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Everything posted by SKYWHUFFO

  1. Lee(Greene) What does your hubby say about the whole Cooper Caper? Alive, Dead, Jumper, non jumper, pulled it off, FBI etc. It would be interesting to hear what one of the Greats in our sport thinks!
  2. I am buying off on Georger's thought! The whole thing comes down to flightpath. How can you search 2 states post volcano eruption (mt St. Helens) and expect to find anything with a large search area. The flight path has to be narrowed to even have a chance to find anything. As far a we know the flight path and DZ could have been my backyard here in Southern Indiana. Once again Sarcasim sorry. Jerry, I am here in corn country Indiana, just old enough to remember Mt. St Helens, so i don't know the territory there other than TV and maps. Don't you think the eruption would have pretty much sealed any chance of finding anything. The next thing to figure out and consider is how much difference in LZ areas would the difference in 1 or 2 minutes exit time make at that speed. IF he left the plane at 8:10 vs 8:13 could mean the difference of 30 to 50 miles ground distance conservativley at the exit speed and wind. I spot visually when jumping or rely on the pilots GPS and Green light. Georger, you have the data how much difference is it? Next question i can't find the answer to is, once the plane landed did the crew search the plane or just leave it to the FBI? I personally still am not satisified the question has been answered I brought up a long time ago here. How do we know Cooper ever even existed???? Nothing has ever been found to support the exit of the plane via the rear stairs. sombody lowers the stairs and tosses the parachutes and never jumps is also plauseable, which goes back to the question about flight path is Jerry looking in the right place to find these chutes. To me too many things don't add up with the plane and the info provided by the crew, from the flight path, to descriptions of what was going on and how they reported it, to the description of Cooper, to the diappearing after the incident Tina pulled after the incident, what better place to keep a secret. People are trying to prove who Cooper was maybe till these gaps are filled in maybe we need to ask if Cooper should be plural? Since i babbled here, Georger you are totally right and I think Sluggo you should jump back in here on this subject again, The flight path is a key element if Jerry or anyone is to find anything that was not buried.
  3. Call me stupid, but please explain why the clasp on a cheap tie clasp is the case solver? What is next, i think we need to send Tina and Flo pictures of pants and ask them if Cooper buttoned or snapped his pants. it could deem important why he was in the bathroom so long. yes i am being sarsastic! I compare listening to Jo and Jerry go back and forth to two 10yr olds fighting? my theory is better than your theory. is not, is to, is not, is to, is not, Well your stupid, am not, am too, am not am too! I've got three words please, IGNORE EACH OTHER! Now I have a couple of questions if we can answer that would be great. Jerry, did you know H before the Cooper case? We all have sombody in the back of our mind we lean to as Cooper. In name only please post who you lean to if you had to place a bet on it. Jerry & Bruce, i would especially be interested to see the name you post, I am betting Jerry is leaning to Webber HA!
  4. Here is my question, how can you see a hole, know it's 4 ft deep, have so much drama tied to the incident such as mans best friend dead, the golden ticket in a bottle shoved somewhere, a man and you can not remember where the hole was? Duane was very ill at this time, but he could wrap a dead dog in a plastic bag 2 times, place a bottle in a hole with rigormortis, then box it up in a plactic tub? did i miss somthing. Somthing stinks more than the dog on this story and the story is stretched somewhere, i don't know where, but somepiece of it is being exagerated. Either, "very very sick", the grave process, or the whole thing. I am still asking the same question. Can ANYONE show me anything proving DB COOPER ever really existed? It plays like a bigfoot sighting, several people suposedly see it, no clear evidence, and nothing to go on.
  5. Snow, Here is somthing to think about, Did Waugh and Gossett's past history ever cross together? Were the the ever in the same place at the same time or serve under the same guy etc? That may be an interesting angle.
