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Everything posted by drakeshelby

  1. yes I was part of the 2pt 4 way from 23000ft. I was fine on that jump. You and Jeff hodges were that ones that could not fly. Yes he is donating a HALO jump!! drakeshelby
  2. You are a fat kid . . . with little feet!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  3. As for the nice eye candy - I will not be there this weekend!!! I am not sure if Trent will be there this weekend or not!! Sorry to disappoint you!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  4. we can use Trent as as the Ogar!! but an Ogar with a thong? Not a pretty vision!! He has this infatuation with a thong that I do not understand!! drakeshelby
  5. Man, Your elevator is stuck between floors!! What is this infatuation between you and a thong? drakeshelby
  6. Trent can be the Jackass in the movie , er um I mean the Donkey!!! drakeshelby
  7. It's a game of who can annoy Mike the most and his immediate family is not eligible to win. Judy Oh!! That is going to be a good one!! The annoying Mike part, in the plane or on the ground? or does it matter to the person plying? Some may end up with a bad spot! drakeshelby
  8. Get your ass in class and stop playing hooky!!! Unless there are women involved!! drakeshelby
  9. Pumpkin Toss can be done safely - Like the Turkey toss. Naked Slip and Slide Poke the Bear - still working on the rules for this one. We still have that giant roll of plastic wrap we can wrap people up with and throw them in the pool and see who can stays afloat the longest. Judy I like the last one. What is Poke the Bear? drakeshelby
  10. we need to come up with some safe activities for the drop zone when we get weathered out. Something like, Trent bashing! drakeshelby
  11. If I could get a birnman suit to do it with I would bring the green bottles no with problem!!! drakeshelby
  12. Sweet!! i would love to go for a 3rd one!!! I would really like to do a birdman HALO!!! kevin drakeshelby
  13. ok. i will play fair like everyone else!! playing bu the rules sucks!! drakeshelby
  14. I'll take one!! call them back and tell them that you only received one of them!! drakeshelby
  15. get an extra one for me; like a 50% off a canopy or bird man suit! i will do one on a real slip and slide!!! in my birthday suit!! drakeshelby
  16. If it clouds up this year, we could have a "naked hit and chug" contest. Trent will have his own landing area by the gin!!! drakeshelby
  17. Dan, I have never met. i am a coach at WTS and I found your A License Requirement card on the floor at WTS. Be safe over there. drakeshelby drakeshelby
  18. If you make it to the boogie this year what is your theme costume going to be? I like the idea of cat woman since you already have the whip and the leather outfit!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  19. So what is your theme costume going to be this year? drakeshelby drakeshelby
  20. Kev - maybe you can talk Mike into it. Judy I am not sure that other jumpers would like to see Mike flying the plane naked!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  21. PARTY! PARTY! PArty. Who is going to take there clothes off this year? drakeshelby www.jumpelvis.com drakeshelby
  22. Relax and quit reading the incident reports. That is part of your problem. Worry about yourself and the people in the air space around you. Play with your canopy however you want but do it high (altitude is your friend). Once I reach 1000ft I am very conservative in flying my canopy because I want to do it again. I think that most of the people who are going in now days are because of poor decisions and a poor mind set. "I guess I just never realized how much I'd care about the people I've met and jumped with. I also never realized it would effect me this way." - This may be due to the fact that you know and accept the same risk that we as skydivers take - that is what connects us all!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  23. Just wondering what brought the question to mind? A guy who has everything to lose will be less risk motivated than a guy who has nothing to lose. drakeshelby drakeshelby
  24. i jumped it and thought that it was a nice ride to altitude. A little slow but not bad! The A/C in it works really good. It was a comfortable ride to altitude, i thought. I am not sure what the capacity of jumpers it will hold but on my load it had 14. drakeshelby drakeshelby