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Everything posted by SKYWHUFFO
Well i won't uncover yet, Snow and georger have not rung in with their right hooks. In this day and age, of media media media, it seems like EVERYONE talks sooner or later. I just still find it odd none of the crew have never spoke over the years not even at the major anniversaries, other than in my opinion the well prepared interview we saw on tape withing days of the incident where they acted nervous. 377, being an attorney doesn't it raise an eyebrow when sombody imediately shuts up(then on CSI demands their attorney HA) like the crew has or if you are reading their manurisms from the tape? I just find it wierd. I know if i am looking at a long time in Jail, or a life of seclusion basically, guess what i am taking. I can not quote jo exactly but somwhere you have mentioned one of the stewardesses basically being borderline hysterical if sombody approached her about the case and you had to respect her privacy. I am going from memory so nobody go off about false info please. That is just very odd behavior to me. I am NOT crying Conspiracy, I am just trying to see if there is an answer for this VERY LARGE piece in this puzzle i dont see fitting with the rest of the story. Snow you usually look at logic, and i would think you would come to the same conclusion this piece does not fit when you look at the science vs. the stories as Sluggo and many other are now disproving. Sombody mentioned Berry Bonds. it took how many years for the truth on he and A-rod to come out cause some reporters finally pushed it. That info was easy to find for them compared to this. We are seeing these descrepencies now because they are just now being looked at, questioned and not accepted as just truth as they have for all these years. My hats off to some of you on here for that! IF the pieces doesn't fits, Cooper didn't exists! HA! I am just having fun with this statement nothing meant by it. D
ok, I am going to open myself up for a barrage of right hooks from alot of people on here. Going back to my question other than the flight crew on the plane who saw Cooper in the role of a hijacker???? The ticket agent only saw a guy buy a ticket. From what you have responed the passengers basically only saw a guy sitting there matching a description of Cooper. I am trying to just think as i was taught in a logic class in college many moons ago. In another class as a demonstration on preception of a situation under stress The professor had a person run into class and steal 2 purses off of females desk during class in plain site. We were asked to provide a written description to a fake police officer the professor arranged to add to the situation. You would not believe the descriptions, black, white short tall, grey jacket, blue jacket, hat no hat. People said he said stuff when he said nothing. What i am rambling about is what if these people didnt really see "Cooper", but just another passenger. Could you describe the person setting in the row in front of you across the isile on the last Flight you took when you got off. I just flew for business I thought about this the whole flight. I could not. Here is where I am opening up the can of worms. What if Cooper didn't exist. What if this was a group of disgruntled flight crew who made up Cooper and put this together? Had a guy buy a ticket in Coopers name. The ticket agent probably saw hundeds of people that night how would he remember Cooper out of all of them? Remember you didn't have the security to buy a ticket or board as we do now I.E Cameas, or checking ID's even. Then they made the rest up together. The imagination of passengers or their need to be important to the FBI only enhances the belief or lore Cooper was there. If you are Cooper and have a plane hijacked and only you and the crew are on it, would you go into a bathroom where you could be locked in knowing your bomb was fake???? If the crew knew he was in there and going to be there for awhile. why would they not slip out of the plane leaving Cooper alone for Ralph to deal with????? They get the money pull some out to celebrate and see it is real, leave it out of the bag, Then decide we better open the door and get rid off the parachutes, The money blows out while doing this and ends up on Tinas bar, either lands or floats there. As we have discussed a flight crew would have ALL the info dictated as what was suposed to come from Cooper. The crew knows the stair operations, The rest of the money is hidden on the plane. The plane was searched but not to the point of looking for hidden objects such as money except for the cabin area from what i read. The rest of the stuff was ditched in the thickest nastiest area around thus why the pilot insisted on that flight path Knowing it would not be found for a long time if ever. This is why we are finding that the plane was not where it suposedly was and the conlfict in when Rat said Cooper went out showing several different stories coming out. this is why no Radar signature was seen of a jumper, Why no chase planes made contact with the plane or Cooper, Why nothing has been found. the crew launders the money in a foreign bank, Canada, Mexico, or other on their next flight there after it is retreived from the plane. Once again, Logic! People yell at Jo saying PROVE Duane is Cooper(sorry he is not) or put him under a canopy. Well I guess I want a 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt other than a four member flight crew Cooper existed. I hope you can understand my logic. I don't have notebooks from 1980 to research or a computer simulation to pour over to support my Logic. I just have what i read, and I have never seen this proved as well a smy experience in the sport. I am basically being sacreligious to my fellow jumpers in saying there is no Cooper is like telling a kid no such thing as Santa, but can we prove other than testimony of the crew he existed in the role of a hijacker, not just a peson who matched the descrition. sorry no ties to Oswald or spacemen, just logical things I see as not right from a highly educated person who has fun doing what we are trying to say Cooper did. D
Snow, George, Jerry, Sluggo, Anyone- I think this was brought up before, but i cant remember or find it. Other than the flight crew, who definately without a doubt 100% saw Cooper? Not just a guy on the plane fitting Coopers description or sombody checking in looking like him?
