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Everything posted by SKYWHUFFO

  1. Dawn, I came across this pic a few weeks back thought you would get a kick out of it. This was either the first or second time I was ever in a tunnel. John's football helmet still cracks me up! As you cann see it was early in the life of the purple monster!. I will check on the vegas thing when we go out i had not heard it was closing. Blues! D
  2. HEY DAWN! I have a couple of questions for ya. has Roger built any more tunnels since this one or has he hung it up? Is the tunnel in vegas on the strip or how close is it to it? We are going there next month and both of us want to play in it to add the 4th tunnel to our list. Any rumors out there of a tunnel coming back closer Indianapolis or chicago area? Us stuck in the midwest need a tunnel back here in Indiana closer to Indianapolis and Chicago. An L-1 would be a dream! I miss flying the purple monster tunnel and hanging out with roger when it was in Indiana. D
  3. I work for a fortune 100 company, anyway yesterday they pulled 4 project engineers into the managers office and told them as part of the new restructuring your position is not needed, thanks for working here now get out. Ten days befor X-mas and these people for the most of them have little kids and famlies. That is bullshit, four people time 2 weeks is not a great deal of money to this company why could they not have waited till after the holidays or moved them to another area or position. I am in sales so luckily this time we were not touched. Goes to show how the corp world works, the higher ups enjoy the holidays and those below are standing in the unemployment line. I just thought that was real holiday spirit and wanted to see what the other DZ.commers thought. Anyway, happy holidays to all of you and your families!!!!!! D
  4. 4 TUNNELS FOR ME! Jus fly when it was in Indiana, Fly away TN, Skyventure FL. Lifted entertainment at WFFC Hey Dawn, is Roger still building tunnels with jus fly? I thought he was going to build more after he sold the purple monster to Texas or did he pack it in? Just curious if others of his creations were out there or soon to be? Blue skies
  5. js, You ned to also take into condideration 2400ft runway, but TREES 200 feet off the end by the hanger that are of good size. That field is tight at that end, so you would be stuck taking off and landing downwind the majority of the time. Your DZO knows planes probably better than 90% of the DZO's out there, and there and is a great guy, but conservative to change. Case in point, AFF at your DZ? The Helicopter that is setting in the hanger ready to fly jumpers but isn't. I suggest pushing on him to put this into the air before forking out the money for more planes. A helicopter will draw more jumpers since only a handful of DZ in the US jump one, where as practily everyone has a Turbine. More jumpers equals more jumps, more jumps equal more loads, more loads equal more money in Richard's pocket, More money equals him itching to buy more toys, More toys equal you getting a bigger plane posssibly. Push on the Helicopter harder than the turbine and promote it!
  6. I've got you beat! 6 bosses 1 year and for the last 2 months i have no boss and it really sucks when you have questions! Gotta love the corp big company world.
