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Everything posted by funjumper101

  1. Where were you when ShrubCo started torturing people? Running illegal wiretaps on ALL US citizen's email? Elimating habeas corpus? Standing on the sidelines CHEERING, like a well trained Right Wing Conservative, would be my bet. Funny how RWCs have such a finely developed sense of situational ethics. A Rescum does things, and the list of excuses is endless. A Dem does something, and the howls of outrage are deafening. Pergaps you could try to grok the meaning of hypocrisy. The Rescums and their RWC followers have it dialed in perfectly.
  2. [mnealtx:] As the thread shows, Andy makes the claim that the call could be faked [andy:] My posts were inquiries, and not claims. They say what they say, and they don't say what they don't say. I stand by them as they are written by me, verbatim. [andy:] The person making the claim is Ms. Rose, who would be the first to admit that she has a strongly partisan position on the issue. Thus, the initial burden to substantiate her factual allegation falls on her. Should she meet that initial burden, the burden of rebuttal might very well shift to others. But until such time, such burden is still hers. Like it or not, that's how it works. Then stop asking me and go ask her. I did not consider Ms. Rose as part of the discussion between ourselves. You claim that Ms. Rose has a partisan position - I'm sure she does. PP also has a partisan position claiming that abortion services are a very small part of their operation, when it provides a large part of their funding (some 35-40%). More weasel bullshit from the fact challenged right wing nitwits of the world. If Newmax and Faux News had started to spread the talking point that the sky is green, sure as shit the RWCs would start repeating the lies as being true, in spite of plenty of evidence to the contrary. Facts and demonstrable proof have no place in right wing world. Only strongly held beliefs that have little to no basis in reality are acceptable. These are the same folks that think that the Tea Party was an independent grass roots movement that had did not involve Dick Armey and the Koch brothers in any way, despite plenty of factual evidence. I repeat the challenge above - Where is the proof that Sarah "Pinhead" Palin is not a Martian? I read somewhere that she was, so it must be true. No one can provide any proof that contradicts what I read on some web site on the 'net.
  3. You expect the posters here to read and comprehend history? The knucklehead RWCs don't understand ANY of that at all. They spew their ignorant tripe, repeats of the talking points generated by the corporate mass media machine. Education and intellectual curiosity are NOT part of what they are. They are ignorant and extremely proud of it. Just like their hero Ronnie Rayguns. It used to be shameful to be an ignorant doofus. Now it is part and parcel of the Republican/RWC way of being. The three fifths compromise was necessary to get the Constitution passed. The founding fathers knew that they had set up the Civil War and hoped that future politicians could work out the SLAVERY issue without war. It didn't happen. Time magazine has an excellent article on the Civil War in the current issue. The facts are, and this comes from the leadership of the Confederacy, the issue that caused the Civil War was slavery. The bullshit about states rights and central government powers are tiny side issues. The commanding issue was slavery and the spread of the odious practice as the country expanded westward. Any argument to the contrary completely ignors the documented and historically accurate words of the leaders of the Confederacy.
  4. Parents that whine in public forums about the actions of their children. You had them, you raised them, live with the results. The fact that YOU tried to overcome the outcome of bad parenting by continuing to give them money and opportunities well after you knew they were useless is not their fault, it's yours. You sound like the lady that wrote to the advice columnist about their kid that was in college, paid for by the parents, who got a tattoo in spite of a WRITTEN contract not to do so while the parents were picking up the tab for school. Tattoo = financial cutoff for all further school and living expenses. The writer was asking if she should actually follow through on the contract. The columnist wrote YES!!! Kids need to be clear on the concept that "You can have all the freedom you can afford to pay for." In other words, when you pay for your own housing, food, transportation, education, insurance, etc, then you are free of parental rules. Until that time, you don't get to make all of the decisions in your life, no matter how old you are. You raised a selfish, inconsiderate, entitled child. Society does not thank you for the outcome of your parenting. Unfortunately, there are a hell of a lot of these shitty humans nowadays, thanks to crappy parenting.
  5. Bump Where is the strident defense of the RWC policies that have led this country to ruin? Maybe the conservatards are starting to smarten up a bit.
