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  1. UVH

    TSO or not???

    that is what PA wrote me - the exact phrase: "The Airforce reserve is TSO C23(b) The Talon is TSO C23(c) Regards, Greg Sitkowski Parachutes Australia " UV
  2. UVH

    TSO or not???

    That is a progression… Got a short email from Parachute Australia (PA - the manufacture): The Airforce reserve is TSO C23(b) The Talon is TSO C23(c) Regards, Greg Sitkowski Parachutes Australia Now, as for Parachute De-France, you right – we are using it here in Israel. I don’t know if it has TSO, but I think that the Aviation rules here following the American as well as the rules in Europe. So, we are not allowed Australian, unless it has TSO (or the comparable one in Europe). Still- I don’t have the paper work in my hands & I got to have it. For some reason PA sent me only an answer, but without any proof. So, here we are, back to the beginning point, can anyone help me out here? I got to have the right documentation if I want to jump it… Anyway, thanks to everyone here… u did help a lot! UV
  3. UVH

    TSO or not???

    yes - u right. its only the name...
  4. UVH

    TSO or not???

    yes i have. that was my very first move, but they havent answered me so far (after few emails), as it is writen at the original add. UV
  5. UVH

    TSO or not???

    my rigger did not see the canopy yet. he told me on the phone what should i do - get the paper work done. i got to have the right papers to prove it. thanks anyway UV
  6. UVH

    TSO or not???

    hello i have an issue with the Airforce reserve canopy - Australian made. i am trying to figure out if it has a formal TSO (c23d) by the FAA. The canopy's manual tells that it has been tested just as the TSO standard. It is not clear enough, since it might just tested as TSO, but never got the right approvals from the FAA. PA, USPA, FAA did not provide me any clear paper to prove it so far. i got to have the right paper work, otherwise i wont be able to jump it, since my rigger has to know for sure that it is up to the legal standards. So guys, do u know? Do u have the right documentation? Do you know who should I contact with to get the right answer? here is a link to PA: http://www.parachutesaustralia.com Thanks a lot. I would love If u can send me your answers to: harelyuval@walla.co.il
  7. way too sad. sorry to read about things like that, 10 times more once i knew it is Sara. UV
  8. if you know anything about the accident in Cross keeys. thanks & i hope you are all safe!!!