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  1. I dont understand. I get get people all excited about it, and when they're still a bit worried, I reasure them by telling them that Ill pack their chute for them.. For some reason none of them want to do it after Ive said that
  2. If you approach other people and ask them to jump with you, then I think its fair for them to ask slots. Whereas if someone more experienced asks you if you want to jump with them, then that assumes they're gonna go anyway. If you try and make friends with lots of people you might get more jumps with people. Im lucky that theres quite a few people with cat 8 at my uni club, and theres a few of us with FS1 (cat 10, whatever) so we have friends we can jump with. But as the most jumps in the club is only about 150, none of us are coaches, so its just fun 4 1-way formations You should always pay for good coaches. When you get your cat 10 (or whatever it is in the states) then just start jumping with friends. Ive been told its like driving. You dont learn until you pass your test.
  3. I know exactly what you mean. I used to have a 1hr drive to work every day and there so many days when I got to/returned from work and thought "What actually happened on my journey?" and couldnt remember a thing. That really scared me
  4. My skydiving is all my friend's fault. At work 2 1/2 years ago a friend suggested skydiving to a group of us on industrial placements. He had alread done a tandem for his 18th and loved it and wanted to take it up. He managed to persuade 6 others but I was still unsure. Stupidly, I eventually gave into peer pressure and Paid my £50 deposit for the course. Sadly couldnt jump after the course due to crappy weather, but we were back 2 weeks later. I remember my first static line count as being "1000, 2.... JESUS CHRIST.errrrrrrrrrr canopy... yes... er toggles... WOW" Out of the 10 of (2 others did it later due to peer pressure and to say they'd done it) 7 made at least 1 more jump. I nearly quit after being put back on the rope around jump 20. But somehow I managed to not do AFF and get my cat8 18 months and 48 (about 20 dps) jumps later. And the guy who made the first tandem got his too, but a bit quicker.
  5. It is a bit off for them to treat you like that. Some of my more memorable jumps are the ones that go terribly wrong, but they've been with friends mostly. (I did take out the base of a 16-way, and while coming back in I did fly underneath someone else, but people werent too upset.) But Bad starts: first time I went to Hibaldstow in the UK, first jump I did a low turn they werent happy with, then 2nd jump I apparently pulled low. Not the best of starts.
  6. 130:1 Fairy nasty entanglement (bag floating infront of my face, not deploying) on jump 12. Lesson learned: Dont go fetal on a 5s freefall! But I nearly chopped #5 on my new rig, but it stopped streaming.