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Everything posted by LadySkyDIve

  1. Steven, I have to ask - who is that in your picture?
  2. Last Dead show I saw was at RFK in '87. Bob Dylan and Tom Petty opened for him. I remember that Dylan was in leather pants and I thought - geez, it's 100 friggin degrees out here.
  3. Peter Frampton, 1980 (9th grade). Friends went looking for a joint but came back with a pack of cigarettes instead. Still thought that was cool in 9th grade. Took me 14 years until I could quit smoking though!! But, just hit 10 years without cigs!!
  4. I love blondes. We're so entertaining!
  5. I can't stand either of them. I only answered this post because I too am extremely bored!!
  6. What a wonderful way to start the morning - watching an awesome skydiving video! Thank you - I have a smile on my face and I'm ready to start the day!
  7. Hey, it's really blue, not purple!!
  8. It's only 'cuz I'm super, super bored at work today and am doing nothing but reading!
  9. Yea! And I didn't even cheat on this one.
  10. Lamons? (can't spell it though)
  11. True, and while that won't be a Trivia Pursuit question, it could be a DZ bonfire trivia question!! (And those who are on can't play!)
  12. Oh God, there are just some things in life I didn't need to know Freakous!!
  13. Hey - thanks for the reminder. That's what I need - caffeine. I was wondering what was wrong with me. Gotta get that Red Bull I have in the fridge.
  14. HA! They actually came out with a TP for the 20th Century. I still couldn't answer the danged questions!
  15. My bad. You were being sarcastic about how he spelled Trivia wrong in the subject line. Yes, I am a blonde. And at one time it used to be natural too
  16. Useless tidbits that help you win Trivia Pursuit or look smart in front of your friends!!
  17. Yea, that's the guy!! I think the last time I saw him was Fourth of July in Washington, DC. He was doing some musical special that was pretty corny. Too bad he didn't amount to much after S&H.
  18. "I remember one day that I had to walk about 4 miles to get my hair cut." Uphill and barefooted in the snow, too, huh? (What was that old McDonalds commercial - "feet, you had feet?") Seriously, thanks for the nutrition advice!