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  • Home DZ
    National Paracentre Teuge
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  1. Looks like a stuck gass cable to me Or 1 or 2 chromosomes missing...
  2. -Be prepared that your calfs are going to kill you at the end of the day, when you take your boots off. Apres-ski helps, imbibe your favorite drink ;). -But don't make it too late. You might want to the first couple 'o days (after that you'll just be too tired ;)), but you will pay the price the next day. -Nowadays it's all carve-ski's, they're easier to get the hang of than the straight ones. I don't know much about snowboards as I ski (since I was 4) myself. Tried it once but for me it was too much of a hassle to change. -Eat food with lots of carbon hydrates like pasta's. -Do a good warm up before you start, lots of stretching. -Have fun I went skiing not more than a couple of weeks ago, in Germany. Not very long slopes or high mountains, but it was more of a nice family trip. It had been a while since I'd skied, but the fun part is that when you master it, it's just like riding a bike. An hour on the slopes and you're right back into it.
  3. Haha, "So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?" That's a hilarious movie
  4. Wow. It got goggles at 19 questions :D.
  5. After jumping from 9000 I'm glad I didn't go for 13, jeesh was it _cold_!
  6. It doesn't matter much how you get it in there, as long as you get it out again ;).
  7. That's pretty funny, I recently got one of them "what would jesus do"'s though I can't remember if it was a t-shirt, a joke or a cartoon. How about, cutaway: Don't think about... reserve: ...the beer
  8. 150 K. to and fro. That's 93 miles each way. Takes me a little over an hour and a half if I step on it. Then there's are 3 that are closer than that and two which are about as far away. Of course I haven't been to any of those 5 since I'm still in AFF. But I think it's safe to say that there's enough to keep me satisfied for the time being.
  9. Lovely! Can't wait to do my first solo .
  10. Which of course is a natural thing to do, he was probably a bit emotional at that time so he might be excused for that. It wouldn't hurt him to apologize later though, looking back on it he must see how rude it was, right? I'm not getting into the whole soft/hard pillows/handles issue since I'm not even near enough experienced but I was also also taught that the reason of the difference between both (pull away and reserve) is a tactile one.
  11. I'm sorry, I was editing my post probably when you were typing yours. So there it is. I'm also a newbie so this opinion has the possibility to change over time but the way I see it there's benefits to both methods. Since money was not so much of a problem I chose to do both in a combi. 8 statics and AFF (and the sum of those wasn;t even that much more than just AFF really, I thought what the heck).
  12. I'm not saying that not doing SL is going to freak someone out when they have line twists, it's just a personal feeling. Btw there are still a lot of people that do SL, and it's mostly personal so naturally you wouldn't understand. But I can assure you there is nothing wrong with you not understanding. You don't need to seek medical attention for it. On a more serious note; in my opinion, starting low also takes away the probability that the lower jumps you do after the course will be unreasonably scary or whatever. Then there's some extra canopy time for experience so that's another worry away when I am focussing on the jump instead of what comes after. And at least now I can say, oh SL! Been there, done that . These arguments may mean nothing to someone else, but hey; that's why we're all different now isn't it?
  13. OMG! That was such a nice read. It makes me want to graduate even more. Congrats by the way.