  6. I vote for Billy Vance's sick and twisted thread for a start. That will determine her ability to handle this! HA!
  7. does that mean we can finally quit hearing you whine about the FBI over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over????????????? Seriously give the FBI speal a rest on EVERY post. I have been on here since the first of the old thread and it's getting tiresome. Please listen to this request. While i am up here borrowing Georger's soap box, if you are not going to provide data to back your statements or clarify statements don't say them. Nobody has a fricking clue what the hell you are rambling about some interview and your "guys". Try to explain a little. What would you say if i said i could place the peson in a parachute training program and in the airport?????? Then i left the forum?
  8. did anyone else catch the piece in the Gosset story where he started the ROTC progam at?Weber College!!!!!! HA! So Gosset worked for Weber. I state that to prove a point. It is true, he worked for Weber State College, not Duane. When you make statements is such a way as i did when i said Gossett worked for Weber, this it is how mis information and confusion clouds the real story around this.
  9. Damn! now how are we going to put Leslie Q. Slackjaw in a rig during that time. Was leslie one of Duanes Alies's By chance?????
  10. Somthing that i have been thinking about that doesn't make a great deal of sense to me is. Cossey said he set the NB6 up to be his personal rig. If i am setting my rig up for me, why would i set up the rig for a hard pull giving me a chance for a no pull?????? I don't know much about Cossey but the little bit discussed here. That just seemed very odd. I have never jumped rounds so it may be somthing of a norm. can sombody with knowledge help me out on understanding this one. I guess thats what i get for being a turbine DZ baby. HA!
  11. The Ferrari thing is why i asked if anyone knew him. 500 jumps he has had to be around the dz. The only other skydiver i know of who drives a Ferrari was Dennis Rodman in Cutaway! HA! I am wondering if its not sensationalism from ABC to play up a good looking guy for ratings. Case in point, a Ferrari driving skydiver has the gals on here drooling it looks like.
  12. ANYONE ON HERE KNOW HIM?????? He is from San Diego. I couldn't tell from the otter where he was jumping.
  13. I just wanted to see how few words it took for Thanatos to declare GAME ON! Let them boobies roll cause i am Like D squared bored out of my mind here at work.
  14. DOES THIS GO HERE OR INCIDENTS?????????? N.Y. Boy Made Plastic Parachute, Took Death Dive Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Print ShareThisNEW YORK — A friend says a 9-year-old New York City boy might have been imitating a video game character when he apparently made a plastic parachute and jumped to his death from his apartment building's roof. Police say Domori Miles likely cobbled a plastic bag and rope together before flying off the 13-story Brooklyn building Tuesday. The items were found on the ground near his body. Ten-year-old friend Shakar Murrel says Domori was a fan of the wrestling game "WWE SmackDown vs. Raw" and loved wrestler Jeff Hardy's swan dives. Stamford, Conn.-based World Wrestling Entertainment expresses sympathy but calls for "a full investigation ... before conclusions are made." It says no "SmackDown vs. Raw" characters jump off buildings or use parachutes.
  15. "Again, Tina was not Cooper's trusted courier. Tina was behaving under orders fulfilling a role. Likewise Cooper was not trusting of Tina. Cooper watched her intently. He demanded she sit close to him so he could control her if need be. He demonstrated the bomb and said 'just touching these two wires and boom' - the message was obvious (no funny stuff). " Georger I agree with most all you have said about this, but this quote above struck somthing funny. If this was the case, how do you fit the piece of Cooper going to the lavatory and "going to be there awhile" per the transcripts fit into this? That whole piece to me is a wild card that does not fit to anything. Like i said earlier. When he is in the toilet on jump run and dropping the little brown jumpers, he does not have control of, Tina, Rat, Scott, the plane, or even the situation. I don't see it fitting. Quade- is the snowman on a self imposed TO or is he in the penality box with Jerry? He is being too quiet.
