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Everything posted by funjumper101

  1. I had a chance to see the video before it was pulled. Given that RMoney is a Mormon, and has expressed the view that 47% of the people in the USA are freeloaders, I found the comments to be wicked funny, in a cutting and offensive way. I am sure that there are factions of the RMoney family who are appalled that one of the bleached white ones adopted a child of color. I feel very sorry for the adopted child that will actually live the reality of the children's song sung by the MSNBC announcer, along with being indoctrinated into a religion that is extremely creepy. Much like the RWC cartoon about the presidents where all but one are depicted as white caricatures, except the lone black one, the cartoon was wicked funny, in a cutting and offensive way. Nice to see all the RWCs jumping on the hate bandwagon as directed by the people who think for them. Next thing you know, they'll start believing that Obama is a radical muslim socialist that doesn't have a real birth certificate.
  2. I work a job where I am in a group that is subject to random drug tests (not CDL related) and no one bitches about that! Why hell anyone thinks freeloaders cant have requirments put upon them to get freebies is beyond me So you like being a slave to the company? They own you 24/7/365? You like that they want to have their nose in your business after hours when you aren't at work? What you do on your own time is your own business. I thought that as an RWC, you valued your privacy and would not tolerate government and private businesses messing with your personal life.
  3. I would hope that an incident as described happens to someone who has deep enough pockets to litigate the matter. The entire business of employers being able to drug test employees is constitutionally wrong. An employer rents your services for part of the time. Employers have no business trying to regulate what one does on one's own time. The worst part about "drug testing" is that the results are bullshit. The bad stuff, like heroin, barbiturates, cocaine, etc, all metabolize out of your system in about 48 hours. The least harmful drug, marijuana, has metabolites that show up for weeks after the ingestion. In no way does the effect of the drug match the test results. If drug tests are acceptable, why aren't ALL employees subject to them, including all management, right up to the corporate officers? The employees should be able to select which management is tested. Slavery is supposed to be illegal. How is allowing employers to control what you do on your own time any different than slavery?
  4. That may be what works for you, but it is by no means a universal one-size-fits-all rule. So you shouldn't be giving that advice as if it is what is best for everyone. Each of us gets to choose for ourselves what best fits our own personal circumstances. I like your post quite a bit. It applies in so many areas of personal freedom and individual responsibility. Do you mind if I quote it when the anti-abortion nosy fuckers start in on other people's personal medical decisions regarding pregnancy? Your quote is right on, on so many levels.
  5. Isn't the cesspool of ignorance that is Breitbart the same site that selectively edited the speech of a government employee, taking her words out of context, to make her sound like she was massively racist against white farmers? Breitbart paid out a hefty settlement on that one, IIRC. Try getting information from information sites, not entertainment sites. At best, like Lush Rimjob, Breitbart is "entertainment", not a source of factual information. Marc, while we are on the subject of RWC ignorance, can you tell me if you believe in evolution, or not?
  6. That is a really long way of saying that your self professed hatred of Socialism is merely the unthinking parroting if the crap you see on Blaze and hear from your "tribe". You don't understand what the words really mean. As long as you personally benefit from Socialistic programs, that is perfectly fine. Other people, nay, nay. That leads me to the conclusion that your thoughts and words about God, Jesus, etc, etc come from the same level of comprehension. Robertson deserved to be suspended. Actions have consequences. Running your mouth can get you in trouble. Most people learn this when their age is in single digits.
  7. Of course it is. Robertson expressed his opinion in a magazine interview. What a clear example of the utter ignorance of the right wing conservatives. The first amendment does not apply. How is your practicing Socialism working out for you, Ron? Have you opted out of Social Security and Medicare due to your professed hatred of Socialism? Or are you still a hypocrite that supposedly despises Socialism, while partaking of benefits from the most Socialistic programs that the USA administers? I am betting that you still take the benefits, and still pretend to hate Socialism, except when you directly benefit from the Social Security and Medicare. You do know that when the Republicans talk about "reducing entitlements", that is their codespeak for Social Security and Medicare benefit reduction/elimination. I am sure that you will be 100% behind their efforts, right up until your benefits are cut. Then you'll be whining real loudly about the evils of the MSM and Liberals, while supporting the Republicans/Teabaggers whose policies cost you directly.