Cooper is in Texas! He spent all of his money on a mansion. Google DB Cooper's mansion. I ran across this on a business trip to the great state! I knew he would show up, and in typical skydiver style, what else would we spend money on but beer and BOOBIES!!!!!!!
I am confused, I thought Cooper was in the toilet when the people left the plane????? How could he give Alice permission to get her purse in the tiolet? Is there two different stories coming out here or am i mixed up? D
SKYWHUFFO replied to SKYWHUFFO's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
WFT!!!!!!!! $59.00 for a rig???????? go to cheaperthandirt.com search parachute. Why do they even sell this things in this condition. no lift web etc. Blues D Click here for a larger image French Military Parachutes, Red Pack Twin Chutes. Shroud Line Cut 28' Diameter 2 Customer ReviewsOur Low Price: $59.97 List Price: $89.96 Your Savings: $29.99(33.33%) Have one to sell? Sell it on Free Ads Tell a Friend Manufacturer: Military Item: MIL-1600 Original French military, main and back-up parachutes are packed in a complete harness assembly. Each rectangular personnel parachute measures 20x9', and the shroud lines and harness shoulder straps have been cut. Set includes a red harness, one red parachute, one red and blue parachute, and loads of para cord. These are great for covers or temporary shelters, used in good condition. Non Returnable. -
WELL, i have been watching this thread since the first page of the old thread. As a jumper with almost 4000 jumps and a history buff i found it amusing to watch and chime in with questions now and then. Well, now i am just finding it a bit annoying now watching. I am going to start with Jo- You need to remember a few old sayings, never bite the hand that feeds you and never burn a bridge. WAKE UP! you snap almost have two personalities, one that wants to yell "Look at where you guys have gone - exactly where I told the FBI to look - for clues (1962 thru 1969). If you guys think the FBI did their job - then all of you need to stop seeking answers in the direction you are going" or YOU GUYS NEED TO LOOK, or the FBI needs to do this or that. Clue in on what sombody else wrote when they said to the FBI this is not an active case. to explain that in simple terms nobody is actively investigating this case. CKRET did this pretty much as a side hobby. You burned your bridge along ago with the FBI with all the critical harsh remarks you make to and about them. Why would they want to listen to you when all you do is bitch about them and badmouth them. This exactly why several people that could have been valueable to the forum such as CKRET, Sluggo, PLF are gone, you cant bitch and demand from sombody as you do then expect then to do your bidding. Snow, Georger, 377- you three can find a needle in a haystack on the net. but somtimes just ignore jo's babblings and bring up things like you do. work with CKRET even if it's off line, Ckret has more cards in his hand and showing a good poker face if he tips his hand more it may give you somthing to complete the puzzle. Keep it on the subject please. a teacher from canada going to cuba?????? I think i missed the significance. I went head to head with one of my own (a fellow jumper) who happened to be sombody who played a significant role in where skydiving is today as a sport. He in some ways was right in others wrong. You don't realize the info sources who have posted here, Jim West and his wife, Airtwardo, and several others these folks have so much knowlege on our world it's scarey and were jumping when this happened. I guess what i am saying is drop the damn cigerettes and tie clasp Jo they are gone accept it and leave it alone. Find the new angles and if you are going want sombody to work on them don't give half info or talk in riddles. It does no good if you don't share info you have and expect others to share with you. I want to see this thead go somewhere this year and find new info like sluggo did last