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Everything posted by SKYWHUFFO
FYI, for those of you with money lying around(DB that's you if you are watching this board) You need to watch the website for Heritage Auction Galleries right side of the front page, Suposedly, Ingram is putting up 12-15 more of the recovered $20 bills for auction. If you want to really know about the money then here's your chance to be one of onely 4 people( Ingram, Cooper, FBI and you) to own the money. I guess he is taking advantage of all the publicity to make some cash i guess. Press Release - March 31, 2008 "D.B. Cooper" Skyjacking Cash in Dallas Auction Dallas, TX: A dozen $20 bills from the infamous 1971 "D. B. Cooper" skyjacking will be offered to the public for the first time in June by Heritage Auction Galleries of Dallas, Texas. The notes are owned by Brian Ingram, 36, of Mena, Arkansas who was eight years old in 1980 when he found the only ransom money ever discovered from the still-unsolved skyjacking. "The serial numbers all match the FBI's list of $20 bills given to the skyjacker known as 'D.B. Cooper' who parachuted from a jetliner with the cash somewhere between Seattle Washington and Reno, Nevada during a rainstorm on November 24, 1971. Some of these tattered notes have the initials of investigators who examined the recovered money after Ingram found it along the banks of the Columbia River near Vancouver, Washington in February 1980," said Steve Ivy, Co-Chairman of Heritage and a long-time paper money collector. The D.B. Cooper cash will be offered as part of a big auction of Americana memorabilia in Dallas and online, June 13 and 14. Ingram said the money almost didn't survive its discovery. "We were going to make a fire along the river bank," Ingram recalled. "I was on my hands and knees smoothing out the sand with my arm, and I uncovered three bundles of money just below the surface. My uncle thought we should throw it in the fire." Ingram found approximately $5,800 of the $200,000 ransom given to the skyjacker, and the FBI later returned a small portion to his family. Ingram owns 84 D.B. Cooper bills and fragments. "Fifteen of the $20 denomination bills will be offered to the public for the first time in the upcoming auction. His decision to sell the notes was made several weeks before the recent discovery of what may be the skyjacker's parachute. The coincidental timing couldn't be better," said Ivy. The recovered ransom notes were authenticated in February and placed into protective, archival storage holders by PCGS Currency, a Santa Ana, California paper money authentication service. Each holder has a label with the FBI's 1971 artist's sketch of the sunglasses-wearing skyjacking suspect who has still not been found. Anyone with information about the skyjacking is encouraged to contact the FBI's Seattle office by e-mail at fbise@leo.gov. Additional information about the auction will be available from Heritage Auction Galleries, online at www.HA.com, and by phone at (800) 872-6467.
Hey Safe, don't settle for the Kool-aid! make him use that bright flashy thing! MIB has em so surely the FBI has em. HA! Seriously, Safe are you accepting the new AB Line? I am not seeing it add up when you put the locations of the canopy and the money on it and then look at wind direction, and factor 8:15-8:20 instead of 8:11. Help me out here what do you think?
Did i look at the map wrong? The new flight line is in the opposite wind direction (east of)of where this canopy was found and the money was found. I am just an Indiana boy, if i am not looking at corn fields i get turned around. HA! Straighten me out Safe, between you and Sluggo i have seen a lot of numbers. Can you put on you new flight line map the money and canopy locations if i am not looking at this right?
Just playing devils advocate, You can think of it this way, you get better with practice. Mccoy learned from the first jump. I.E. what gear you get when you ask for unframiliar gear, so bring your own. What to expect when you leave the step. IF it was him, though why were his prints identified in jump #2 and not Coopers jump. IF he did jump #1(cooper) and lost the money, wouldn't the thought of jump #2 start crossing his mind. The lavatory incident tells me one of two things to me. personally, when i jump if i gotta go i go when i hear first call for my load. sorta ritual.OR this guy was freaking out and just was either about to P!$$ his pants or he just left the in flight meal behind before the jump.
This ones for you Safe or Sluggo, or anyone else with the flight info and the location of the canopy find. IF this canopy was Coopers, and the origional AB line is legit, and you have the wind, what altitude would that have put Coopers pull at? This would be interesting to see. I see this as showing us a couple of things. first, did Cooper treat this as a hop-n-pop(open high), this would be somthing a person with military exp or sombody with NO jump experience would more than likely do than get stable and figure out what the hell is going on like we would do as experienced jumpers. If this shows he pulled at a lower altitude, it could be deducted, he got stable and knew what he was doing before he pulled. or lastly, if it's a short line a no pull happened. I don't have the info to figure it. can sobody calculate this.
Ckret, can you update us on the canopy find please? There is too much "fiction" being put out by the media. I trust hearing it from the source not from the media. 1. has the site been or will it be searched? 2. has Cossey seen the found canopy or been able to comment on it? 3. IT was never really said, when was the canopy found? 4. I have seen it two ways was the canopy unearthed and in a pile of dirt made by cutting the road , or just unearthed in its spot? I ask this because the depth would determine if it was buried by sombody or by natural causes(time and mt saint helens). We would love to hear directly from you on the find of the canopy. I know you are probably tired of telling the story, but i think it is important to hear the details not thru the sensationalism of the press who will turn details to make a better story. It's been said before, thanks for coming back.
