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Everything posted by SKYWHUFFO

  1. Here is my theory on the whole swooping thing. With lift tickets going sky hi because of Gas prices, I want to keep my big fat @$$ in the air as long as possible to get my moneys worth out of each jump ticket. Heck, with some of these little chutes now a days and quick loads like Mullins, If i open high i could probably do one jump for their two. HA! In seriousness, people have to look at the DZO's side and one word, Liability. Insurance is hard enough for a DZ anyway, why give the insurance companies another reason. If they can control the pattern less people get hurt, less chance for them to get sue'd, less bad publicity his DZ gets. Nobody is banning it to pick on swoopers(at least i don't believe so) they just want a safe place for us all to play. Today it's all about trying to keep some money and protecting your own @$$ from greedy people and famlies looking to sue. Just look at the DZ in Missouri who had a plane go down and the famlies of some of the people on board are suing everyone that ever looked at the plane or walked on the DZ. I would love to See a DZO give their side on here. Blues D
  2. I was thinking the other day as i was driving. When i was real little my parents taking me to a festival in my town and they had a guy called Thunder chicken dressed up like a clown jump in. does anyone remember this guy or where he was from etc. Blue skies! D
  3. it looks like this won't be "VIP" stuff, it would be the normal joe in the audience to boost recruiting. I was just curious if this is rolling this summer and also PHREE or anyone, has Jon Hart and fastrax finally got their tunnel set up yet and any more info on it? I am happy to see he and Kip(skymonkey2) have a DZ open and running it by Cincy. They should do great.
  4. low hanging fruit is what you need to pick to stay alive. Hit your friends and family sign them quick and get some small income rolling in while you cultivate the larger orders and fill your sales funnel. Sales is more dangerous than jumping. In sales you either live and are a god or you burn in and are remembered as that guy who was here and didn't make it. In the beginning plan on 60-80 hour weeks. this is what builds you to where you can back it of and enjoy the fruits of the hard work some. I am #4 world wide in sales for a forutne 100 company year to date. I put in 70 hours a week and have come to realize this is a norm to be successful in my line of work. Go watch the movies boiler room, Glen Gary Glen Ross, and Wall Street just don't do the unethecial stuff! They are good to watch if you are in sales. Blues D
  5. Last page just below the new Army Tatoo ruling and a dog story. It's legit and it was the Knights. It would be interesting to see who started persuing this first the Knights or John Hart. Either way i think it s cool for both teams I cant' paste this article see web address above. It is an article with pics at the bottom of BK and Bill Van Solen demoing it with a civilian. They are considering using it as a recruiting tool. It would be stationed at fort knox not Bragg which was interesting, and the GK freefliers will be involved with it. What do you think Chuck? Will it "fly" no pun intended if they go ahead with it? Blues D
  6. awhile back it was released the Knights purchased a portable tunnel to travel with their demo teams. Is it currently traveling with them and is it assigned to a specific black or gold team? Was just curious They are going to be near me quite a few times this summer and was wondering if this was going to be with them? Anybody know????? Blues D
  7. I wanna be the first to float out the idea. What other booggie is the only boogie with a runway that can handle a little thing called a JET?????? Little hint, its in the midwest and if the mother of what everyone else calls a boogie. R-I-C-H-M-O-N-D!!!!!! Come on Jamie and the Richmond crew, bring the jet to the midwest, rock Ricnmond again and pick it up for Don this year.. The Holiday Inn is gone so we don't have to worry about trashing it like the infamous party of the past. PPPPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. tHERE ARE ONLY THREE TYPES OF BEER IN THIS WORLD! War, Cold , adn free. As long as it's one of the lat two life if good!!!!
  9. FOR ALL YOU BEARS FANS! Go south on I-65 out of Chicago 200 miles and you will find the next super bowl champs. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS! We will be wishing the Bears fans BlueSkies and ringing in a beer for ya!
