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    Raeford, NC
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  1. I need to go back through all my books and documents, but I remember reading about a 3 ring release system being used in the late 1920's, early 1930's to release instrument packages from weather balloons. It was later adopted to use on parachute risers. I'll see if I can find that reference later this evening. Jump Scars remind us that the past is real
  2. We take their schoolhouse log book and transfer over the dates of the equivalent jumps to the A-card. It isn't so much an agreement, more than it is - the students DID the jumps for the A-license (plus a bunch) - we are just filling out the A card and doing an equipment familiarization jump with them. Scars remind us that the past is real
  3. Do a search for jumpherogear on facebook. Scars remind us that the past is real
  4. I disagree Louis. This is not an acceptable outcome. This is going to have impacts beyond what they intended. "The road to Hell....." Scars remind us that the past is real
  5. Sweet! Windmiller keeps telling me to "think turn" instead of turning... Sounds like a solution here!!! Scars remind us that the past is real
  6. Ticket? How will you haul all your rocks back with you? There are ways obi wan...there are ways... Scars remind us that the past is real
  7. I bought my ticket yesterday. Scars remind us that the past is real
  8. Thats what I said when you first moved there... Scars remind us that the past is real
  9. ASU successfully recruited and hired me. I must be nuts to go back to a uni but it IS in arizona. Start Jan 9th. Eloy peeps (Remi, Betsy, Kelly...) you have been warned. Blues, Jump Scars remind us that the past is real
  10. +1 to that recommendation. He's like the Yoda of sewing machines.
  11. We had a discussion about this several years ago (more than I care to mention). It can mean a bunch of things - have a good jump, build team spirit, etc. It could quite possibly be the last time you ever see or interact with that person. For me, it is my way of saying my peace, thanking you for jumping with me and letting everyone on the bird know I love them. Even if I hate your ass on the ground... Scars remind us that the past is real
  12. Was my first LP. I was very impressed by everything. I will definitely be back. It was an awesome experience. Not sure about paddling two miles on the lake at two in the morning again though... Scars remind us that the past is real
  13. T-minus 14 hours to start the drive. See you all there. Jump Scars remind us that the past is real
  14. High 30s is the lowest I've seen it, but as Ed said, generally mid-high 40s overnight. Last year wasn't so bad cold-wise while we were there, but I think the fact that it was cloudy/rainy a lot kept the temps more moderate. I'll take more sun and colder nights! Whew - okay. I was thinking I needed to dig out the -80 crap. Not easy to do when its 102 here. Will start driving soon! Scars remind us that the past is real