year. Have a great new year folks and try to understand what i mean cause there is a big difference in reading and comphrending. and lastly, one of the things jumpers laugh at the most is when non jumpers use our terminology and traditions to try to sound intellegent. There is meaning on the words Whuffo or blue skies, etc you don't understand. My screen name is making fun of people like the one tandem wonders out there who after a tandem jump think they are a skydiver. Don't take this as a bashing Its not. I just want to redirect where this form is going( down hill and quade about to pull the plug), Thanks D
Here is the article that referenced the hat and where the quote came from. http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/criminal_mind/scams/DB_Cooper/index.html I agree with your comments snow that is why i asked the three questions which threw me and I wanted to ask the peanut gallery. If anyone has anything on the three questions post and let's discuss. Just trying to provoke thoughts that is how info is found.
I found this on the web it's from an article I ran across. "The task at first seemed simple. Authorities at Tacoma's McChord Air Force Base agreed to provide military-issue chutes. But Cooper—through a flight attendant messenger—rejected the military chutes, which have automatic opening mechanisms. Cooper insisted on civilian chutes, with user-operated ripcords. After a series of urgent phone calls, Seattle cops managed to make contact with the owner of a skydiving school. The business was closed, but the owner was pressed into service. He met officers at the school, and soon a police car with lights flashing and siren screaming raced to Sea-Tac Airport with a precious cargo of four parachutes" I thought there was no discussion from Cooper about military vs sport equipment??????? can sombody verify this or refute it. The other question I can't find the answer too is, he boarded the plan without sunglasses then spoke to Tina without sunglasses cause she remarked on his eyes, Where did the composite with the sunglasses come into play of the timeline??????? And the last question. We have not discussed the hat at all. Why leave a Tie but take or chuck the hat? This confuses me.
DAMN! I just asked a simple question about a book I saw on Ebay and did a little search about and was curious to hear the whole story about. From this i threw gas on the Snow Vs. Jo Part IV I apologize to the DZ.commers for starting it up again.
HEY SNOW, come clean now, one bid on bid on the money is that you? You think Ckret has any in a frame sitting around his house "on loan"? HA! I think Sluggo deserves a small piece of one from the FBI as a reward for his hard work and findings that turnes the case. On a serious note Snow, Max gunther's story about the lady who doctored Cooper after he landed. Is there any credibility in it and where did it supose to take place compared to the new data of Sluggos landing area.
Well Well jump over to Ebay 15 "partial Bills" that ingram found are on Ebay closing in four days. I thought these were already sold a few months ago?
hey Greene(Lee) Out of curiousity, What does Jim think happened??? Does he think Cooper survived. Did the authorities ever snoop around your DZ after that happened or contact you at all? You don't really hear some of the people like Jim Who grew this sport from the beginning to what we all know today talk much on this subject. I think it would be interesting to hear it from a prespective of sombody with the expertise and respect as you all who were DZO's when this happened. We always hear how the FBI combed the DZ's after the incident, I just wondered how much was true.
This place went quiet? UUHHH, did i miss somthing?
WOW! Ckret you just got called out!
To add a little bit more to Safe's question. Did the FBI determine the "multipal DNA" to be related? Father, son/sons this would tell us somthing about the family aspect if it was. I think this is a little more info needed thing.