  7. Snowwhite, I sell major security projects for a living and to fund my jumping habit. Anyway, when people ask me about stuff for home I suggest the website low priced cameras you can hook up yourself as easy as hooking up a dvd player. There are some great toys there. if you need suggestions PM me here. Blues D
  8. Dave, a little food place here serves a "sammich" called the oh shit sandwhich. IT is a huge bun with roastbeef marinated in bbq sauce then piled on the bun topped with spicey melted mexican cheese and cream cheese. Try it out at home my friend, it is messy thus the name oh shit sandwhich as it falls off the bun, but you will go into a Homer Simpson food coma as you eat it. IT is awesome!!!!!!!!! Blues! D
  9. this was in the Indystar newspaper. It is rare our sport gets positive publicity so I thought i would post this. Pretty good basic article. Blues! D By George McLaren October 4, 2004 Elise Mollman works in human resources. Typical workday? Sitting at her desk, going to meetings, talking on the phone. "I'm not a risk-taker," explains the 36-year-old Brownsburg mother of two boys. So what's she doing jumping out of an airplane? Why are thousands of Hoosiers jumping out of airplanes every year? This is fear factor -- for real -- with an adrenaline rush and the thrill of a lifetime. Indiana's five skydiving schools affiliated with the U.S. Parachute Association combine for an estimated 70,000 jumps each year, with at least 4,000 involving newcomers making their first jumps. Nationally, the association had 33,664 members in 2002, and they combined for 2.1 million skydives. Some say leaping out of a plane is something they've thought about all their lives. For Mollman, it was just plain luck. She won a free tandem jump in an office raffle when a veteran skydiving instructor came to give a motivational talk at her company, T2 Systems, where she is HR manager. "I probably would have never done it," she says, but she was impressed by the charisma of David Hart, a beefy guy with an iron grip, a jutting jaw and a salesman's confidence. "I would only do it with David. He's good," said Mollman. Meeting at Skydive Greensburg, at the local municipal airport, Mollman pulled on a skydiving suit, strapped into a tandem harness and climbed into the jump plane. Secured to Hart behind her, she waited several minutes through a noisy airplane ride, saying she wasn't scared until the skydiver in front of her bailed out. "When she jumped out, she just disappeared. I thought, 'Oh my God . . . I can't back out now.' That was the only thing that made my heart stop. I didn't see her again until we were on the ground." But she was surprised to discover it wasn't a terror-filled trip back to Earth. "I was actually able to smile and enjoy what I was doing. I was afraid I'd close my eyes and panic. I didn't. I enjoyed it all the way down." A few weeks later, she came back for a second jump, this time with co-worker Joe Gromosky, 39. He was already a veteran of extreme sports, including scuba diving and mountain biking, but had never jumped out of a plane. "I'm excited to do it, and Elise has given me the courage," said Gromosky, vice president of operations for T2 Systems, a parking management consulting company. "If I can do it, anyone can do it," said Elise. In fact, virtually anyone over 18 can do it. Indiana's five skydiving schools take newbies by the thousands each year, many leaping in tandem harnesses while strapped to an instructor. Tandem jumps, which cost as little as $159, have become a common way to skydive, requiring only a half-hour of instruction and no technical skills. Get in the airplane, jump out, enjoy the trip down, while someone else takes care of the details. "It's more like a skydiving ride," explains Richard Money, owner of Jerry's Skydiving Circus in Franklin. Some newcomers take a longer training course and leap out on their own, with instructors nearby, and deploy their own chute after free-falling at 120 mph or so from 13,000 feet. Money, who's been taking people up in airplanes for 25 years, says new rectangular canopies are much easier to control. Each year, about 6,000 jumps are made through his operation, which operates at the Franklin airport. About 150 of those jumps are made by newcomers, with the remainder made by veterans. Money, a retired Cummins employee, has made about 2,800 jumps himself since first pitching out of a plane back in 1967. Why? Money laughs. "I've been doing it my whole life. I don't know anything else. It's fun, how's that? I never really thought about it, to be honest with you. It's just something you do. Some people play golf, some people jump out of airplanes." And while a few golfers develop a sore wrist or throw their back out, no one thinks much about safety issues in that sport. But a newbie skydiver would have to be oblivious not to wonder about the danger involved. Nationally, about 30 people