  8. Isn't Hobby Lobby a corporation? The silly citizens united decision says that corporations are people. How can a corporation be a member of a church, and have opinions about employees personal lives? Wouldn't a corporate person be secular by definition as their sole reason for existence is to make money? Why would the owners/operators of a corporation be the decision makers? Aren't all corporate decisions supposed to be in the best financial interests of the corporation? Why is trying to violate the law OK? Corporations can be considered a person when they can be put in jail. When the corporation can be executed by lethal injection, hanging, or a firing squad, personhood is established. A navel is another good way to judge personhood. Ability to be put in solitary confinement in jail, with no phone or Internet access can be done to a person. Bullshit SCOTUS decision by partisan hacks have unintended consequences. I look forward to the placement of the Satanist's version of their Ten Commandments in OK city
  9. This is some awesome helo piloting, Tie fighter style. I would like to ride along for another session of this kind of flying.
  10. You Shouldn't. +1 There appear to be ignorant people posting in this thread that have zero understanding of insurance and how it works. Google and Wikipedia can help overcome the ignorance. Note to the ill informed ignorant people - Insurance does not work correctly when the administered as desired by the people quoted. Not for health insurance, not for life insurance, and not for auto insurance.
  11. FIFY Nice try. The actual correction that needed to be made is Intelligent people giggle at the the moronic bullshit that the RWCs believe. Hey Ron, how is that practicing Socialism going? You claim to be against Socialism in all of its forms, yet you collect benefits from Social Security and Medicare. That makes you a living example of the absolute hypocrisy of the Reich Wing Conservative philosophy.
  12. So hypothetical... we let the actuaries at the insurance company price out the cost of a plan that includes all the mandated coverages, and then they price out a plan that excludes coverages that the employer objects to. The employer pays the insurance company the latter, and then the employee uses money from their wages (which is also provided to them by their employer) to pay the difference* to the insurance company, and then the employee gets the full coverage. If this scratches the itch, then I think it would be workable. I would suggest, however, that if it does scratch the itch then the employers religion has melted their fucking brain. *NB: depending on what is excluded (e.g. preventative services) this difference could theoretically be negative. Your position seems to come from a premise that getting employer HC is some kind of right. Its not HC as part of a employer compesation plan came about because of Jimmy Carters wage freeze blunder Now here we are Any employer should be allowed to offer what ever they wish An employee can take it or leave it You have just made an excellent argument for a single payer system. Nicely done!!! Health care and medical insurance should have ZERO to do with one's employer. Health care should be administered in via single payer system as is done n the social democratic countries like Denmark, Sweden, and other civilized societies. The obscene system currently in place in the USA needs radical reform. ACA is a tiny start in that direction. The RWCs oppose anything that helps the average citizen. Only policies that help the extremely wealthy are acceptable. I can see it coming now... the RWCs will pretend that they care about freedom and personal choice, except that they don't.
  13. By this statement we can assume you support ACA covering Boob jobs, tummy tucks, and liposuction? When the proposed treatment is for a medical issue, the answer would be a great big YES!!! There are documented cases where each of the medical procedures you write about is required for a medical condition. I the case of the procedure being for strictly cosmetic reasons, that would be where the patient should pay 100% of the cost themselves.
  14. So, then, you are FOR the creation of "death panels"? Don't they already exist as Palin said they did? Yes, the "death panels" exist and have for as long as there have been for profit medical insurance companies. They aren't run by the government. That would give US, the voters, some small influence over them via elections. They are run by the indurance companies, hidden behind closed door, with minimal government oversight. This would be part of the system that the ACA is working to change. More would have been done if politicians weren't wholly owned by corporate interests. D and R, that is the key problem.
  15. Condoms are less expensive. Your FAVORITE form of BC costs you 80/month. Why should I be forced to pay for your BC? Why can't you and your sexual partner pay that cost? What other things do you think it would be nice to get others to pay for? I'd like you to chip in each month so I can have a few beers.... Is that OK to you? How about so I can make a few jumps? Why should I pay for your skydiving related injury? Why should I pay for your blood pressure medication? Why should I pay for the prenatal care for your child? The delivery and post-natal care? Why should I pay for your injuries when you fall off a ladder? Crashed a motorcycle? Wiped out on a mountain bike? All of these are optional activities that you chose to participate in, or an ailment brought on by bad diet and lack of exercise. Picking and choosing what medical treatment is covered or not is a very slippery slope. Birth control presciptions are not always for birth control, as has been written here before. You must be uneducated as to female physiology and medical issues. As Americans, and skydivers, I would hope that we would be on the side of freedom of choice, not massive restrictions on choice.
