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Everything posted by Birdsht

  1. Whoa, simmer down Stuart! No need to get your panties in a bunch. While I realize through reading these forums that getting your CPC pro card has become a wet dream come true, there is no need for the tension. These are just my opinions. Good luck at the championships. P.S. Don't forget to save your pennies, I hear the new JVX 8.2 will be out in November just in time for Christmas. Hope you have been a good boy!
  2. Vectracide - Surely you have been on this webite and following the CPC long enough to know that since this is Jim's baby, he has the right to change it when and if he pleases. All he has to is say that it is "evolution" and everyone seems to bite. On behalf of Jim, Thanks for taking part in the Canopy Piloting Pyramid Scam.
  3. Hey Yurinator, Instead of worrying about all this math nonsense, how about simplifying life and just concentrate on not hitting cliffs.