*** I don't buy it......can anyone vouch for this rigger tree915???.
Phree, I think that's your cue.
Please take a minute to re-read both the original post and the website. You're only remembering the highlights, nor did you see any of the additional e-mails that Kenny told me he sent to Sangiro.
Kenny is an opportunity seeker. He buys and sells gear all the time. Without meaning to defend him I just want to say that I found no indication that this was a bad canopy in any way. As a person who regularly test jumps "problem" canopies I have to say that a single person's evaluation is rarely accurate. I feel that with a reline the canopy would have been fine despite any claims the previous owner may have made.
As for the side placards that state the model and size of the canopy being replaced: I've only seen that done by "Call Ralph" so he could add his advertisements to your canopy. When I stated that I was curious about the placards being replaced, I'm not suggesting that anything inappropriate occurred. I just wonder why?