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Everything posted by SublimeBreeze

  1. I respect the fact that she has the guts to post a pic of her boobs. Plus there fucking BEAUTIFUL! Paige you hottie! Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  2. Are you insinuating that everyone in California is a liberal pansy? I never said that. And I was just joking with you, hence the smiley face. But, I remember listening to the Russ Martin talk show here a few weeks ago and they were having a debate on this very issue. A single mom that made minimum wage called in and told her story of how she lost her job because someone stole her beater car and had to go on welfare to feed her kids. Possesions are important, and I dedicate a large part of my life acquiring them. If someone wants to take that away from me, I will have no hesitation using deadly force. It is also a big deterrent ot criminals to know that the dude you are going to rob is probably armed and would not hesitate to shoot you. Get renters / homeowner insurance! We live in america, the punishment for stealing is never death. You can always replace your precious sterio. Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  3. I think she belongs in Single skybabes lol. Unless she's already taken =P hahahha Sean Sean In Thailand
  4. Glad you guys liked it... Ive shown it to all my friends all of them liked it. Blue Skies Sean Sean In Thailand
  5. Check this movie out Right click link and save as Im sure you will enjoy it as much as me! "I know what I have to do now!" heh Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  6. Do you have a friend named tyler durden? Heh jk That SUCKS, I have the oposite problem I get too much sleep and it ruins the rest of my day, b/c I am groggy and sleepy. A good diet and exercise would be my advice like many others here. Good luck! Sean Sean In Thailand
  7. Masturbate more often! =P Sean Sean In Thailand
  8. I wear my rig while I fix my roof =P Sean Sean In Thailand
  9. Nevermind? So two thumbs down? You all the sudden change your mind? I wanted to see it, looked good to me. Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  10. I love the swoop pond! Beautiful art! I hope you frame it. Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  11. hahahaha Very good point. I'll drive my hummer through your government loop holes! Edited because I had to find the quote to make it legit! lol "When she criticized GOP support for corporate tax loopholes, Schwarzenegger responded that he could "drive my Hummer" through the loopholes she used to pay negligible personal income tax during the last two years. " You gotta love that guy! Sean Sean In Thailand
  12. That is hilarious! "When were talking about war were really talking about peace" hahahah holy fuck... This guy cracks me up. All the sudden im depressed, god damn we got a monkey running our government! Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  13. If its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down. =P Yeah... Its gross. Peace That was freaking quick... Damn he posted while I was typing it out! lol Sean Sean In Thailand
  14. Better run before Ivan tears you a new one! Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  15. Have a stay for awhile, take off your coat and fill out your profile! Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  16. These would be cool to have at the dz, i can't imagine what kind of cool things you could do, although I bet there would tons of drunk acidents hehe.. WHoah this is even cooler Mini Street bike Anyone wanna go in on em? lol Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  17. Never said I was better, I'm probably inferior to Osama in many other levels of being. From education, accruing financial support for a fringe movement, personal conviction to philosophy and the whole great leadership ability. I'm pretty sure he has got me beat. We may be tie in a hairy ass contest, but noone cares. I think I would win judged on freeflying ability, household and automotive repair and I tend to spew less hate. Well most of the time, no honest really. Oh yeah, and I didn't kill( directly or indirectly) thousands of people. I did not mean to imply that he was in anyway better than you, I was simply trying to make a point that killing for revenge would make you just as bad as the person you were trying to get revenge on. dude... dont even compare yourself to him... you are so far above him.(lol although he is still human) hahah. As far as freeflying im sure of it! Maybe we can make a jump someday and you can teach me and thing or two
  18. Sounds about right 1. Secular Humanism (100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism (99%) 3. Liberal Quakers (85%) 4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (82%) 5. Nontheist (77%) Sean Sean In Thailand
  19. No... you are correct, My sentiments might have changed, but I would never take the life of another human being for any other reason than self-defense. Just my personal beliefs Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  20. Roll up into a ball near the door and let the instructor push you out! MWahha fun fun. Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  21. Congrats! feels nice huh? Peace Sean Sean In Thailand
  22. I agree I did so... I realize this may just be an outlet for anger towards him and thats cool too, maybe I look too deep into the topic. I think yoda/g.lucas has a very good point. The point is that you would be killing the intent of revenge an hatred. I dont see cops killing people because of these reasons, therefor its unfair to group them together. This is exactly what makes me sick, people taking lives without even flinching or a thought behind it. How is that any worse than what osb did? its not! You have your right to your own opinions, I however Do not think you or anyone else here has the right to make that decision. That to me is just as bad as anything osb would do. How are you better than him if you did that? Sean Sean In Thailand
  23. Who are you to determine his humanity?!?! At what point does a person lose his right to being considered a human? I agree he did some horribly messed up things. Would you consider a street killer subhuman? If so where do you draw the line, would someone who then stole be subhuman. Imagine if you shot this man who you believed to have murdered say 20 people. A week later you found out he was innocent. Now what good did your revenge and hate do? nothing, it killed an innocent man. Dont get me wrong OSB isn't innocent! but where do you draw that line? you can't! Sean Sean In Thailand
  24. This is the absolute best way to do it man leaves a nice it smelling so fresh and so clean! Peace Sean Sean In Thailand