 ft I've pulled the hand deploy, but nothing came out of the pouch. After a few additional attempts I was arround 2300-2500 feet. Now I pulled on a F111 sausage, but nothing came out completely. Only a half second before I wanted to make my emergency procedure, the hand deploy came out. The canopy opened slow and I looked at the opening canopy and the altimeter to see, If the canopy would open before reaching the hard deck. After the canopy was fully inflated, I looked for a good place to land, because of the long spot in combination with the low height. After this experience I have to say: Don't pack your HD sloppily!! If you aren't know a good packing technique, ask a highly experienced jumper, your rigger or look in the owners manual of your container! It is so easy to prevent a high speed malfunction!!!!! Don't be a Lutz!
OK, in my eyes the Tear Drop Superfly is has better features than the 2K3. The TD is a Pop Top, has all features of the 2K3 AND the better covers and only one pin (less loops, less cutters, less grommets...). ***If the 2-pin is an "OLD" system then why is it still the fastest non- RSL deployment reserve system made? Who said that? Who found that out? Jump Shack? Mirage Systems say, their Mirage would have the fastest reserve deployment. (I've read it @ their homepage!!). I'm sure that other manufacturers say, that their system is better than the Mirage and than the rest. Why should have the 2K3 the fastest reserve deployment? My rigger said to me, that all modern systems work very well. He said, from time to time some guys test the different systems and find out, that there is a system which is really faster - but the results depends on their own favourites. Is there any test out there which has compared every rig with every reserve&size on the market? In my eyes, every additional pin adds another possibilities of system failure. You can make every system more and more complicated - but is it very smart to do this? Don't be a Lutz!
Do you really think? My rigger (4500+ jumps) jumps one and many of the skydivers at our dropzone jump Tear Drops to. Tear Drops are a generation later compared to every racer. No velcro, no 2-Pin. I would never buy a container which has an OLD 2-pin reserve system. Don't be a Lutz!
Yes, but you can get for a lower price a 1-pin pop-top with a better main flap (Tear Drop SF). Don't be a Lutz!
@ Chrisky Hmhh.. dann wuerde ich an Deiner Stelle ein Wings, ein Infinity oder ein Vector holen. Das Vector wegen der Skyhook, das Infinity, weil alle davon schwärmen und es offenbar eine nicht so lange Lieferzeit hat. Sie verwenden zwar aehnlich wie das Javelin diese Hauptklappe, die nach unten schliesst, die haben die aber so weiterentwickelt, dass sie besser funktioniert als manch andere. Das Wings verbindet schliesslich alles Gute aus einem Mix aus altem bewährten, verbessert mit neuen Ideen. Meine Wahl waere Infinity, wenn kein Next. Ich habe das auch nicht verstehen können, bevor mir das jemand mal genau erklärt hat: Sieh' Dir mal die Konstruktion an. Sie ist veraltet. Die Hauptklappe schliesst immer noch nach unten, warum sie manchmal aufgeht. Javelins kränkeln seit jeher an genau diesem Punkt. Das ist auch das Konstruktionsmerkmal, bei dem Wings punkten konnte. Im Gegensatz zum Infinity haben die Javelin-Leute aber keine wesentlichen Änderungen zur Urkonstruktion vorgenommen. Es gab nicht wenige, die über Odysees gesagt haben, dass sie mies verarbeitet seien. Manche sagen, es waere "amerikanischer Massenramsch" zum ueberhoehten Preis. Aehnlich sehe ich das beim Mirage. Die Leute von der Firma tun so, als haetten sie das Rad neu Erfunden, aber da wo man es nicht sofort sieht, haben die sogar veraltete Technik. Die toenen gross rum, dass sie als einzige einen neu entwickelten Reservehilfsschirm haben. Dabei haben sie als einer der wenigen Hersteller immer nich Hilfsschirme, die NICHT ballonartig sind, ergo es eventuell schwerer haben, aus dem Lee zu kommen. Vector, Infinity, Wings, Next => alle haben sie da neuere Technik, wobei das Next mit 62 lbs. spring tension im moment sogar den staerksten Hilfsschirm am Markt hat. Du siehst, ich habe mich ziemlich informiert . Ich hatte halt alles andere vor, mir shit andrehen zu lassen, mit dem ich ein paar Jahre durch den space rauschen will. Don't be a Lutz!