are killed in skydiving accidents each year, according to the U.S. Parachute Association. Since 1997, at least five Hoosiers have been killed in skydiving-related accidents. Skydiving operators don't like to talk about that much -- but will if asked by customers. "I say, 'Yeah, people do die. You're jumping out of a perfectly good airplane,' " said Jaime Praeter, owner of Skydive Wayne County in Richmond. But she says it's still safe, considering. "For throwing yourself out of an airplane, yes, there are many advancements that have allowed us to make it safe. But there's an element of risk that belongs to skydiving that doesn't belong to golf, and that needs to be understood." Among the recent Hoosier fatalities, only one involved an inexperienced jumper, who was on her second trip when she asphyxiated after choking on chewing gum on the way down. Two other deaths included veterans killed in a plane crash; two others died due to equipment malfunctions. U.S. Army Sgt. Talmadge Hunter has actually seen three people get killed while skydiving. But the veteran parachutist and skydiving competitor estimates he's watched more than 150,000 jumps in various skydiving events and has made roughly 4,700 himself, mostly as a member of the Army's Golden Knights team. "I can't say I've done anything as much fun as jumping, bar none. It's the most fun you can have with your clothes on," joked Hunter, a member of a Golden Knights squad that has placed second in world skydiving competitions in France and Spain in recent years. Now, his main task is diving with teammates and videotaping their maneuvers. Flying in the face of danger, so to speak, isn't the main attraction to skydiving, said Hunter, who was with the Knights team for a recent appearance at the U.S. hot rod nationals in Indy. "It's not the risk so much as the rush you get from jumping," he explained. "It's a really big rush. It's a lot of fun, it's like flying in an airplane -- without the airplane." If Gromosky was worrying about danger before his recent jump, he sure wasn't showing it. But any thoughts about a gentle ride back to Earth vanished as soon as he left the aircraft. "Those first 2 to 3 seconds, I thought, 'Get me back on the plane!' " he said. "I was dropping like a rock. But after that, after I knew I wasn't going to die, it was unbelievable, it was incredible. . . . Would I do it again? Absolutely." Mollman's second jump left her gushing, too. "It was awesome," she said after peeling off her blue jumpsuit. "This time I kept my eyes open, even when we jumped out of the plane." One of her sons thought it was cool that Mom leaped out of a plane into the wild blue yonder; the other was a little unsure. "My parents think I'm crazy. My husband's OK with it. The work crowd? I think they're impressed," Mollman said. Will she take a third leap? "Oh, I might. You never know." George McLaren can be reached at (317) 444-6232. Blues D
  10. Just Curious, they are telling people to get out, are any of the DZ's moving their planes or anything out this time after what happened to Lake Wales the last time? Just curious?????? Figure out how to direct those winds and you have on hell of a wind tunnel! HA!
  11. Rodriguiz brothers Muff Brothers couch freaks LALA gang Pink Mafia Hellfish Skymonkies I just was curious what others are out there and how many of each do you hold membership in? Sorry, bored at work! Ha! Blues! D
  12. MAN! If you eat sushi in Rantoul we'll have to move this to the incidents thread! HA!
  13. " This is the WORLD'S fastest climbing jump plane." Fastest jump plane? Mullins kingair will be there too????HA! Sorry, I figured i would stir up that whole issue again to have a little mischievious fun
  14. HEY ALL, whats the status of the paperwork to get the jet flying? will it happen and the jet at the WFFC? It has got quiet on how it was progressing lately and figured someone would have some inside BLUES! D
  15. Check out it will tell you the whole story of this tunnel. It has some cool pics of the test flights John Suiter and his crew did. How many tunnels can say the can hold an eight way? I have not heard much on its opening, but from John's site this thing is cool. They have also secured the funding to build this same tunnel in Texas. The gentleman who owns the ADREN-LN portable wind tunnel, which will be at WFFC this year is putting it in around the houston are i think, check out the website it will tell ya! Blues! D
  16. WOW, I remember it happening, i don't remember the year, maybe 76-77-78ish. that was alot of years,beers and altitude ago to remember the date. the nationals being there is the cause of my addiction we call skydiving! HA! My parents say i told them then I would jump some day. I figured sombody would remember somthing besides the beacon rides and the party at the Holiday inn that got the Nat''s banned from Richmond. I hope sombody else remembers these happening.
