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Everything posted by flahive

  1. Anybody have a contact for Gibson Camera Helmets in Florida. The website has been down for some time. Thanks
  2. chances are that the anti-grounding switch is in the wrong place. on the pc 100 there is a switch on the right hand side that allows you to change how you record. either regular mode, 5 secs at time, or only when the record button is held down.
  3. I have used both kodak and fuji print film, 100, 200, and 400 speed. I also have always used a UV filter on the lens. If it makes any difference the camera is a Nikon N70 w/ Nikon 24mm lens.
  4. ok, i've been shooting stills for a couple of months now and have been getting good results: in focus, proper exposure, etc. what i can't figure out is how most of the published pictures i see have such dark blue skies. I mainly shoot tandem and aff pics, and the student and JM/s always look great, but the background sky looks kind of washed out. if i underexpose a little bit, the picture just seems to get grainy. if i use a polarizing filter it just cuts down the light to the camera, and slows the shutter w/ the same results. i've tried lots of different settings, i have settled w/ f11, 200 film, Ap. Priority. when using manual settings, i don't get consistent results. usually can only get about five good shots out of a roll, compared to 24 out of 24 with the Ap. Priority. i guess i am really tring to find out what you guys are using for your settings.
  5. I am trying to find out what you guys think about these helmets. I mainly shoot students (video and stills), and am ready to get a better camera helmet (i've been using my mindwarp w/ side mount and top plate). I'm sure the Flat-top is the better camera helmet, but most of my jumps are out of cessnas (182/206) and I am afraid it would be too bulky in a little plane.
  6. PD makes one called the Silhouette, which should be a high performance design, as well as the student and crew canopys. http://www.performancedesigns.com/products/silhouette.html Edited by flahive on 5/11/01 08:10 AM.
  7. brand new spectre 170 on the third deployment, not real sure what happened, but it hurt like a son of a !#?%@. i had been jumping a borrowed spectre 170 for the previous 2 weeks with no problems, packed this one exactly the same. i have sent it back to PD, pretty sure they are going to replace it. other than this incidence , i have loved flying the spectre, it is a great canopy.
  8. Had my first reserve ride this weekend after my main blew up. The PD143R opened sweet, flew straight, turned quick, and had tons of flare, it really was fun to fly. I will always use PD reserves in my rig.