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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. ...I saw the title of the thread and expected a list of rules for the use of the Orlando WT.
  2. I had a new sabre 135 that opened much too fast for my liking, with a couple of nasty slammers within 50 jumps or so. I emailed PD and they sent me a new slider FOC. As I recall (I no longer have the canopy), the eplacement slider was 2 inches larger chordwise (front-to-back) but the same width. I did about a further hundred jumps before selling the canopy. It certainly made the openings more acceptable (no slammers), but still quite brisk compared to more modern canopy designs. I would definitely recommend (a) dont just try a random larger slider. (b) talk to PD or a least an experienced rigger. HTH Geoff
  3. I'm not suggesting that each of the examples is a well known phrase, just that it's common to describe something as 'perfectly good' for emphasis- airplane or not. Maybe just in the UK? I just tried Google for "perfectly good" (with quotes to match exact phrase) and the first mention of planes is entry number 5. Not sure if that supports my point or not! Geoff
  4. The 'perfectly good' phrase isn't specific to planes or skydiving- You often hear "why would you xxx with a perfectly good yyy?" in different contexts e.g. "why would you crash a perfectly good car?" "why would you spoil a perfectly good shirt?" "why would you swim when there's a perfectly good boat?" "Why would you eat out when there's perfectly good food at home?" etc etc etc.... Geoff
  5. That's right for the UK - jumpmaster in charge (second only to the pilot) on every lift, but not most other countries, and not under USPA rules. We're definitely in the minority. Geoff
  6. Firestorm Most James Bond films ......
  7. I have an M0 G3, which originally contained a Sabre 135 - it was very tight. Now I have a Cobalt 105 in it (I would guess a similar volume to the K107). I (and my rigger) consider the fit to be adequately tight for freeflying - obviously the closing loop is as short as practical, and of course, it's pretty easy to pack. YMMV, but I would think you'd be OK. HTH Geoff
  8. Leg strap systems do have a few advantages over BOC - you can see the toggle, and it can be easier to clear some types of horseshoe malfunction (if the canopy deploys with the pilot chute still in its pouch, the pouch will stay still against your leg where you can see it and pull the PC out, whereas a BOC pouch will flap around behind your back once the main is out). However, on balance, they are widely regarded as old fashioned, prone to premature deployments, prone to packing errors, require diligent and frequent velcro maintenance, and are definitely totally unacceptable for freeflying. Personally, I would not recommend a leg-strap system for any new jumper. The only reason to use a leg-strap system is if you've already been jumping one for years and don't want to change. The good news is that many containers can be converted from legstrap to BOC, and it shouldn't be too expensive - ask your nearest friendly rigger. Hope that helps. Geoff
  9. I once complained to PD about a hard-opening Sabre 135, and they sent me a new slider - it was the same width as the original, but 2 inches longer chordwise as you describe. It certainly seemed to slow the openings. Didn't try it with a wingsuit, though. HTH Geoff
  10. I'm sure airfoil, planform, line trim and wing rigidity during the flare all play a part. Probably some other factors as well.
  11. I must correct this - nobody was killed in the swooping accident, but 2 people sustained serious injuries. Geoff
  12. It's true for the original Safire and Omega, but not the Safire 2, which is now measured the same way as PD canopies. This has been discussed here a few times, and an official response from Icarus posted, so try a search for more details. Geoff
  13. Just bear in mind the statistic that unhappy customers on average tell ten people, but happy customers on average tell one..... or whatever the numbers know what I mean. People shout louder when they're pissed off. Very happy with my Cobalt for the last 300 jumps. Much better openings, glide, and flare than the Safires and Sabres I jumped previously. Much less twitchy than a Stiletto. Best canopy I ever jumped by a long way. Geoff
  14. There's an article about this in a recent copy of Skydiving magazine. Someone did some trials under 3 different sub-100sqft canopies with a test cypres (i.e. one not in his reserve container). IIRC he came close to quoted cypres firing speeds, but he could not actually make the thing fire, though he stopped short of concluding it was therefore impossible. But it's probably better to check out a copy yourself than rely on my half-remembered version. Geoff
  15. Definitely in the UK it does. The BPA STC minutes often include reports of injuries collected during ground training - often people hurt themselves on aircraft exit mock-ups, and I'm sure I heard of someone who dislocated their jaw with an over-enthusiastic yelled practise exit count "ONE THOUSAND..TWO THOUSAND...." Must be really embarrassing to explain that at the hospital..... Geoff
  16. ??????? The Cobalt 120 is not cross-braced. Geoff
  17. hmmmm... 300 jumps on my Cobalt 105. No mals. No hard openings, even without slowing down after freeflying. Best canopy I've owned or jumped. (And those are jumps I made myself, not just ones I heard someone else talk about.) Geoff
  18. Many freefliers don't take the time to slow down to 'normal' belly-to-earth speed before deploying, and the Cobalt's openings cope well in this situation. I've not deployed in any position other than belly-to-earth, but several times I've gone suddenly flat from a stand or head-down, and then deployed immediately. Openings have always been smooth and comfortable. Geoff
  19. It's quite easy for a correctly functioning pro-track to be fooled. (at least with the original software - not sure what the newer ones are like) Examples: (1) If you slow down suddenly in freefall, it can think that's a canopy deploying. Only really happens if you cork from a fast freefly. (or so a friend tells me, never happened to me of course....) (2) If the plane descends suddenly - for instance, you descend because of cloud, and then jump below the cloud, it can show your exit height as the height the plane originally descended from. Never heard of one registering an exit height lower than the actual exit height. Maybe the plane had to descend suddenly for a while during the climb? I would guess that could cause it... Or maybe the unit's faulty. Just a few thoughts. Geoff
  20. Basically, these are more marketing terms than descriptions of the shape of the canopy. Generally, something described as 'fully elliptical' will turn and dive faster than something described as 'mildly elliptical', 'semi-elliptical', or 'tapered'. Most modern main canopies, even student canopies, are shaped, tapered, or elliptical (that is to say non-rectangular) to some extent. Neither do most of the people you hear talking about it! All the discussions about whether a particular canopy is semi-elliptical or fully-elliptical are completely meaningless. Look at this for more info from PD. It's also worth searching this site as this has been discussed many times before. Hope that helps. geoff
  21. I jump an FFX with a PC9, mostly for freefly. It's great. If anything, the sighting is slightly low - i.e. I have to tilt my head upwards slightly to get subjects centre-frame, but this is not so bad that I've adjusted anything. The main awkwardness is that you need to completely remove the camera to rewind, view footage, etc. That means pulling back the lining, and my lining is now starting to get noticeably worn after about 150 jumps. The main pluses are the very low chance of snagging, and the simplicity - you can take a new one out of the box and jump straight on the plane, with no adjustments or setting up needed. Geoff
  22. I've had one contact lens come out in freefall and then had to fly the canopy and land with one good eye and one blurred eye (my prescription is about -4.75 dioptre). This has happened maybe 3 or 4 times. It's really not that big a deal. A bit disturbing, but no real problems with depth perception or landing - that's with a Cobalt loaded at 1.8. Geoff
  23. point towards the ground = go faster! Geoff