Man, that picture looks like Wayne Newton. First we have a composite sketch of Bing Crosby, Now a Wayne Newton look-alike in an amature photo, who's next? I think it's safe to say we can rule out Sammy Davis- He's too short. Sorry, Bad day protecting the world from Terrorists, and i could not resist posting my first reaction of when i saw the pic. Please don't ban me Quade, I'll be good.
Quade, Does or has Perris done night jet jumps? regularly? Too many jello shots at night at WFFC, did they do a night one there? I have one WFFC jet jump but went back to the cheaper tailgates after that one. I think you and the Conister's need to extend a couple of invites to Ckret and a couple others for somthing no other FBI Agent on the case has experience, what Cooper did and felt when he stepped off that platform. in the form of a Tandem out of the jet, heck, get it cleared and take em at night and ckret can really walk thru it all. CKRET you in? Quade what's the odds of since you are in Perris of helping getting a VIP jump being pulled off?
CKRET please comment on what sluggo found on Dan Cooper the storybook hero. Did the FBI Investigate this? It would be helpful to know when the FBI has looked into somthing. Not divulging non published info is not what i am asking. It would help a lot of people if you could just say " The FBI has look at this" or "no the FBI has not investigated this" People that don't know this case as good as you and Safe and it would help to know.
QuoteDon't get too carried away. MODERN equipment doesn't handle 200 knot wind blasts too well unless we're ready for it. Modern equipment is routinely used a 150 mph plus in normal skydiving. The kind of equipment the pioneer would have been wasn't that much different than military gear. It would have handled and would have been expected to handle the wind blast just as well. Councilman, Sorry, I agree with you above, my point was your post had me thinking about his choice of rigs. What would prompt him to choose the NB6? You and i as well as others on here that are experienced jumpers, would have probably chose the sport rig. I think this gives tus a clue to the question about his experience level. Did he choose the NB6 because that is what he was acustom 2 thru the military or It looked closer to what he had seen at a DZ when he investigated jumping or the one jump he did? The opinion I have made is he had "some" exposure to the skydiving community Think about how many Whuffo's who show up at the DZ that you have seen asking a million questions about the equipment, what you are doing as you are gearing up on last call, or that says they are "possibly interested " in jumping and sombody shows them the "DZ tour" trying to get them to jump. The reason I say a newbie or pilot, the NB6 is going to be more common for them to have and show to Cooper.
I remember you in 1974ish jumping a round into a baseball diamond in Fountain City Indiana. with power wires all around it and Still landing almost on 2nd base. I went home and jumped off the roof with a blanket after that. My mother is still mad about that, but that's another story. I can say watching your jump and the Nationals in Richmond is what got me addicted to this sport! Thank you for being a great ambassador for this sport.
I am not old enough to know this answer. Was there assigned seating back then? Was Cooper in his assigned seat the whole time? And how close was the closest passenger seated to him? Sluggo, anyone, i not find the seat assignments in the file. Sluggo, before you ask, i am hitting the big 40 in a couple of months and you know what i do when i am not watching you guys chase DB. Do i fit your profiling?
"The container wouldn't have been an issue because the military gear was made to be much more secure than the skydiving gear on the first civilian jet jump." THIS ONE SENTENCE JUST SCREAMED SOMTHING! It was debated a few pages back, why cooper took the NB6 instead of the pioneer. Read councilmans quote again now. Now answer this question please in you opinion. Did Cooper somehow know or figure what councilman just said? He goes with one of two things, what he knew, or what he thought will get the job done the best. Plausable or not?
QuoteThe dig was just for confirmation we had nothing, I have now confirmed we still have nothing. Ckret, From seeing the post you made above and Cossey's statements about the Canopy, can we now oficially conclude this canopy is not related to the case, or a hoax?
QuoteNot all the bills were L, only most of them. There were some F (Atlanta) as well. The entire list is in your Tosaw's book. Look at the picture of one of the bills up for sale on the Heritage site. Serial number C13874652A C= Philadelphia