  16. Your writing totally proves my point about the extreme selfishness and lack of empathy and concern that RWCs have for those less fortunate. You did not disprove anything. Why should skydiving related injuries be covered by any group medical insurance policy? Motorcycle crash injuries? Skiing/snowboarding injuries? To extend your line of "reasoning", all medical expenses for injuries due to participation in risky activities should be the sole responsibility of the participant. No one else should have to pay for this medical care via higher medical insurance premiums. That is the logical extension of the "reasoning" manifested by you and the other RWCs in this thread. I do give a shit about those less fortunate than I. I volunteer at a local food bank distribution point every other weekend. I help rebuild old PCs for a program that donates them to poor families with school age children. I pass along PCs retired by clients to the PC rebuild program. I actually do productive things to help those less fortunate, using the skills I have. What do you do to help them out? I would bet that the RWCs would want the PC donation program to verify the immigration status of the recipients. Taking people's stuff? WTF is that all about? What a load of bullshit. Taxes and insurance premiums are not "taking people's stuff". Right at the moment, I can't think of a better example of venality of RWC thought process. Taxes are the cost for living in a civilized society. Can you explain why the USA is alone in the First World in allowing for profit medical insurance companies to operate as the primary deciders of who gets what kind of medical treatment? Can you explain the high level of health care and societal satisfaction in the "social democratic" countries like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands? Canada's system works very well for the great majority of the citizens. The USA would experience an economic boom if those that wanted to start a business did not have to worry about medical insurance for themselves and their loved ones, due to the existence of a healthy single payer system. Losing 1/3 or more of the revenue to profit and overhead is not sustainable. A US Rep has to raise 25,000 PER DAY for their re-election campaign. A US Senator is at about a 35,000 PER DAY for their re-election campaign. We aren't the country we pretend to be. Not even close, anymore.
  17. Needs and wants are different things. People need food, shelter, clean water, etc. The country survived for 230 years under the Constitution without it. Now it's a "need" - one that still hasn't been completed. [Reply]I would be very interested to hear an explanation of how denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions is of benefit to any citizen of the USA. Any citizen? Okay. How about me. Thanks to covering the alcoholic obese diabetics my payments go up. I understand that fucking over the young and healthy is considered a bad thing. But it sure as hell is a detriment to them. Seriously - there are some really pissed off people because they are getting hosed by this. No - not a benefit to them. Or those people laid off and have hours cut. Here's an example: how is it a benefit that anybody in the US is without high-speed internet? How could any citizen not benefit from a system wherein those who have high-speed internet would cover those who don't have it? One could easily see how the price of internet access would go up for everyone with it. A lot of people pay more so that others can pay less, and increasing the total cost while claiming a low price for those who couldn't afford it. [Reply]I would be very interested to hear an explanation of how having a lifetime cap on medical insurance payouts is of benefit to any citizen of the USA. To anyone who doesn't hit the cap it is a benefit. Now those people who would never hit the prior cap will pay more. [Reply]I would be very interested to hear how having medical bills be the proximate cause of ~75% of bankruptcy filings is of benefit to any citizen of the USA.. So bankrupt the country. And make sure that there are people who are now paying $15k per year when they paid less. Yes. That's a benefit to some people. [Reply]Based on the responses in this thread so far, the "we got nuthin" statement is dead nuts accurate. I gave you something right at the start which you ignored. You are merely picking winners and losers. You don't like the losers, so those who are harmed are benefitted. Because you lack the cognizance of the plight of the individual. And that each individual is different. Good for some. Bad for some. Seriously - how you fail to see that covering a pre-existing coverage is not a detriment for many is shocking. Not surprising, but it is shocking. I don't think you fail to see it. I do think that you just don't want to consider it. No, I just don't get the mindset that everything is is all about ME. Me, I am paramount. I am an island of awesomeness that has no connection or responsibility to the rest of the society I live in. I live my life with no care and consideration to others in society. Their failings all the fault of their own choices. Funny thing about this line of thinking. It is 100% dead nuts against the concept that is "I am my brother's keeper". Dead nuts against the concepts like "Feed the poor. take care of the elderly, and be good to one another". It is all about personal greed and selfishness. No compassion or empathy. Pretty much the defining characteristics of the Right Wing Conservative mindset. It is especially nauseating at this time of year. It sure comes across as though RWCs root for Scrooge, not Tiny Tim, when they watch A Christmas Carol. Merry Christmas!