  10. QuoteI just had the BEST lacto vegetarian sandwich ever! WHAT THE $%^@ IS THAT? SANDWHICH NEEDS MEAT! MEAT GOOD!
  11. Jumped off of a 2 story house with a blanket as a parachute after watching the USPA Nationals in Richmond in the early 70's. Queen size sheet , a50lb kid ,what was my wing load? Should i log that as my first jump, if so I guess that is the longest anyone has owed beer for a first. Blues! D
  12. By my favorite deadly sin, gluttony! Just me 10 cheesecakes and a fork!
  13. JAY BLEW IT UP HE IS THE MAN! CHECK OUT THE VIDEO ON INDYSTAR.COM I don't know how to make it a clickey. Local News Metro & State September 9, 2006 Skydiver sets record - more than 630 jumps in 24 hrs Related articles • Video report: Skydiving team in action Related links • Jay Stokes' web site and blog Star report GREENSBURG, Ind. -- A skydiver attempting to set a world record by jumping 600 times within 24 hours apparently reached his goal this morning. Skydiver Jay Stokes falls to the ground while attempting to make 600 jumps in a 24 hours and establish a new world record. - Danese Kenon / The Star According to a Web page dedicated to recording Jay Stokes' progress, the skydiver at 7:55 a.m. had made between 635 and 645 jumps. His day at Greensburg Municipal Airport had started at 5:45 a.m. Friday with a quick breakfast with one of his sons, Evan. A minister was on hand to offer a prayer for the mission's success. Then, at 8 a.m., it began, a ballet of sorts on the ground and in the skies where every second counted as Stokes, 50, Yuma, Ariz., jumped from a plane in his pursuit of a Guinness World Record. Stokes, who teaches others how to skydive, spends part of the summer working at the Greensburg airport and selected it as the location to attempt his new world record. There was nothing leisurely about the quest. To set a new record, he needed to complete a jump every 2 minutes and 24 seconds. At that rate, he would need to jump 26 times per hour to reach the 600-jump mark. Everything about the event was designed around conserving time, from the height he jumped (2,100 feet) to how quickly he could get to the ground (about 40 to 45 seconds). The day quickly took on a rhythm. Each time, the plane carrying Stokes and a safety officer would rise into the sky. At the appropriate moment, Stokes would jump while the pilot would nosedive and speed back to earth so it could pick Stokes up again. From the ground, spectators could hear the fluttering of Stokes' parachute. As soon as the chute opened, Stokes would yank down on one of its steering toggles to begin a spiral that would allow him to reach the ground more quickly. Then, as his feet touched down, he would be met by two volunteers, who stripped him of his deployed chute as he ran to another volunteer, who would belt on a new parachute. By this time, the plane was ready to go, and another volunteer would push a block into place where Stokes could step up, grab hold of the plane with his left hand and swing inside. Inside the plane, another volunteer strapped him in as the plane roared back into the sky. In part, the day was about besting the current record of 534 jumps in 24 hours, a feat Stokes achieved in California in 2003. But it was about more than records , said Stokes, who has made more than 15,000 jumps in his career. Like his other record-setting events, Friday's effort was aimed at raising awareness for the Special Olympics. A second charity that aids families of soldiers, sailors and Marines killed in action or during training exercises will also benefit from the fundraising effort. For Stokes, it is a personal quest. His other son, Nick, 26, is disabled and has participated in Special Olympics events since he was 5. "I to say this, but in our society, we don't necessarily look at people that are handicapped as normal. But the fact is, they are as normal as anybody else out there," he said. "The bottom line is, I know we can accomplish 600 jumps in 24 hours. That's a doable thing," said Stokes, who discovered a love for parachuting while serving in the Army and its Special Forces branch for 24 years before returning to civilian life in 1998. In all, Stokes, hoped to raise $60,000. Donations will be split 50-50 between the charities; or, if a donation is made specifically to one charity, the entire amount will go to that organization. Sponsors are paying the costs of the planes and other equipment so that all the money raised will go to the nonprofits, Stokes explained. This was Stokes' fifth effort at establishing a skydiving record. During the 24-event, he was to rely on 23 parachute systems, which include a main chute and a backup, as well as a device that will automatically deploy his chute if he needs assistance. He also had three planes at his disposal, with a half-dozen pilots who each flew two-hour shifts at a time. Stokes, whose birthday was Friday, planned to take in liquids during the event and had the use of oxygen on the plane to help overcome the constant fumes of the revving engines.
