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  1. good choice!!! i really like her and i dont think a bloke is a wuss for listening to girly tunes!!! at the end of the day who cares as long as you like it so stuff em!
  2. yes thats who i was thinking of!!! just the red and black came to mind!!!! well i will look out for you guys at the weekend
  3. hi, i got that mail as well!!! bit slow on checking my mail! i know what you mean about driving i live along the coast from brighton and it takes me about 3 hours to get there!! dont you just love the M25
  4. your rigs ring a bell!!!! black and red freefly suits as well???? 1 of you got red flames?? either that or im thinking of some1 else!!! i will be there on sat so i will keep an eye out for you! i got a blue and gray teardrop!
  5. sam69

    long skydive!!!

    doh! sorry best wake up a bit
  6. sam69

    long skydive!!!

    dont know if you guys have seen this but its been all over the news!!!! dont know what went wrong there but it works if you copy and paste it!
  7. does that mean instead of a safe word it can be a knee somewhere......just so you know we mean stop and all that
  8. thats what i heard. i did a few out of it a couple of weeks ago there, i think im right in saying that its the last weekend it will be there??
  9. just want to say firstly to mujie my thoughts are with you, and to Michelle for writing such caring thoughts. I dont know you guys but i hope if i ever needed help and support from my friends, there would be people like you guys there, your all great!!xxxx
  10. jack daniels for me!!!
  11. i have to say i usualy make my own mind up about somewhere but i have not heard a good word said about them!!!! quess i should just get me ar#e down there and find out for myself!! take it i wont be seeing you there for a jump!!!!
  12. been there a few times, going this sat but was trying to get to know people!!! had a butch at your profile and says you jump headcorn!!! howz things down there??? headcorn is closest to me so i thought i might pop down at some point!
  13. hi guys, any sibson jumpers out there??? been a few times and was thinking of jumping there more often!!!! just wondering who else does jump there??