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Everything posted by jtholmes
and why the hell is it called l/d+ system?? where i come from a d+ sucks, that means injured. we are after a's and b+'s not d+'s A = outstanding. awesome., un heard of, very rare A- fucking sick, never doen before, rad B+ = personal best, as good as you can think of doing that day B = totally sick still, but not revolutionary, rad, good, well above averagewhat you are after C = the usual, a good jump, jump track, on header, good flare in LZ, %85 of all jumps C- = less than average or the norm, a high pull, a sloppy air with off heading etc... D+ = nearly injured, but got away with it D = injured, rolled ankle, broken bone, whater D- = injured almost died. wall strike with no injury, wall strike with injury etc.. F= dead.
not me... spectra. hope it works well. for now i am sticking with the tried and true when it comes to base. 7 cells. F111. 4 upper control lines. dacron lines. the new lite weight containers are sick for sure. I am interested in trying the lightweight paramachute fabric but with dacron lines. dacron absorbs shock better. that means softer openings and less chances of line twists in my logic. I get caught low on occasion so line twists, or anything that is a new surprise to my program is not worth trying. totally psyched on the progression. light weight is dope, but i am willing to carry whatever the dacron lines add to my program up the hill. I am not a hater, not saying your gonna die, can't even think of any specific reason not to give it a shot. just not going straight for it. jt
everyone that jumps in that area has been banned from this forum. most of the objects there belong to Clifhuckstable and her and i are almost for sure gonna be out of the country at that time. Uncle Potato Head
NOPE wrong Slambo. A's in APOOOPAA stand for Anyone & Anywhere. your totally wrong, your post grade: F
an APOOOPAA event can be anywhere. what we are looking for in a jump is: nice take off: important hillside for plenty speed that is easy to ride. a wall with some good clean open air to launch into with SOFT impact: important corners/aretts are good it would be nice if wall was low enough that a 180 after an average speed jump if never corrected would result in snow impact or at least wall impact that you hit snow within the first 80 feet of your wall scrape/strike/slam please explore your local backcountry with camera to propose options I will forward options to the banned Clifhuckstable; he and his mother were the backbone of last years very rigidly organized event.
a young tahoe hotty once asked Rambo to describe himself in five words or less. his response: intelligent awesome stealthy radical... dangerous.
Americans Parachuting Off Objects Parachutable Association of America er.. no it was... American Parachuters Obnoxious and Obese Obviously Parachuting in daytime Always with cameras And stuff
who the hell rides a toboggan on their belly? if your gonna go toboggan base with or without a WS... you got to go 2-way seated calvin and hobbes style.
anyone out there done a ski/board base yet this year?
if you are jumping stuff from cr/asylum, yes you better figure that shit out. the apex/br stuff on the other hand works great right out of the box. if I was gonna jump a mojo or ace, i would go at least 5 inches shorter than stock provides, more like 8 inches, but instead, just go with apex out of the box, purchase in accordance with their reccomended wingloading on their chart. this way, their DBS works real nice as does their unstowed breakline length. they tagged plenty of walls figuring this stuff out. leave it to them. UPH
hey warped: keep your novels to yourself, and slambo never actually claimed that miles was his friend. so your wrong. Slambo, like rambo is a maverick, fiercely independent and dangerous. Slambo is just more clumsy and dumb. and forthe Drokzone if you care: The difference between a Utah Drop and an under: An Under (or Swing Under) is when you let the canopy blow out in front of you enough so that you can safely drop down under all the lines and canopy. A Utah Drop is when there is less wind or way too much wind and you recklessly drop when the lines and canopy are almost directly underneath you causing you to flinch dramatically as the lines and canopy go whizzing by your face. One usually experiences a violent self gift wrap vision while passing by the canopy.
its the 21st century man...