  15. First the pink tunnel mafia brings barbies in the tunnel. Second, we now have G.I. Joes in the tunnels. I think I will bring my Tonka Toys in next week! HA! D
  16. Well, finding the portable in indianapolis is a needle in a haystack. Nobody knew it was here let alone who owns it. It didn't sound like from the review on your site it is much of a design so I don't know if i will put too much effort . If you know who owns it Pm me i would be curious to see to see where in indy it is. What ever happened to the portable tunnel in Coleman Fl and Frank Arenas who built it? you need to add a where are they now for old tunnels to bodyflight. net. HA! The portables move and change names too quick to keep up with them.
  17. Dawn, Here is an interesting question, do you or anyone else think a "protable tunnel" in a stationary spot sort of like Arden-l-N can ever be profitable or sustainable over a long period of time? it seems like you see them come and go alot.
  18. I really don't care where, Cincy, Indy, Dayton, Chicago or anywhere in between. I am just saying the mid-west should be able to sustain a tunnel.
  19. INDIANAPOLIS!!!!!!!!!!! Center can draw from Ohio, Chicago, Kentucky, Michigan, Southern Illinois, St. Louis. You can get land cheap downtown, ALWAYs a convention going on and a great sports town. Roger Hadley, had the right idea with his tunnel, just wrong place and little to no hype, advertising, or enthuiasm from the DZ. I am really suprised nothing has drifted thru on strong rumors about putting one here. Sombody like Team Fastrax would be in heaven not having to fly all the time to Fl, or Cal to fly. Shurely, there is enough tourism in this area and the Large DZ's in Chicago, Ohio, Ten, Indiana, Michigan would fill in the gaps. I am a poor boy or i would jump on it. Blues D
  20. Why am i having pictures of FLAVA FLAV running through my head after seeing that???????? HA!
  21. It is 19 yrs since it was re-born. after being run out of town from the wild parties, becon rides etc etc. during the boogies. It was brought back to life and continues to grow. I grew up in Richmond many moons ago and i love hearing the old stories from the boogies. Watching several DC-3's lined up to take off, to the round canopies landing everywhere but the airport. I blame this event for my addiction we call skydiving. My mother still tells the story of me jumping off the roof with an umbrella when i was 5 after watching one of the get togethers in the early-mid seventies and telling her I would skydive some day. It's a great time and a great place to jump. D
  22. SWC, what's the odds of getting a couple of d-18 loads out? I have not jumped one in years???? also, try the DZ over in Franklin IN for a helicopter. Dick shurely should have gotten squared away by now to fly jumpers from the helicopter he bought to fly jumpers. Blues D
  23. Thanks for all of the encouragement! WOW! I really feel like i did after landing on my first jump! MY head is spinning with excitement. Sunday, my wife drug me to Babies-R-US. I litterally had and anxiety attack! HA! This baby stuff is not cheap! Damn!!!!!!!!! I look forward to joining the late nite posters bunch here in a few months. Blue Skies and unbrown diapers! D
  24. OK, i'm a little freaked out right now, about 2 hours ago i just found out i am going to be a father! I can't get ahold of my friends and was dying to tell sombody, so my skydive brother and sisters I had to tell you. This is the wierdest feeling I have ever had. OH MAN! Blues! D
  25. We are five days from the WFFC what's the latest on the approvals and does it look like the jet is going to be jumped there??????? I need to figure out if i need to come down sick at work or not if I can jump it. The WFFC is an awesome place, but I can jump most of the other stuff anyday of the week closer to home.