  6. +1 It was their job to pass a budget back then They knew the spending they wanted would not fly so they passed and now are trying to blame the other side The Dems did not do their job when they controled the house That job was to submit and pass a budget They didnt purposely Why just blame the tea bag people? Even after the election, the Democrats had control of the House, Senate and Presidency till the end of the year. This is the budget that should have passed last year, but Pelosi chose not to bring a budget up. Why? Seems to me that they had a hand in engineering this crisis for political gain. The Rescumlicans allowed Shrub to keep the Iraq invasion and occupation, as well as the Afghanistan conflict, OFF BUDGET. In other words, they sleazed out and did NOT put their excellent adventures ON THE BOOKS for the purpose of deficit calculations. The current administration put the shit they inherited BACK ON THE BOOKS. Honesty is, in theory, a value that the RWCs support. The reality is that truth and honesty have no value to them. None. The rescums managed to keep the Shrub tax cuts for the extremely wealthy in place. Now the rescums are making the poor and the elderly pay for the tax cuts. That is really Christian of you, you bastards. Cutting tiny slices out of 12% of the budget is meaningless, unless your goal is to fuck over the average folks for the benefit of the extremely wealthy. Cutting Pell grants when education is getting more and more expensive? That certainly meets the RWC agenda of having uneducated folks that are easily led. How about some real budget cuts, starting with the tax subsidies and givebacks to the most profitable companies in the world, the oil companies? When that starts happening, then we'll have some real progress towards reducing the defecits. The next step is to RAISE taxes on those that can easily afford to pay them. A perfect start is to raise the 15% flat tax on dividend and investment income to be on par with ordinary income tax. That right there would totally resolve the deficit. It will never happen because the sheeple have been told by the corporate media that this would destry the economy, and the sheeple are really gullible. The folks that benefit from the tax cuts own the mass media and control the information available, to a great extent. If the hedge fund managers in NYC had paid the same percentage of their income in taxes as the average citizen, the cuts that are being fought over would not be necessary. They don't, so us regular folks have to pick up the slack. When are the RWCs going to start to get a clue?
  7. Apparently you haven't read very much of the fact deficient crap posted here by the conservatards. The IDIOTS who are still falling for the "birther" bullshit need to be shouted down and embarassed publicly for their ignorance. Contrary to the RWC mentality that has become rampant since the Reagan presidency, ignorance is something to be ashamed of. Continuing to spew ignorant LIES must be challenged at every opportunity. Unfortunately, these days, it is like shoveling against the tide. None of the RWCs these days can tell the difference between fact and fiction. Facts are completely immaterial to them. All that matters is how they "think" things are, as fed them by the corporate media. Prime example, the ACORN issue. The morons can't tell the difference between "voter fraud" and "voter registration fraud", much less understand the relative risks to the voting system. Ignorance is NOT bliss. It is dangerous to a system of government that relies on an informed populace to vote intelligently. The current budget debacle is the current example of the power of ignorance over fact. When the government shuts down due to the Rescumlicans, the mass medai has managed to convince 1/2 the population that the Democrats share the blame. The FACTS are that the rescums are 100% responsible. Fact, not opinion. Just like when the rescums did it in the 90s.
  8. *** A guy that was born a bastard to a single mother is now President of the US. *** Id10T crap here. Are these your own words, or a cut and paste from some other source? Fatcs are really stubborn. No matter how much the 25% or more of idiots (right wing conservatards) don't like it, the POTUS is a US citizen who was born to parents that were legally married. From Wikipedia, could have been from any FACTUAL source>>> Obama's parents met in 1960 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student on scholarship. The couple married on February 2, 1961, separated when Obama Sr. went to Harvard University on scholarship, and divorced in 1964.
