I am 5'6" and 130 lbs. The biggest tandem I have taken was 280lbs and he is about 6'3" - 6'4". He originally told me he was 165, and then we put him on a scale.
The only reason I took this guy is because he is a friend. He used to be a football player and his thigh muscles are about the same size as my waist. Therefore, I wasn't worried about him not being able to get his legs up, and I so didn't want to surf him in of course.
I was a little nervous about not being able to loosen the laterals, but I had his harness set where I didn't even need his help.
I usually jump the Icarus 330 but was too scared so I took the Sigma 370. Landing was awesome......and yes I needed his help with flaring.
Do I ever want to take anybody up that size again? No way in hell...I didn't even get paid for this one, I did it for the slots and pack. I told him he owes me a 12 pack. I will try and get a pic and post it...the size difference was ridiculous.