  16. Hey Jerry, here's all the more reason to look up instead of at the ground! HA! This was from Fox NEws German Man's Skeleton Found in Tree Nearly 30 Years After His Suicide Wednesday, April 08, 2009 A skeleton of a German man who shot and killed himself in a tree has been found by a hiker – nearly 30 years later. Police said the 69-year-old retiree who had been missing since 1980 tied himself to the tree before firing the gun, Reuters reported. His remains were discovered after an 18-year-old hiker found a bone in the forest last week and brought it to police, who then searched the area, Reuters reported. "We found the skeleton up in the tree with the pistol hanging on a rope next to it," police spokesman Leonard Mayer was quoted as saying. The body was identified through DNA testing and an artificial hip, Reuters reported
  17. WWRD!! SINCE IT IS SKYDIVE CHICAGO, What Would Roger Do! tribute the man who helped all of us in the sport. By the way, what would Roger do? He would win with that line up! Blues D
  18. SNOW, you have the plane that has been discussed here that was suposedly behind and above, go back a few pages you guys went back and forth about it for a while.
  19. During the 70's how ofter would you say there was sombody on Tena's bar in the area where the money was found? multipal a day?, Daily?, weekly?, monthly???? I am just curious, i have not seen much as to traffic this spot received by humans consistantly. I ask this in thinking, If this "washes up" on shore with a lot of foot traffic in the area don't you find the odds better it found before several inches of sand cover it?
  20. A little ballsey request for a non-jumping GUEST on a Skydivers website wouldn't ya say!
  21. Snow, you only like this story because the private is named after your arch nemesis from this board, Georger! HA! here's an actual air force plane history document that mentions the hijack and PVT Georger Hardin. (shots fired, loadmaster shot, plane damaged)
  22. Snow, A few rambles back you aske where the metal Info came from. I found this. New theories in D.B. Cooper tale 06:04 PM PST on Friday, March 6, 2009 By JIM FORMAN, KING 5 Staff SEATTLE -- Huddled around rarely seen evidence spread out across the briefing room of the Seattle F.B.I. office, researchers say a new theory is emerging in the D.B. Cooper case. Scientists test Cooper mystery clues Cooper mystery science Help comes in Cooper case New evidence aids Cooper hunt "Well in D.B. Cooper, there was a fairly recent surprise," said Chicago metallurgist Alan Stone. Stone is referring to bits of metal found on some of the physical evidence from the 1971 hijacking, the only unsolved crime of its kind in U.S. history. Stone is one of several researchers taking a new look at this old case, and debunking some old myths surrounding the case. Stone can’t get too specific, because he is part of an active investigation. But he will say, "It’s a surprise to find (the metal) where it is." Rubber bands hold key clues For decades it has been thought that Cooper, who parachuted out of the back of a Northwest Orient let with $200,000 in ransom money, was separated from his haul during the plunge to earth. Why? Background Cooper case opened to public DB Cooper search DB Cooper money auctioned Is this DB Cooper? FBI releases new info Years after the hijacking, some hikers found some of the loot. At the time experts told the F.B.I. that the money most likely floated down the Columbia River, putting Cooper’s drop zone miles away. Enter the rubber bands. "We were able to find the original manufacturer of the rubber bands," explains Tom Kaye of Seattle’s Burke Museum. A paleontologist by trade, Kaye says there is no way the rubber bands, which held the money together, could have been in the water long enough to wind downstream. "They told us that rubber bands only last in the wild 3 or 4 months at the most," Burke adds. "So this is in conflict with the idea that they would be rolling down the river for seven years," begging the question was the money there all along? Burke’s answer a simple, "maybe." Steady progress, but no a-ha moment The scientists have been given unprecedented access to mountains of evidence. It is a new look at this old case, which many including the F.B.I. are following closely. The "a- ha" moment says Burke would be finding D.B. Cooper, or his remains, but that everyone agrees is unlikely. Still, Burke presses on: "Are we getting closer to D.B.? I think we are, time will tell." Indeed.
  23. SNOW, let me get your last quote straight. the FBI started the CIG funded by the CIA because of the APB on DBC over him being MIA from all legitimate evidence? I understand OK i am better now! HA!