  9. If you were to ask the assholes that murdered Matthew Shepard what political party they identify with, odds are 100% it would be Republican. The glorification of ignorance has been a hallmark of the Republicans since the 1970s. This ties in to the ignorance of the far right wing nutters. Demeaning the "elitist" intellectuals and marketing the concept that "liberals" are evil has been quite successful. Ignorance makes the masses easier to control so that they don't question the crap fed them by the corporate owned media and end up voting against their own best interests. The USA will be a former world power, surviving on the crumbs of the Indian and Chinese economies, by 2050. The extremely wealthy will be just fine. The average citizen will not. And the average citizen will have voted for those politicians that are owned, lock stock and barrel, by the extremely wealthy. Those politicians will continue to implement policies that ruin the opportunities for average citizens. Good work, sheeple...
  10. Dunbfuck Right Wing Conservatives can not tell the difference between a mindset (Right Wing Conservatism, a really destructive and evil way of being) and a once well respected Political Party (Republican) that has totally abandoned their former principles. Pull your heads out of your asses. Progressive Politics is not the same as the Democratic Party. Conservatism is not the same as Republican Party. Each party has had their original values corrupted and twisted. The Democrats are finally coming back to the realization that the WORKING FOLKS, not the top 1%, are the people who matter. Any asshole that thinks the "Tea Party' is a grassroots movement that was not brought about by the richest and most cynical people in the USA, has totally bought the bullshit, hook, line, and sinker. The facts are readily available. The genesis of the tea party movement came from corporate funded organizations. Koch Brothers are in the thick of it. The dumass racist sheeple that comprise the tea party are an embarassment to democray. These are the same idiots that think that a Sarah Palin is a credible politician and would make a good POTUS. The glorification of ignorance and stupidity is nauseating. Take a look at Wyoming for an example of the conservatism that is real. Not the fake corporate kind that the tea party and their ilk represent. The real, small government, no interference with personal life and decsions by the citizens kind of government. Not the corporate tool kind of government that has shown it hideous head in Wisconsin. Not the intrusive, big government kind of conservatism that treats half the population as too stupid to make their own personal medical decisions. Here are two fact challenge for the RWCS. Which Political Party has been in power when the US Government has massively EXPANDED, and created new government agencies that did not used to exist? Which Political Party has been in power when the US budget has run it's largest true defecit spending? Hint - The party that claims to be all about small government and limited governmental power. Keeping the premeditiated invasion of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan OFF BUDGET is LYING to the USA. Truth, justice, the American Way? Only if you are an idiot RWC.
  11. Ignorant right wing half wits don't get the difference between corporate led movements (Tea Party) and a real grass roots movements. Spewing stupid shit about "bussed in by the unions" only makes clear a severe disdain for the truth that RWCs have made an art. The "reagan revolution" and the RWC movement is all about the glorification of opinionated ignorance, with a heaping helping of disdain for those to whom facts and knowlege matter. If it was up to RWCs, slavery would still be in effect, women's suffrage would have never happened, and that 3/5th rule would still be in effect. Shamefully stupid, yet completely unaware.
  12. What part of the Somali piracy problems make you think that there is any religious component? Hate Muslims much? The Somalis started attacking foreign ships when large FOREIGN fishing boats strip mined the local fish populations. The Somalis have the government that Libertarians claim to want, as in, one that is nearly non-existent. The government could not stop the illegal fishing. The illegal fishing took out the fish populations that sustained an economy based on a near shore subsistence fishery. That economy wasn't just the fishermen. It was the boat builders and suppliers to the fishermen that ended up starving as well. Hungry people will take desperate measures, like attacking foreign boats that are ruining their fisheries. The leap from defensive action to offensive action was entirely predictable. Several years back when the illegal fishing there started up, there were stories published about it. The stories were clear that if the fisheries were destroyed, the people would have to do something else to survive. That something else was likely to be piracy. The predictions were completely accurate. The pirates didn't just come out of nothing, for no apparent reason. Desperate people will revert to desperate measures. Do you right wing folks ever read anything besides USA Today or watch anything but Faux Spews? There is a lot of factual information available that allows a fair and balanced perspective, if you take the time to look.