  18. Explain how a government forcing drivers with a perfect driving record to foot the bill for those that aren't is a workable solution. That is how auto insurance works. That is how the FUBAR system of medical insurance we have works. Perhaps you could do some research on what insurance is, and how it works. Conflating auto insurance with medical insurance is definitely not quite appropriate. No one HAS to drive to live a long and healthy life. Everyone HAS to have medical care of some sort, throughout their entire life.
  19. Well, Orthodox Judaism doesn't try to impose its beliefs on anyone else. Busybodying in this manner seems to be the province of some branches of Christianity. the busybody is the government That too. Trying to control womens' uteruses, telling adults that they may not ingest certain substances... mostly at the urging of the religious right. More than just the religious right There are many of us who are not religious that do not think the gov should be paying for women to kill babies There are many of us who are not religious that think that the govt should pay for abortions, instead of paying for pay for food, housing, medical care, education, etc, for children whose parents aren't in a position to provide these things themselves. There are many of us who are not religious that think that the govt should not conduct premeditated invasions and occupations of countries that never attacked the USA. There are many of us who would rather that the govt, if they insist on conducting such operations, increase taxes to pay up front the true costs for these operations. There are many of us who are not religious that think that the govt should not hide costs of these operations "off the books", while borrowing the money from China to pay for these operations. There are many of us who are not religious that think that the govt should not have given huge tax breaks to the extremely wealthy, while borrowing billions to conduct such operations. There are many of us who are not religious that think that find absolute hypocrisy in the concept that personal freedom and liberty applies to men, and does not apply to women, when it comes to personal, private medical decisions about reproductive issues. I take it that the immense concern for not "killing babies" starts at some undefined point in the USA, and ends at the border, with many exceptions based on local demographics. I base this conclusion on the complete indifference shown by Marc, and others like him, to the babies killed in Iraq and Afghanistan via our military actions in those countries. This same indifference shows up when it comes to the poor in all parts of the USA. Cutting SNAP, aka, food stamps, limiting or ending job training programs for single mother, etc, etc. The immense concern for the "babies" starts at conception, does not extend to the mother, and ends at delivery. A friendly reminder - birth control is not 100% effective.
  20. Google is your friend . . . Try "Republican alternative to ACA" To me I do not uderstand why an alternative is needed to something that was not needed in the firest place So, what was not needed needs to be removed Not needed? Really? Could you please elaborate on this line of reasoning? I would be very interested to hear an explanation of how denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions is of benefit to any citizen of the USA. I would be very interested to hear an explanation of how having a lifetime cap on medical insurance payouts is of benefit to any citizen of the USA. I would be very interested to hear how having medical bills be the proximate cause of ~75% of bankruptcy filings is of benefit to any citizen of the USA.. Based on the responses in this thread so far, the "we got nuthin" statement is dead nuts accurate.
  21. Those who believe that their religious beliefs trump individual personal freedom and liberty because they own a SECULAR business and don't like certain aspects of the laws that apply to their SECULAR business are free to sell their company to those that aren't all messed up on religion. Running one's life and business based on a 2000 year old book of fables is pretty twisted, the way I see it. "Protected Religious Beliefs" extend to you and those that believe like you do. That kind of superstitious nonsense cannot and should not be forced upon employees of a secular business. Hobby Lobby doesn't sell bibles and other religious paraphernalia. It is not, in any way shape or form, a religious organization. They can play be the rules as established by the government, or get out of the business. The same should hold true far ALL of the secular businesses, like hospitals and schools, that are operated by religious organizations. If they don't like it, they can sell or close the organizations. My religious beliefs include the concept that premeditated invasions and occupations of countries that never attack and threatened the USA should not happen. How do I go about having MY beliefs enforced on other citizens?
  22. The Republican Party, and right wing conservatives in general, adamantly oppose the ACA. What exactly is the proposed alternative to the ACA? Can anyone provide links to the bills that have been introduced in the Senate, or the House, that are the alternatives to the ACA? How about links to articles or opinion pieces that clearly outline the Republican/Conservative plans for providing the ~50 million people without health insurance some form of affordable health care? In this case I am not deliberately being a dick. I really want to know what the proposed alternatives are. Surely there has to be something, somewhere that the "liberal media" has refused to publicize.