HEY SAFECRACKINGPLF, does this calculate out as the LZ in your research? I watched the video, the fabric looked in too good shape if it was in the ground that long. Was there a DZ close to this area that this could have been a cut away in the 70's- 80's? I guess, after seeing the video of the canopy and Carr, I am skeptical, Why would you cut the lines and leave somthing buried if they know to contact the FBI? It was in too good of shape in my opinion to be in the ground as log as it was. On the other side, if it is real we will soon see if there was a body on the other end, or was it buried before sombody walked out. Jo, we will see does it have missing ring you may have. I think it will be an interesting couple of days. Anyone have anymore info. Too bad some skygods ran Carr off here we may have gotten some more info instead of relying on the media, we all know they can screw up anything.
[The pilot in me wonders where the B727 of Cooper fame is today? I looked for a serial number on the net, but came up empty. Any with info on this? JSBIRD, It died the death many of these planes did, It went to a scrap yard I don't remember the state other than not the boneyard in AZ. It was stripped and parted out. Hell, some of the parts could still be in the air somwhere.
All right with that said quade will go back to lurking for the offenders, the idiots who want to slam everyone go to the general forum and the rest of us will get back to what we came here to discuss what happened from that night till now, who did it, how it was done and where he and the money went. Quade feel free to jumpin if sombody gets mouthy, Ckret, Jo, Safe and everyone lets resume, where were we? Oh that's right, Safe you owe us some data,Ckret you owe us some info and Jo what new have you found on duane? I still want to know haw you sench up a bag the size of the money bag with ropes without help? To me somthing still doesn't add up in the plane that night. Blues D
QUADE, You say its not important, but to some such as ckret, skyjack71 it is important. I find this way more interesting to read than a post of "what are we going to do about SKYRIDE" or who wants to see boobies. but that is my opinion like you have yours on this subject. you are looking at this as skydiving only i think. This is also somthing that changed history. I can honestly say i have learned a great deal about this case. When i started out when Jo posted this, i thought DB Cooper- took a bunch of money, jumped, died, but i am seeing more that makes this one of the skydiving communities greatest folklore and a subject that changes all the time as more info comes out in here. There has been a lot of new information come out in this forum be it for Jo or Ckret or anyone else. We have a generation of jumpers now under canopy that were born long after this happened and think DB Cooper is the guy who flys the jet at Perris Valley.. I respect your opinion and would like to see this keep going. Blues D
Skydive First, Crawfordsville, IN?
SKYWHUFFO replied to BASE841's topic in Skydiving History & Trivia
didn't Bob Daughtry of skydive greensburg have somthing to do with it at one time then it moved to greensburg? I thought i was told that way back when, I may be totally wrong. -
The plaque from the steps would be a flat piece of tin. In the wind aloft it would be like a wing and could float every which way for a long ways. Safe, can you answer this, I was reading a piece that they said " Coincidentally, Cooper himself probably copied a similar hijacking that occurred two weeks before his endeavor." What one were they refering to? Mccoy was 4 weeks AFTER Cooper. OK conspiracy theory question. 3 Copy cats or planned together? What do you think? Task force agent #3
Safe, Ckret , HERE IS A DUMB QUESTION BUT IT MAY SERVE SOME IMPORTANCE. We talk about time time time. Are we sure everyone was on the same time that was documenting the bumps ocilation, contact with cooper etc.? What i mean is my watch is set five minutes fast. if you as me at noon what time it was, i will say 12:05. If you ask another person they might say 11:59. that is a differenc of 6 minutes, a lot of miles. This plays alot into the time line of when Cooper left the plane. Did sombody look at their watch and say the bump was at 8:10 and the nav time was 8:06. I think this is critical in trying to figure out the time and flight secquences. do we know this? Cooper task force agent #3
FROM NOW ON i AM SIGNING MY POSTS AS COOPER TASK FORCE, AGENT # 3. HA! Man people get heated over this, like it was coming out of their own pocket. RELAX people! everyone wants the same thing, to know who Cooper was be it, Weber, McCoy, Mayfield, StratoStar, Airtwardo, SafecrackingPLF or any other person. Respect what others input cause to them it may be the clue Ckret is looking for.
Safe cracking said: "You asked about a possible old hunter's shack. Well, I don't know about this, BUT on that beach where the money was found, there are a few buildings that might be described as a shack. I don't know if they were there in 71 though. If there were, my guess is these were all searched in 1980 as was that whole beach. " Wasn't Weber referencing a couple of shacks where he buried somthing according to Jo???? He later tried to return to this area on a "sentimental Journey" Could one of these been built on stilts to keep dry fromm flooding thus have " a lookout tower" look to it, as also Jo referenced? If this is the case Cooper buries the money behind these buildings located right where the first money was recovered and washes down to the river and goes bye bye. Safecracking and Ckret, I have not studied the maps, is it feasable to land in that area knowing what we know about the flight, winds, etc? If so isn't it close enough to the road to find a phone and make a call rather quickly back then? sound framiliar? I just think if it is going to wash as far as you say there is very little chance of the rubberbands stayin on, the money not decenegration etc. But if it washed down a hill several hundred feet after being buried under a building and unearthed when torn down, the bundles would be protected from the elements and intact. This could support Weber or Mccoy or both. I am not as versed as you two, but I think this would bring alot of things together with everything jo has said, but also it supports Mcoy's phone call too. help me out is that plausable?