  13. Allow me to add that the "pro-life" crowd is incredibly sexist and male chauvinistic on this issue. The foundation of their argument against a woman's right to choose is that women are stupid, emotional, and cannot make rational decisions on issues of this magnitude. That conception of reality requires EXTREMELY intrusive governmental and PERSONAL interference in this most private of matters. If those people are allowed to have their way, a woman will have NO legal options for terminating a pregnancy. The decision will be completely removed from woman and her doctors. This hypocritical attitude is from people who otherwise claim to desire small government and increased personal freedom. I don’t understand why every woman in the USA does not make clear to the men in their life that reproductive freedom is the foundation of their personal freedom. If women can be forced to bear children due to intrusive government regulations, even in the case of rape or incest, their personal freedom of choice has been severely limited. We are already well on the way there in many states. “PERSONAL interference in this most private of matters” is in reference to the scumbags who picket at women’s health centers and interfere with legal medical procedures. Nosy bastards should mind their own business and let people lead their lives in freedom and dignity. Your religious beliefs have ZERO to do with how my sisters, daughters, wife or girlfriend may conduct their lives. Keep your ancient superstitions out of our lives. Freedom OF religion also comes with freedom FROM religion. Keep it to yourself and we'll all get along fine.
  14. I thought that right wing conservatives believed in personal freedom and responsibility. It seems that these ideas only apply to certain aspects of personal freedom, like gun ownership and unfettered property rights. Personal drug use and personal medical decisions between a person and their doctors are not part of a right wing conservative's version of personal freedom and responsibility. Quite hypocritical if you think about it, isn't it? Why is keeping recreational drugs illegal a good thing for the USA and their neighbors? Why do right wing conservatives have such a hard time learning from recent history? The Volstead Act was a disaster for the country. The WOD has had the same effect. Let's see the hypocrites handle this one.
  15. What is occurring in the area of compensation is a race to the bottom in the private sector. It used to be that a private sector job paid much more than a public sector job. The benefits with a public sector job, including retirement and extreme job security, were attractive to some, but not all. Public sector employees have managed to keep their real wages current, with regard to inflation. The private sector employees have not. The money that used to pay good wages now goes to management, executives, and investors. The real wages, adjusted for inflation, have gone down considerably, when adjusted for inflation. The end result is that public sector jobs now have what “appear” to be high wages and benefits, if you know SQUAT about what has happened in the economy since 1981. A lack of historical knowledge and extreme credulity means that the dumbasses get all pissed off about “overpaid government employees”, when they should be getting pissed off about underpaid private sector employees. Back when tax rates were EXTREMELY high on the high wage earners, (91%, in some cases) the economy was best for all of the citizens. Everyone made out well. As the tax rates have gone down for the high earners, they have increased their portion of the pie, at the expense of the rest of us. This has been successfully marketed as being a good thing. I expect a shitstorm of protest from the folks that buy into the marketing. The fact remains that the average person in the USA is much less better off than they were in 1981. We make less money in real terms, and have less health care coverage, and have less freedom.
  16. If you really want to live in a nation where government is extremely small and limited, feel free to move to Somalia. If you have the desire to live under a government that is as limited as what you ask for, and analyze how the Somali government operates, the logical place for you to be is there. You don't like all of the intrusive government here is the USA. Feel free to vote with you feet and leave, if it is that offensive to you. By the way, the ancient superstations you espouse are not universally beloved by all. You and folks like Ron use them to try to attain a level of superiority over others that is extremely offensive. Being “Christian” does not, in any way, make you better than those that don’t believe. If Jesus walked the earth today, he would be scorned by you people who pretend to believe. You would not be able to see him for what he is. You would be blinded by your perverted beliefs. His taking up the cause for the poor, the sick, and the elderly would be laughed at. That kind of real caring for others is totally against the version of selfish, self centered, “Christianity” that is practiced today.
  17. The right wing nitwits seem to be getting dumber and dumber. Too dumb to tell the difference between a publisher and a provider of information. Too dumb to be able to tell the difference between a citizen of the USA and a citzen of Australia, with regard to treason and what treason actually is. Whipped into a righteous froth by the Faux news and scumbags like RimJob and O'really clueless, right wing nitwits spew ridiculous crap about treason and patriotism in Speaker's Corner. I can totally understand why right wing conservatives hate the USA and the government in general. Look at how badly the US educational system has failed them. They never learned how to think independently, analyse information, and synthesize the information into complex thoughts. All they can manage to do is repeat what they are authoritively told. Even when what they are told is easily proved to be completely untrue, they belive it anyway. Their mantra is "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up!!".
