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    San Marcos, Skydive Spaceland
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  1. Hello Paul: You're right I should have never called you out like that. But..........I was wondering. Just to set the record straight, I don't owe you any money, so lets make sure week keep that record straight please. With my profession it's not hard to lose a month or 2 here and there. A lot of times I dn't keep up with stuff like I should at all. I've also had my Old BlackBerry & LapTop Literally Go Up In Smoke at the office on my drilling rig, Before i Seen what was going on too late for fire extenguishers. I'm not even go and try and make excuses for anything, I was wrong, end deal. I'm sorry and as I said in my original post, I wouldn't even hesitate to use you again. You're a Pro, Congenial, profeffisional at what you do. Go look back at your log and you'll see how much equipment I actually have purchased from you, Ive always been satisfied, always. Again. please forgive me, my mistake, not your's or anyone else's, mine & I'm owning it. Tou take care Paul, God Bless.
  2. Should I have To? Don't get me wrong, I've done a lot of business with this gentleman myself and never a problem. Another thought in my mind is why hasn't Paul surfaced in this thread to address some of the allegations himself???? I know I would. Paul, call me, you know how. Thanks. -Richard-
  3. "Likes To Jump" AKA "Paul" Has An Infinity container of mine, the 150^2 reserve, everything but a main. He's Had It Now, more than eight months. I have recieved no Money, no e-mails, no nothing. What happened to you Paul? This ain't you man. I know your not a theif, are you. -Richard- rgoper@msn.com