In German: Hey, wenn Du eh aus Deutschland kommst, warum kaufst Du Dir dann nicht gleich ein Next oder ein Tear Drop SF? Ersteres habe ich mir jetzt selber bestellt. Erst wollte ich mir auch ein Wings holen, hab aber dann feststellen muessen, dass diese meistens nur haesslich sind und die Verarbeitung nicht so toll ist. Dann wollte ich ein Infinity. Das Teil ist wohl ein echter Geheimtip und ware, wenn es in Deutschlanv verkauft wuerde ein Renner. Mit replacement parts waere das auf den Preis eines Vectors gekommen. Das Ding hat auch deutsche Zulassung, aber die Abwicklung mit Zoll & Co. war mir eine zu wacklige Angelegenheit. Also habe ich, zumal an unserem Platz das Team Freeflight Paratec trainiert, und diese sehr von Next ueberzeugt sind, ist ein Next geordert. Ich habe mich vorher ein bisschen informiert, ok, ein bisschen sehr informiert. Meine favorits waren: Infinity Wings (sieht aber scheisse aus) Vector 3 (kann man mit Skyhook kaufen, erste Sahne) Tear Drop SF (günstig und gut) Next Was ich nicht kaufen wuerde: Javelin (Odyssee): Die Leute haben es immer noch nicht gelernt, was es heisst, mit der Zeit zu gehen. Mirage: Habe den Eindruck, dass die ein ziemlich gewoehnliches Gurtzeug verkaufen und nur durch ihren Wirbel den Leuten so viel Geld abknuepfen. Atom (Legend): Der Hersteller mit den meissten Sicherheitsmitteilungen. Omega: Schlechte Vector-Kopie. Besitzer klagen oft von sich oeffnenden Risercovern. Racer: Warum diese alte 2-Pin-Technologie, wenn man zum halben Preis was modernes (Tear Drop SF) haben kann?? Don't be a Lutz!
Here in germany the speed is the most popular reserve. One of the best freefly teams in the world (Free Flight Paratec, 3rd @ wolrd cup, European champions & German champions) use them. My rigger said to me, that he could only recommend two reserves on the market: The Speed and the PD. He said, the Speed were more high speed testet than any other reserve on the market, tested with about 439 lbs. And it would fly like a very safe main canopy. I've ordered one of them (170). Check out the manufacturers website: www.paratec.de Don't be a Lutz!
Now I have to decide between Infinity and Wings
badlock replied to badlock's topic in Gear and Rigging
Another question: Is the Infinity made from the same tough Cordura like a Mirage, Javelin, Wings or Vector? Don't be a Lutz! -
Now I have to decide between Infinity and Wings
badlock replied to badlock's topic in Gear and Rigging
I can't agree with this. OK, on the one hand, Mirage and Vector are great containers and I mean GREAT. But on the other hand they are expensive and more complicated. I think that the days when only the top manufacturers (RWS, Mirage, Sunpath, Rigging Innovations) built good containers are over. Sometimes when some experienced skydivers tell me their experiences about Wings or Infinity I think, that the most of the "old" manufacturers have no more than their name and their good reputation. How many skydivers say "I've bought Javelins from the start, so I will never buy any other"? Is it often a smart descision or habit? The new small manufacturers like Velocity Sports or Sunrise Riggings may haven't a long tradition, but sometimes it seems to be that they've brought some innovations in the sport. In both companies work designers which came from top manufacturers (Sunpath & RWS). So why should I - the Newbie - buy more expensive and more complicated features if I can get a simple but safe workin' container from one of these both companies? The features are the same, Velocity Sports told me for example, that they use a equal strong (40 lbs min.) spring for their reserve pc like RWS or Mirage. The flap design is equal to the Vector - said anyone in this forum. So where is the reason why should I buy a more expenssive rig? Are there technical reasons?? "You get what you pay for it" - is that really true??? Don't be a Lutz! -
Now I have to decide between Infinity and Wings
badlock replied to badlock's topic in Gear and Rigging
And expensive Don't be a Lutz!