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Everything posted by drakeshelby

  1. DON'T FART ON THE PLANE!!!!!!!! drakeshelby
  2. That is the nicest thing that someone has said to me all day!!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  3. drake shelby will be there with a jumpsuit on . . . or off!!! Not sure which yet!!! drakeshelby
  4. I will be one of your groupies there!!! I will be there the 11-15!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  5. Is this for work? if so I want a job like yours??? There are some really cool helicopter rides there. Not sure how much they are. Hey take your rig and make your own cool thing to do there!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  6. SWEET!!! COOL COLORS!!! I had to wait 6 months to get my helmet. nothing i have ever ordered has been early or on time. Have Fun with the new ride!!! Be safe!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  7. Well her husband always tells me that it does not matter where she gets her appetite; just as long as she comes home to eat!!!! drakeshelby
  8. Oh I forgot, I believe that there are goign to be opportunities to make some high altitude jumps this weekend - 23000 feet and 30000 feet. See Mike's posting under the same forum as yours. drakeshelby drakeshelby
  9. I don't need to get a room. Judy has a trailer!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  10. I have been to both places. As far as the facility - West Tenn has a carpeted indoor packing area, bath house with hot and cold water. Anyone and everyone is welcome. If you are looking to jump with someone there are definitely no shortage of different flyers to jump with. There are a lot of RW and freeflyers there. All you have to do is ask. As for the number of jumps; there will be people there that make at least 10 jumps a day is not more(packing their own). If you get hungry there is guy(forget his name) that owns a restaurant about 10 miles from the dz who caters to us. You can call him up and place an order with him and hi will bring it to you(he may even be out there cooking this weekend - not sure about that. The landing area is by far a lot better than Gold Coast. If you have to land off the dz, you do not need to worry about swamps or other aircraft. There are plenty of fields available for a safe out!!! No worries on the landing area!!! I am not knocking Gold Coast but as a place to jump i would prefer West Tenn just by the landing areas alone. The people are the same, friendly and fun at both places. We are a private airport so you do not need to worry about landing inbetween the ramps,taxiways, and runways. There are no bunk houses to sleep in. You can pitch a tent or sleep in the packing area - many will do both. There are RV slots with water and electricity available. Check out the website at www.jumpelvis.com. Also under Events and Places to jump Forum Mike has a posting there. Drakeshelby drakeshelby
  11. Sweet I get to touch a woman for th first time in a long time!!! Not real sure how to handle this!!! ok . . . i need to get some oils and lotion . . . drakeshelby
  12. Judy you are going to be one tired person after all those jumps!!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  13. Judy since you will miss me so much, I will make a point to be there just for you!!! I know how you like grabbing my stuff in freefall (don't get me wrong I like it too)!!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  14. I would have to change email providers!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  15. What up Weege? That is a pretty creepy AD; where did you find something like that? or do I wanna know? drakeshelby drakeshelby
  16. drakeshelby is not going to be there!!! Sorry for disappointing you Judy!!!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  17. All skydivers are welcome to the dz. if you want I will meet you myself with open arms just for you!! Even non-skydivers are welcomed with open arms. Hope to see you there!! drakeshelby drakeshelby
  18. I stall my canopies often. The most messed up stall was when I was jumping a friends rig that she said had a problem with it. So one of the firs things that i did after openeing was completely stall it!! Problem 1: The right brake line was shorter than the other. Upon stalling the right side of the canopy collapsed and rolled under. Problem 2: The left side of the canopy had not fully colapsed. Problem 3: Now I have line twist because of the split second between one side of the canopy collapsing before the other. Problem 4: After getting out of my line twist and safely landing, I did not have an extra pair of underwear to change into!!!! drakeshelby
  19. I will keep this short; simple and to my point. If it aint broke don't fix it!!! If it is somewhat broke, try to straighten it!!! If it is completely broke - get rid of it!!! drake shelby drakeshelby
  20. DANG Kitty!!! Whatch out for those trees!!!! I would hate for you to hurt the tree! haha I hope that you are ok!!! and that your eye is not too bad!!! drake shelby drakeshelby
  21. DAMN!!!! Sorry I missed that!!!! Gald you are ok!! drake shelby drakeshelby
  22. 1. No. That is part of the gear that you are PAYING to rent. 2. No. You are paying to use it. The money collected by the person renting it should use some of that to maintain it. It is that persons gear, they are responsible for the maintenece! 3.No. If the main blows up on opening then it is do to poor maintennce or care or just a really old canopy that needed to be replace. We all have been witness to hundres maybe even thousands of jumps and I can only remember 1 time when a canopy exploded on openeing. The reason was the canopy was really old and the fabric was wron out!!! 4.Yes. You rented gear that was complete and working properly(so you thought). It is your responsibility to bring back all the gear. When you rent a car you bring back all of it; you don't keep the spare and not expect to pay for it!! 5.Yes. Keeping in mind that most people are told to follow your main down on a cutaway. (see my number 4 answer, ti applies here also) drakeshelby drakeshelby
  23. um oooooooooop!!! No! um er not sure what to say now!!! No that does not turn me on!! drakeshelby
  24. stop it Kitty!!! you are truning me on with your dirty talk!!! drakeshelby