  17. OK up till about 3or 4 years ago there was a DC-3 that set with only one engine in Richmond indiana for several years at skydive Wayne co/skydive Ricmond/Areodrome skysports. Sombody said it was sold to go to a museum maybe? Anyone know much about that plane or where it went. I can remember as a little boy watching the nationals at Richmond and seeing a pilot fold a langing gear of a DC-3 on landing, coming in too steep and hard. I also remember a pilot having to land a DC-3 with a big chunk out of the rear wing after a jumper who was outside the plane on the step had a premature deployment and was pulled into the wing. Does anyone else remember these or any of the other things that happend during the nationals at Richmond? Blues! D
  18. "CORKING" that is what makes Sammy Sosa does to his bats to hit so many home runs. HA! I couldn't resist!!!!!!
  19. You mean thay will have a plane then? Sombody please let me know what the story is on the plane situation and what they will be flying this summer. Blues D
  20. Is the Beech 18 they have not running? In 3 years i have never heard about it in the air? I would think it would be better alternative than a 182, but it would probably cost more to fly. Don't know, just a thought. Blues! D
  21. Don't know alot, I went over 2 Sundays ago and it was locked up no lights on and no planes. I emailed Jamie the owner she said they were open just that day eveyone left early because of winds. I was there around 11:00. I also heard again this is third hand so please nobody shoot me or scream at me, the otter they were to have this summer got sold at the last minute and they are scrambling with planes. They said Jamie was working hard and scrambling to keep a turbine in their till somthing gets worked out for a permanate fulltime seasonal caravan or otter or somthing like that. Not much info, don't know what they are flying maybe their 182 for all i know. Sombody else please fill in the mountainman and myself!!!!! Blues D
  22. The tunnel at greensburg is gone. The owner didnt have a lot of support in the location so Roger the owner sold it to a group in Houston Texas ran by Sean Hicks, it's now called Adren-l-N. He also just announce he has the funding to start building his second tunnel a fixed tunnel that is open and looks unreal. It is like the New tunneljust opened on the east coast. Go to to see what I am talking about. They are flying a 6 way in this thing! To correct a comment made earlier those are not the only public tunnels. There are about 4 more that are listed as "portable" but are stationed in various parts of the US. For a more exact list go checkout there is no place on the net with more up to date info on tunnels and tunelrats than John Suiter's site. Blues D
  23. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY SKYDIVING GETS A BAD NAME/PUBLICITY AND PROBLEMS WITH INSURANCE FOR DZ'S!!!!! You are an instructor have been jumping for awhile lets assume. You know the risks of our sport and at sometime a miscue IS going to happen. I don't mean to make this look like an attack on you because it's not. I am just really tired of the world especially here in our skydiving world thinking the the end all answer is to SUE SOMBODY! GEE, I sctatched my leg coming out of the port-o-potty the last time I was at the DZ. Should I include the DZO, Airport, The toilet company, the owner of the toilet, and charmin bathroom tissue in my suit? Sounds dumb doesn't it! But hey, it still in an injury, i want paid too! Look at the problems the DZO are having getting insurance or having lack of it. Please once again, i am not attacking you, so please don't take it that way. I just want people to realize the problems that are coming from everyone suing everyone. Realize the big picture, and the potential outcomes of the process. I am sorry your wife was hurt and i say a prayer for her recovery, but I think a legal issue is only going to cause more headaches for the skydiving industry as a whole.
  24. OK! It's time to clear up some confusion. Where is the fastest jumpship? If you read much Mullins Kingair claims the title, the kingair in Jacksonville Fl claims the title, another in TX claims the title. What is the truth? I think maybe we need a race lets say at the WFFC? This should be a good discussion, so please help clear the confusion. Also to clarify, the spaceshuttle is still grounded and it's not a jumpship!!!HA!
  25. SCOTT, too bad you were jumping last summer at that little cessna dz in Franklin, Greensburg had their wind tunnel all summer till it was sold and moved. You should checkout for tunnel info. Also next summer you and several others at Jerry's should come on over and jump a turbine from time to time. Blue skies! D