I have a couple of question about the "pressure bump" and the stairs. We have always assumed or led to assume this was cause by Cooper leaving the plane. 4 months later McCoy did the exact same jump and I have not be able to find nothing metioning a pressure bump in that jump. Why would one have the bump but not the other? Second question the bump was suposed to be the stairs slamming back shut? Didn't the plane land with the stairs open and they got shredded from landing that way. I think that is what i read. Is that correct?
Jo & Ckret, Has Duane's handwriting ( or the other suspects, mccoy, chrisiansen, etc) ever been compared to the ransom note, I assume the note is still in FBI possession? Is it? Ckret, Is it feasable to use a plane and a dummy and re-enact the jump like people have said on a similar night? This may show some things even us seasoned jumpers can't predict.
Jo & Ckret Just nosing around on the net, I came across a statement that said the FBI showed Coopers ticket from that night. Jo, Didn't you say duane had this ticket? I am just trying to understand that statement. nothing more or nothing less.
Jo, So are you going to leave us hanging and disapear and not tell us what you are talking about or what you solved????? We gave you all the info so please fill in all the blank spots you keep hinting to and around. We all would like to hear what you figured our.
Ckret, Do we know 100% there was no other "luggage" brought on by Cooper and stowed above or by sombody else left for Cooper? I.E. another passenger. I would think if there was then, 1. there was other shoes/ jumpsuit, and possibly a bag to put the money in we don't know about. Logically if you were to try to pull this off wouldn't you have some resources to pull from that you would think you might need? I would, and no I am not old enough to be Cooper! HA! It would have been somthing the crew would have paid no attention to Cooper stowing a bag or retriving a bag cause it's somthing they see a thousand times a month. I just find it hard to believe he planned this without thinking of these details if he had any jump experience, which i think he did, because he knew how to put the rig on and sounds like some limited knowledge of the different rigs. Have you ever handed a rig to a whuffo (non-skydiver)and said put it on. They look at you like a deer in the hearlights if they have never seen it before. I have never seen the FBI stuff from that night, can you post that or say where it can be found? With just a yes or no and no more, has there been new things found by this forum for you to go on? Blues D
no, this guy they said was probably gone before he hit the ground. My brother in law is a Sheriff and worked all the nationals and we talk time to time about some of the stuff. He was the officer that had to take a couple of guys down when they decided to take a beacon ride the last year it was in Richmond. I know the one incident you are talking about too. he went down north of the airport behind the cemetery if i remember right. They had a heck of a time getting to him. Great place to have a big gathering. I wish the nationals would make a one year return or the richmond boogie would grow instead of declining each year.
Wasn't this the plane that the pilot kept coming in steep all day and finally folded the front landing gear? I remember both, I was only about 9 or 10. I also remember a DC3 being damaged but landed when a floater had a premature deployment that pulled him back into the tail then streamered down to the south east of the airport. anyone remember that???? I would stand all day stareing at the sky at the nationals and saying someday I will do that. See somthing good came out of the Richmond Nationals! HA!
I have a dumb question for the experts. How are they 100% sure Cooper was the only one on the plane once the crew went into the cockpit? Could sombody else have been hiding in the lavatory or under a seat, and be an accompliss? JO- did your hubby ever mention any friends? This would explain a couple of things, one why 2 chutes were requested, where the other chute went and by dividing up the cash it's less weight to carry. Didn't the crew state feeling two bumps they thought the first was him jumping and the second was the stairs closing? one guy jumps it make a bump think of jumping a tailgate now. the second guy goes, second bump and the gate closes. at that speed and jumping rounds and winds they probably would have landed in two seperate areas. One bundle of money was found is it from part of the money. If there was a second person did they bring on other clothes more suitable for the climates, because people keep saying he jumped in loafers and a thin suit. If you are trained enough to know how to make this jump then you know you are going to freeze your a$$ off at altitude in Washington in Nov. wouldn't that be a basic thought if you were planning this? I love reading this article every day to see what new comes out. Jo, goodluck on your quest if your hubby is Cooper then let's show the world, if not the greatest sky ledgend still lives. My second question is did Cooper really even exist? Could it have been the flight crew making him up and stashing the money and splitting it? Makes sense cause nobody else is ever referenced seeing him except the crew/ employees of the airline. Can sombody help with my questions because it has been somthing that is bugging me everytime i read this thread.
Jo, is mayfield or Mccoy still alive?
You know you're a Midwest Skydiver if....
SKYWHUFFO replied to Unstable's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
You know who and have had a run in with Farmer McNasty from down the road off the DZ.