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Everything posted by WarrenScott

  1. The Rush Street Area has ALOT of bars and clubs. They have some bar/clubs with smaller covers 5-10 bucks and cheaper drinks and some big dollar / expensive drink dance clubs with great DJ's and lights and atmosphere. Whether your looking for a more laid back bar or a high energy dance club, you can walk to alot of stuff on Rush Street. i like Bar of Chicago for more laid back and an awsome club called DOMAIN, both on Rush street. Chicago has a ton of areas, have fun!
  2. Yep, OAR toured the HELL out of Columbus, Ohio and Ohio University. Definately a 'college' sound aka Dave Matthews, but with funnier more casual lyrics. Check out theie song "Crazy Game of Poker" and "City on Down", really good quality stuff. Like most bands, the live showa are MUCH better than the CD's, they bring alot of energy when they play a show.
  3. haha that link is priceless, thanks for posting!
  4. From the original link: The name Boogie Pimps is actually derived from Markus’s hip hop collection: “I’m into Jay Z and Snoop and pimp just came from ‘pimpin’,” he explains. And as for boogie? “That’s from a 70s soft porn vid I used to watch,” he smiles. “But I won’t say anymore about that.”
  5. I just called the Super 8 in Phoenix to get a room for Dec 29-4 and they said they were sold-out. (520) 836-8800 Are there any other hotels that are close to Skydive Arizona? Thanks
  6. Hey all, I found some goggles I like, but the company is located in Australia. They want 35$ for shipping and that is a little steep. The goggles are called Tornado2, Mongoose, and Inversion pictures here http://www.totalcontrol.com.au/goggles.htm Does anyone know another company that sells these models or ones similiar? Thanks
  7. And another pic with the SWEET Super Otter in the background, I've never jumped anything else so I guess you can say I am spoiled for life. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/gallery/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Personal_Galleries/WarrenScott&image=miniIMGP0295.jpg&img=&tt=
  8. Left to right is my Brother John nickname "Cross Country" Mike nickname "Chiefy" Me!, nickname as given to me by my instructors "Easy Money" not pictured is Rich, he must have been looking for the "big boy chute" when this picture was taken haha
  9. trying... to .. attach.. pics http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/gallery/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Personal_Galleries/WarrenScott&image=miniIMGP0292.jpg&tt=
  10. Hey all, Just wanted to formally introduce myself and the guys I jump with. I had been thinking about skydiving for the past few years but it was all talk until I went on spring break with the President of the Ohio State Skydiving Club, Adam. He told us about Aerohio and kind of got the gears turning. Four of us (me, my brother John, Mike and Rich) all signed up to make our first AFF jump together. We have our own 'unique' sense of humor, and inbetween the laughs and jokes during our first jump course we learned the basics of throwing your body out of a plane at 14,000 feet. We made the plunge on June 1st and never looked back, scheduling our second jump the very same day. We are all pretty busy and progresing at different levels but hopefully we will all have our A's by the end of the year. I've talked to Alana and know she jumps at Aerohio, so anyone else in the Ohio area reply or message me so I can say hi if I see you. Learning to fly (or fall with style) is not easy, but it sure is fun! Blue Skies
  11. Howdy from Columbus Ohio! I am still a student (13 jumps) and i don't know of any gear shops besides the one at my home DZ Aerohio (2 hours north). It is a pretty small shop and I think they order most of their gear. What are you coming to Ohio for? Are you going to do any jumps while your here?
  12. Hey Bob, I am just starting my AFF program so hopefully I can answer some questions. My ears felt 'full' and they popped for 2 weeks after my first jump. I have allergies and my sinuses were a little irrated when I jumped, and I heard jumping with a cold can do damage to your ears and be uncomfortable, so make sure your sinuses are healthy when you jump. It also helped to 'clear' my ears every few minutes on the plane ride up. There are a few ways to do this but I like to pinch my nostrils closed with my fingers and puff my cheeks (holding my mouth shut) and blow slowly but forcefully. After a second you should feel pressure in both of your ears and when you exhale they should be equalized with the air in the plane. Also, after the jump when you are under canopy, try to remember to do the same thing a few times before you land. My radio person sometimes reminds me. I also heard that you just get used to rapid pressure changes after awhile. I dont have a scientific explanation but I've jumped three times and it has gotten better each jump. As for worrying about how stable you'll be, there are alot of more experience jumpers and instructors here, but in my very limited experience, you'll do fine if you relax. Windtunnel time would help you, but me and my friend were both very stable on our 3rd AFF jump. People progress at different speeds, but if you get good teachers, practice on the ground, and RELAX, you should have no trouble learning to fall stable.