Bless your cotton socks. 'Grow up' sounds quite endearing when voiced by a 20year old. As Skinflicka remarked, it is not compulsory to read anybody's posts, nor is there a requirement to play the role of 'protector' and control everyone's level of interaction. I'm finding this thread really informative - not to mention entertaining - even though I am a highly experienced BASE jumper myself, (having done one jump off an un-named bridge).
I'm sure you have a lot of good things to contribute to any topic, as we all do. My concern is the level of hypocrisy I see in your communication.
My mother is a grown-up and does not use this kind of language. Also, men never grow up. (This is not a criticism, just an observation.)
Speakin' of bitchin'....
Backstabbing is only back-stabbing when it is not voiced publicly. Personally I think a bit of sledging is quite good fun and not necessarily good-for-nothing.
Labelling people as pathetic, and then berating them for insulting others is a somewhat questionable technique.
To pinch, Skinflicka's line again, don't take it too seriously.
Personally I think you're all stark-raving mad (BASE jumpers that is), but I have the utmost respect for you as well and I look forward to reading some more juicy stuff.