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  1. Thanks, did not see that but I had all those setting already.
  2. Hello, I would like to know what setting do you use to shoot your video: 1) HD setting? 2) Stabilization, I am experiencing stabilization issues, with my old pc105 (Rawa helmet side mounted) never had any problems, with my new cx115 (rawa helmet top mounted with manfrotto base) it looks like that the camera is moving, could it be the helmet that is not tide enough? thanks for your inputs.
  3. I should have had that it was a ground test. any suggestions? I dont need great quality, i just dont want to jump my canon 400d when i jump with friends.
  4. Hello there, it is time to upgrade from my 10 years old PC105. I am looking basically at the sony cx115 and cx130. I know that over all the cx130 is better but I don't quite fancy the idea of a mini spinning hard-drive. My question: is the cx115 capable of taking pictures while recording a jump with out freeze frame the move itself? I tested the cx130 and it does have this feature. cheers
  5. Hello Everyone, I would like to have some suggestions (ideas) about how to built/buy and attach a front mount for a CANON 400D on my rawa helmet. Basically i would like to upgrade my camcorder for a CX105, which i would like to mount on the top, therefore i will have to move the stills on the front. I am pretty good on DIY, i am open to suggestions, critics (specially for any safety issues that may rise). Thanks for your contribution.
  6. I would like to add that Jay jumps a prototype, different trim and way more, while Mr Brokken jumps a standard velocity....
  7. that is why I said that the organization, skydive lillo, is trying to homologate the distance.
  8. Weights: he is a big guy, he does not use weights Canopy: Velocity, not sure about the size, but small (at least for me) Winds: 8Knots downwind (if i remember well) I will update all the info as soon as my brain recovers from the party
  9. We would like to compliment Bruno Broken for his new world record 155.52 m, establish at Skydive Lillo in Spain during the last round of the competition. The organization is trying its best to make the record official, but we were all there, he swooped the course and amazed all the competitors and visitors with his skills. Thanks Bruno I would also like to thank Ainoa Boyd for allowing me to use her pictures for this post Thank you
  10. Hello Everybody, not sure if this is the right section but considering helmets are part of the skydiving gears i am sure i will get a good response. My issue: I am in touch with a guy, that due unforseen problems, is selling his rawa helmet. It is a right-hand mount, my camcorder is a sony PC105E, which carries the battery on the left side. how or what should i do or buy to attach the camcoder onto the helmet? Thank you very much, Fabio
  11. madflying

    Skydive Palermo

    Come and visit us, you will not only enjoy jumping with very experienced, but also you will be taken out in the most characteristic places of Palermo, where you could test the most typical Sicilian cousin, wine and much more. It is definitely a 360º experience. Even We are not USPA member you are allowed to jump with a USPA membership.
  12. Well, well.....what to say? it is in a valley, between a 3500ft high montain and the golf of Palermo. the food and vibes are fantastic. every so often you get a beech jump. you can do pretty much anything, but within the rules. Tracking jumps are the best, you usually end up opening right above the city center (cool) and then slowly get back to the massive landing area. i think it is worth a trip down to sunny sicily. Fabio, born in sicily, but resident in uk