  18. Flunking Civics 101 means that you, too, can post REALLY stupid statements regarding how you think the US Judicial system should work. Blithering ignorance IS a curable condidition.
  19. I disagree entirely. . So you think calling a dog "cat" makes it a cat. Okayyy. I hope that was a joke. If it. If not, ignoring that I disagree with your conclusion and pretending I disagree with your ridiculous metaphor is juvenile. It puts you in a category of people who are not worthy of debate. It is a well written metaphor that is easily understood and makes a precise point perfectly. You wrote "I disagree entirely. .". In other words, you write that you think calling a dog a cat actually makes a dog a cat. Calling a child an "adult" does not make them an adult. Not in any way. Arguing otherwise is absurd.
  20. And so it begins Loosing it early than I thought you would thanks for this I needed it A weepy emotional wreck becomes SOTH, and you are HAPPY? That is disgusting, even for you. Thanks for cheering on the ruination of the USA. I hope that you live long enough to come to realize just how wrong you and your kind are. NOTHING positive has ever come from conservative philosophy. Nothing. Not a speck of goodness or societal advancement. If it was up to RWCs, slavery would still be legal, women's suffrage would not have occurred, and racial discrimination would be completely legal.
  21. If Pelosi spewed tears every time she was on camera, the RWCs would have had a shit fit over her emotional lack of control and forced her out of office. How come Boner, the new SOTH, gets a pass? That weepy piece of shit can't even do a sixty minutes interview without busting out the tears. He was crying today. How come his obvious emotional instability is of no concern to the RWCs? The worthless POS is third in line to be POTUS. Anyone with half a clue should be horrified that an emotional wreck like Boner is that close to being POTUS. Give me an effective hard-ass like Pelosi anytime. Not an alcoholic emotional train wreck.
  22. You must not live in the USA. What you descibe is exactly what has happened with the US Tax code. Read the book "Perfectly Legal", by David Kaye Johnston. It is a very informative read. Actual facts about the tax code and how it works. You will be very surprised at what the facts actually are, compared to what you "think" they are.
  23. The fact that you and your father were able to build a business is really impressive. Too bad you and your dad weren't savvy enough to hire the right people to structure ownership in such a way as to be able to avoid an unplanned for tax burden. Had the right advisors been hired and their advice followed, things would have been different. I am supposed to feel sorry for you because you failed to follow basic business principles? I don't think so...
  24. The power of marketing is quite apparent in the stupid statements present in this thread. 1. The vast majority of the people who have such STRONG opinions on this issue are those who are totally and completely unaffected by the estate tax. They simply don't have enough assets for any type of estate tax to apply to their estate. 2. The argument about "double taxation" is ridiculous. There are so many examples of "double taxation" affecting us regular folks, that the argument is silly. For example, my investments were made with "after tax" income. The proceeds are taxable income. My property taxes are paid with "after tax" income. Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Et Cetera. Gullibility is nothing to be proud of. A small bit of critical thinking goes a VERY long way. 3. Estate taxes are a form of capital gains tax, imposed when tangible assets like land, and/or intangible assets like large investment portfolios, move on to new ownership. Land that was bought thirty, fifty, or 100 years ago increases in value due to the public construction of roads, improved access to utilities and water, which are all government funded improvements. Real estate does not increase in value in a vacuum, unaffected by the rest of society. Nether do investment portfolios, are businesses. 4. George Steinbrenner's estate will not be taxed, thanks to the incredible foresight and fiscal planning of the party of the extremely wealthy. The Yanks went up in value massively while owned by him. Now all of that increased value will not have CAPITAL GAINS taxes applied when it moves on to new owners. That is a brilliant, fiscally sound policy, according to some posters in this thread. It is stunning just how gullible and STUPID the RWCs are. Capiltal gains taxes apply to us peons. Why should they NOT apply to everyone? IDIOTS, pure and simple. Thanks for driving the USA into the ground, to the benefit of the extremely wealthy.