  23. I take it that the truth about the Conservative retarded moron bastard shitheads bothers you? Good. It should. The bastards are dragging down the USA. The fact that multiple people here conflate Democrat with Liberal and Republican with Conservative is proof that the RWCs have no conception of reality as it affect the USA. Dixiecrats were NOT liberals or Progressives. They were Conservatives to the core. Republicans in Lincoln's times, and the early 20th century, were not Conservatives. They were liberal progressives. Anyone who thinks otherwise is intellectually deficient in a major way. Once again the challenge to come up with something positive for US society that came about due to the practical application of Conservative philosophy has produced a profound silence. That would be due to the fact that Conservatism, by its very nature, opposes change of any kind. Conservatives pretend to be all about individual liberty and personal freedom. These beliefs extend only to males of white, northern European ancestry. Women are weak, unstable beings that can't be trusted to make their own medical decisions about pregnancy and abortion without BIG GOVERNMENT stepping in to intrude on these decisions. It is "for the good of the children". What a fucking joke. These same assholes vote against prenatal care programs for the poor. They vote to cut SNAP, aka, food stamps. Their hypocritical concern for "the children" starts at conception, does not include the mother, and totally ends at delivery. Screw the kids and the mothers. We'll tell them what is good for them. The Conservative gun fans hold out for one small section of the second amendment, totally blowing off the first part, and disregarding the "original intehnt" that is so important on other issues. Well Regulated Militia!!! Why don't the gun advocates ever mention THAT part of the second amendment? Apparently, just like parts of the bible, those words don't apply anymore. The Conservatives pretend to be all about fiscal responsibility. Why is it that the Conservative administrations are the ones who run up massive budget deficits, aided and abetted by their minions, while reducing taxes? When a Democratic administration takes power, the actual practice of fiscal responsibility (for example, putting the cost of ShubCo's middle eastern invasion and occupation back on the books, not hiding it) is greeted with howls of derision over the massive budget deficits? That would be the clearest example of the bedrock hypocrisy that is Conservatism. What a pack of useless assholes.
  24. You are confusing Conservative with Republican. That is a very common error among the ignorant. Conservative philosophy has been a cancer on society, no matter which party the conservatives were members of at the time. Dixiecrats were the most vocal opponents of desegregation and the ending of the Jim Crow laws. Conservatives to the core, they were, at the time, members of the Democratic party. Conservative is not equal to Republican. Liberal is not equal to Democrat.
  25. Yup. Those two black men filmed in Philadelphia back a few years ago are running the NBP. Their media blitz was really impressive, NOT! The morons that watched Faux Spews repeat the same footage over and over again, while reciting the "conservative" talking points about the scary black men who are the NBP, made quite an impression on the gullible morons. As usual with Faux Spews, the facts of the situation were markedly different than the lies presented. Conservatives cannot tell the difference between lies and facts. That is a requirement to be a Conservative. One must remain ignorant, gullible, and repeat the talking points as fact. You just can't quite stop being so intellectually immature, and restrain yourself from calling names, can you? You do realize no one actually completes reading your posts, save MAYBE Lawrocket, because you can't seem to speak better than a 10 yo? Pathetic. Conservative call liberals names and lie extensively about what liberal political philosophy is about. All of the positive things that have happened for society in the past 100 years have come about due to the practical application of Liberal politics. Nothing positive for society has come from Conservative political philosophy. Conservatives would have maintained the Jim Crow laws. Conservatives would have prevented women from voting and from owning property in their own names. Conservatives would have kept women as chattel, subject to the whims of their husbands or brothers. If they could, Conservatives would kill off Social Security and Medicare, which would get us back to thirties where the primary cause of death in elderly people was starvation and untreated illnesses. When Conservatives talk about "reducing entitlements", that is their code words for screwing the average citizen. It has nothing to do with ending farm subsidies or preferential tax laws for the very wealthy. It has everything to do with cutting loose the poorest and least well off in society so that they will remain as serfs to the wealthy. Stupid morons RWCs who fall for Faux Spews bullshit are a cancer on society. I don't give a shit what Conservatards think. Their lack of intellect is blindingly obvious. The same people often espouse "Christian" beliefs, while their actions are 100% the opposite of Christian teachings.