WRONG. slider down cliff jumping is not safer, you are opening closer to the wall and thus more likely to hit it, and you are more likely to run out of altitude when trying to remedy a jump/opening gone wrong. you may not be more likely to die because these walls may have less over all exposure, ie... wall strike may put you injured rather than dead, VS when you slam into a big wall and have meters upon meters to bounce and scrape down. the numbers are deceiving you because the slider up stuff is most popular. the big walls are where the real fun lies and thus the biggest most accessable walls are the most popular, see the most jumps, and thus the most accidents. low solid objects are dangerous as hell, just like the whole entire sport. -uncle potato head
Miles D's 730 in 2006 Final Jump Tally Its official. Miles did 737 jumps in the year 2006. OJ Lawrence wins the rig. Congratulations OJ! Everyone else: Thanks for playing, better luck next time. Congratulations Miles for charging harder than any of us ever could and for doing more jumps in one year than 99% of all base jumpers have in total. You most likely have more base jumps than anyone else in the world, as you well should since you live in Twin Falls. Oh, and for those of you who are gonna cry about how "its not a base jump if its unpacked" or "its not about the numbers" here are some numbers we got from miles for you to suck on for a while. Most impressive perhaps is the one at the bottom that has the 0. Official tally of his jumps in 2006: Total jumps in 2006 = 737 Jumps with a packed rig = 118 Jumps unpacked = 619 Total vertical feet hiked = 360,000ish Total times taking a boat ride instead (in TF) = 8 Total rotations = 495ish What kind of unpacked and how many of each: McConkeys 280 McConkeys retarded 86 Tards 147 Swingunders (Under) 73 McTwisters (sideways McConkeys in unsafe winds to jump over) 23 Utah Drops 6 Blue (As in "Yer my boy Blue!" - floater McConkey) 3 Tard Away (Off La M.....La Elk in the Swiss Valley) 1 - Most in 1 day = 86 using Dan's crane. 23 hiking. - Longest swoop = 130 ft swoop marks in the snow. - Times swooped the porcupine = 8 Total lifetime base jumps - 1839 Total lifetime injuries base jumping - 0 - Biggest accomlishment this year - Conceiving, helping birth and bringing home healthy baby girl #2. - Second coolest accomplishment this year - Winning $2 from Cliff Huckstable as well as his rig (because OJ gave it to me) by completing 737 jumps in the year 2006. Happy New Year -Uncle Potato Head
yes. you could fly a wingsuit. no problem bro. I flew a wingsuit in ski boots and that was fine, and that pretty much prevents the up down stuff. if you fly an s-fly i dont think it really matters what your feet are doing as long as your doing the right thing with your legs up to the spot where the feet start, your not really drawing tension at the toes.. or at least i am not and I manage to cruise around the sky and the big walls with most of my homeys. jt
"It's a state of mind, it's that place where you lose yourself and you find yourself all at the same time..." -bodi to special agent Johnny Utah.
James nathan halliday, god bless him, he once climbed 1680 ft of ladder in 38 minutes. Slambo recently did it in 41. 45 minutes or so should be ample to time to get up an 1100 footer at a casual/ normal pace.
from what I hear, miles has some jumping to do still... something like 30 to go in 2006, congrats on making 700 in 2006 so far. Not bad
but you banned Shane from even viewing the forum, thus it is not happening. nobody is pumping anyone up or spraying about jump numbers. you asked how many unpacked perrine BASE jumps miles has and since I know everything, I answered. didn't I mention that in any of my other posts? (that I know everything)
to the munich locals; thanks for your messages/ calls, that was cool, maybe we can meet up soon. so now I have my rig, this rental car and this squirrel suit thingy, so lets go to ITW this saturday, it is supposed to be sunny. I made a post about my plans. thanks again. jt
Ok, I got my rig, a rental car and this wing thingy, and I am nearby the ITW. I hear the weather is good for saturday and sunday and snow certainly is not an issue. I plan to arrive at Arco the night of the 15th or in the morning of the 16th, but will go to the cafe and grab a taxi, or do the car shuttles on Saturday morning. I have all day saturday to jump and time for an early morning one on sunday, maybe even all day sunday. Who's with me? jt
I am in Munich all day tommorrow, Dec 11th, stuck here waiting for my bags to arrive so i can go skiing. If anyone wants to go jump in this area please SMS me on this number with a phone number i can call back to: +47 41791427 doubt i will hear from anyone, but i am bored already so figured i would try. oh yeah, my rig did not arrive either but i do have a rental car. i guess this munich thing is pretty hopeless. I am planning to go to the ITW on Dec. 16th, i will have rental car in the area then too for the car shuttle. later jt
HI Tom. just because miles has more jumps than you does not mean you need to be angry or jealous or demand proof. Don't be silly. You guys are grown ups. jt